[streaming] Re: VLC with GPRS

Juliano Pillati jp_esperanto at yahoo.com.br
Thu Mar 30 15:54:36 CEST 2006


What bitrate, codec, etc you use for have the better result to minimal 
bandwith usage ? And what is the minimun bandwith you have used to test ?

And let know if you do some more tests with GPS/EDGE.

jorge wrote:

>I don't know if is possible streaming files with the few  bandwith that GPRS
>provide, I must test it.
>I have intented test it with low bitrate but for the moment the results are
>bad, but I have to perform more tests.
> Thanks
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Juliano Pillati" <jp_esperanto at yahoo.com.br>
>To: <streaming at videolan.org>
>Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:12 PM
>Subject: [streaming] Re: VLC with GPRS
>>Athlon2x wrote:
>>>I never tried, but I think it's "possible". Perhaps, you have to take
>>>in consideration that your phone operator filters some ports to avoid
>>>p2p etc etc and maybe by content. So try with the port 80 in http mode
>>>with a very low bitrate and very low resolution. Maybe just audio to
>>>On 3/28/06, *jorge* <jorgej at tid.es <mailto:jorgej at tid.es>> wrote:
>>>    Hello. I have intented stream a video with a GPRS card in the
>>>    client, but the video doesn't reproduce correctly in the client.
>>>    Is GPRS an appropriate technology for stream videos with VLC, or
>>>    stream with VLC only can work with high bandwith technology?
>>But  when you will be doing streaming over GPRS or EDGE you will be
>>using upload of bandwith. And upload of GPRS is only 2KB-4KB and EDGE is
>>4KB-6KB right ?  Is possible do something streaming with this  few
>>bandwith ?
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