[streaming] VLS - CSA

Sean Lowry Sean.Lowry at keycom.co.uk
Fri Apr 7 12:22:10 CEST 2006

Hello all,

I hope someone can help me with this what I'm trying to do is get csa
working on VLS. Now I have the csa code added (patched where needed) and all
is compiling. Now I have the pPacket being encrypted just before it gets
sent to Output

      if (csa_on == 1)
        csa_Encrypt(csa, (uint8_t *)pPacket, pksize, 0);

      m_pOutput->Send(pPacket, bUseRtp );

Now here's the thing it looks like its encrypting the ts packets but some
how in the process its corrupting the header. 

when using vlc with no csa key set and using a non-encrypted vls you can see
the stream while leaving vlc waiting to get the stream and you start pushing
encrypted data at it nothing can decoded and left blank.

When using vlc with a csa key set and using a non-encrypted vls you can see
the stream while leaving vlc waiting to get the stream and you start pushing
encrypted data at it you get picture and sound but its broken up and in the
messages of vlc you get

s warning: invalid header [0x15:54:26:af] (pid: 602)
ts warning: invalid header [0x26:39:e8:af] (pid: 602)
ts warning: invalid header [0x95:7d:5b:cc] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x13:4c:48:e6] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xbc:1:b6:c6] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x51:28:e6:2] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xc4:9f:ab:88] (pid: 601)
ts warning: invalid header [0x16:9e:c2:2] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x25:42:70:64] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xc9:c1:24:5f] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x7b:4e:ff:44] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x58:a6:af:26] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xbd:b7:7d:21] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xc4:9f:ab:88] (pid: 601)
ts warning: invalid header [0x44:a:2:d] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x88:a8:b:56] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xc4:9f:ab:88] (pid: 601)
ts warning: invalid header [0xe4:2b:92:c4] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xde:f3:1d:d8] (pid: 602)
ts warning: invalid header [0x2f:14:fb:f1] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x91:70:43:58] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x8d:c9:cc:a3] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0x6f:b3:2f:d2] (pid: 600)
ts warning: invalid header [0xc4:9f:ab:88] (pid: 601)

would any body be able to give me a hand with this.


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