[streaming] Re: Question about RTSP, HTTP and VLM

Zeb zeb at zebulon.org.uk
Sat Mar 25 23:26:40 CET 2006

Athlon2x wrote:
> Hi,
> if i understand well, in the first case, you don't use any "video
> server", just a http server. In the second case, you use a "video server".
> So, if your network is enough fast, you can play your movie directly
> from the http link.
> Otherwise, you have to transcode your source and use a server.
> With your first solution, you use more network resources, with the
> second one, you use more computer resources.
> Bye,
> Antoine
> PS : if your are on a local network, you should try UDP unicast.
Thanks for the answer. That's right, the first solution just involves
making the file available on an http server.
BTW, the file is already an mpeg4 (encoded by XviD) file, so I guess I
don't need to transcode it ?
And what would bring UDP unicast over this solution ? I know UDP is
"lighter" for the network (and computer resource). Would the client be
able to start the file at any point ?


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