[streaming] VLC streaming to QuickTime: choppy video...

Antonio Pinizzotto antonio.pinizzotto at iit.cnr.it
Mon Sep 19 20:34:17 CEST 2005

I would like to send a stream from VLC (on WindowsXP) and receive it 
from a QuickTime client.

I used this command:

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -vvv --reset-config --ttl 1 
dshow:// vdev="Hauppauge Win/TV Video Capture Driver" adev="SB Audigy 
Audio [7000]" size="" --sout "#transcode:rtp" 
--sout-transcode-vcodec="mp4v" --sout-transcode-vb="256" 
--sout-ffmpeg-keyint="15"  --sout-transcode-acodec="mp4a" 
--sout-transcode-ab="96" --sout-rtp-dst="" 
--sout-rtp-ttl="1" --sout-rtp-sdp="file://C:/temp2/vlc-qt.sdp"

The audio is good, but the video is often choppy.

The CPU load is very low, no more than 30 %.
The video source is set on 256x192, 24bit RGB.

Is there any parameter to tune or to add to improve the video quality?

Thank you!


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