[streaming] Need advice for low quality streaming on a 200MIPS machine

Rémi Denis-Courmont rem at videolan.org
Thu Sep 20 16:14:56 CEST 2007

Le Thursday 20 September 2007 16:44:08 Renaud Cerrato, vous avez écrit :
> I plan to use a 200MIPS machine (AT91RM9200) running Linux 2.6.x and VLC to
> stream a lightweight video stream from an USB webcam (320x240x16bpp @15fps
> max).
> I'd like to know from VLC experts if that could be achieved with a so slow
> machine ?

As long as you don't transcode, and the stream is no more than a few Mbits/s, 
it *should* work. But don't sue me if it does not.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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