[streaming] OT: H.264 support and .3gp

Yusuf Mayet jojo786 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 18:09:29 CEST 2008

Hi all,

this is kinda off topic - I have a few things I dont understand, can
some one please help:

1. I want to introduce H.264 streaming content on our platform.
Looking at the capabilites of handsets, I see there are not many
handsets that support it. Some handset support MPEG-4 though. What
does MPEG-4 refer/mean to?  Is'nt is just the container, and H.263 and
H.264 is the actual encoding?
 Can anyone explain the difference between MPEG-4 and H.264.

2. The device repository we have here differentiates the encoding type
according to the 3GPP/3GPP2 mimetypes. So it has:
3GPP handsets only support H.263, and 3GPP2 only support H.264? Is that correct?
What is the link between file format (.3gp) and encoding (H.264)?

Your comments would highly appreciated.



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