[streaming] RTSP Support for ASF streams

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Nov 5 23:00:48 CET 2008

>Le mercredi 5 novembre 2008 06:09:38 venugopalpaikr, vous avez écrit :
>>  1. Does VLC receive ASF streams from an RTSP server i.e. by using the
>>  following command line can i establish the connection rtsp://<ip
>>  no>:554/filename.asf?
>>  2. Does VLC accept the SDP generated by Microsoft RTSP standard or is there
>>  any other standard? If there s any other can someone give me an example
>>  sdp.
>The answers are: if live555 supports it.

A more detailed answer :-)  The words "Microsoft 
RTSP standard" are an oxymoron.  There *is* a 
RTSP standard - and we support it - but Microsoft 
does not.  They use their own proprietary (and 
undocumented) variants of RTSP, and their own 
proprietary (and undocumented) codecs.  We do not 
support these.

You need to use a different, standards-compliant 
server (e.g., "LIVE555 Media Server" or "Darwin 
Streaming Server" - not Microsoft's.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.

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