[streaming] Is the AVS codec supported in VLC

wkchen cwk1270 at 163.com
Thu Sep 13 18:07:31 CEST 2007

When someone want to add a specified codec to vlc player, what he shoud do ?
Just submit patches? or add some dlls into the plugins folder?
Or any other methods?



发件人: Rémi_Denis-Courmont 
发送时间: 2007-09-13  23:05:53 
收件人: streaming at videolan.org; 冯添 
主题: Re: [streaming] Is the AVS codec supported in VLC 
Le Wednesday 12 September 2007 05:17:45 冯添, vous avez écrit :
>    I am a member in AVS working group. AVS is the Chinese multimedia
> Standard, something like MPEG2 and AVC. Is AVS codec supported in VLC?

As far as I can tell, we are supposed to support it through FFMPEG, but that 
has never been actually tested.

You are welcome to submit patches if you find any problem.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
streaming mailing list
streaming at videolan.org
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