[streaming] [Fwd: Re: VoD with authentication]

Son Minh Tran son-minh.tran at int-evry.fr
Wed Mar 8 12:46:13 CET 2006

Dear Jean-Paul Saman,
Thank you for your review. Please find in the attachment the diff file 
generated by svn. Hopefully now the code is compliant to vlc convention

Jean-Paul Saman a écrit :
> Son,
> Again thank you for your contribution.
> I had a quick look at the code and have some remarks for readibility 
> improvements:
> 1) your addition could be easier to review by us and yourself if you 
> would use GNU diff. It prints a difference to the original file with 
> only your changes in it.
> Usage:
> diff -urN vlc-trunk/modules/misc/rtsp.c vlc-vod/modules/misc/rtsp.c > 
> vod.patch
> Or use: svn diff > vod.patch
> 2) there is still a lot of your original debug information around, 
> like: "//SON". Please remove them
> 3) use VLC coding style. I suggest to read this webpage 
> http://developers.videolan.org/vlc/vlc/doc/developer/html/ch01.html#id2847643 
> I'll send a more detailed description to you personally.
> Kind greetings,
> Jean-Paul Saman.

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