[streaming] Re: how RTP works

Mark Moriarty mfmbusiness at earthlink.net
Wed May 2 13:32:38 CEST 2007

Overhead and latency.

If you have a television broadcast, a generic multicast, don't care too much
about either latency or overhead, fine (the "minimal" overhead is still a
real amount, nature of the beast with FEC).  Likewise, if you don't mind
having an additional FEC cache on each end, no problem. 

As a selectable filter, cool, just remember that there's no free lunch.

At a practical level, if you have a pretty clean WAN your frame drops should
be quite infrequent, operationally not an issue, so you are just taking on
overhead and latency to recover a really low-rate occasional drop.  On the
other end, to handle good sized bursts, you end up having to implement the
larger 2D correction matrices, which add some significant overhead and

It looks like fun stuff.  Not a silver bullet, but the more filters
available the merrier :)

-----Original Message-----
From: streaming-bounce at videolan.org [mailto:streaming-bounce at videolan.org]
On Behalf Of Thomas Kernen
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 7:03 AM
To: streaming at videolan.org
Subject: [streaming] Re: how RTP works

Jean-Paul Saman wrote:
> mayank agarwal wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can anyone guide me how RTP works.If during video streaming we lose 
>> one frame then how can we recover the lost
> You can't recover the lost frame.
> frame.How can we increase the bit rate during
>> transmission of real time video.
> VLC doesn't support adaptive streaming.
> Greetingx,
> Jean-Paul Saman.

But you could use Pro-MPEG CoP3 Application Layer FEC (now SMPTE 2022-1) to
help recover from loss. Although this is not in the current code base the
specs are open and available therefore someone could contribute this to the
code base.


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