[streaming] Re: Question about RTSP, HTTP and VLM

Zeb zeb at zebulon.org.uk
Tue Mar 28 17:01:48 CEST 2006

Antoine Roussel wrote:
> It depends of your network and of your file. If i remember well, Mpeg
> 4 bitrate may vary between few kbit/s and 4Mbit/s.
> So, on a 100mbit LAN, you don't really need to transcode it. On a wifi
> 802.11b network, you should reduce the bitrate...
> Concerning the udp, any computer on the same subnet could pick up the
> flux. If you have to change of subnet, you need to route the udp port
> through you router.

Thanks for those precisions.

The problem with UDP unicast is that the client has no control over the
flux. I want the server to stream a file from any time point (which can
been done with the --start-time switch), but I also want the client to
be able to seek the file. When I start the udp server, there is no
problem with UDP unicast. However, when the client starts and reads the
udp stream, he cannot restart to the beginning or seek in the file.

What I would like, is that the client get control using the slider, as
it is the case when the file is sent over http, without any streaming. I
thought about writing a small client (maybe http client) to send the
"play", "stop" or "seek" control commands to the rtcp server, through
the telnet or http interface of VLM.


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