[streaming] Re: videolan streaming solutions

Benjamin Pracht bigben+spam at videolan.org
Fri Sep 23 13:41:26 CEST 2005

On Thu, Sep 22, 2005, Alessandro Sordoni wrote :
> Hi,
> I would like to know if I can set up a videolan streaming server 
> directly configured with a satellite card (linuxtv drivers) that streams 
> to an aminobox. Actually i use vdr + streamdev but it doesn't work well 
> cause the stream lacks of some informations (pat and pmt). Finally do 
> you know where can i find some informations about PAT and PMT?

Severla people have reported such setups to work. You can find
information about PAT and PMT in the MPEG or DVB specifications (there
might be some drafts lying around). 


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