[streaming] [ask] Recording and streaming live TV at the same time

riyan giges peyyek at yahoo.co.id
Mon Dec 14 02:41:53 CET 2009

i want to do the following actions when receive live TV from TV tuner with VLC server:
(1). saving/recording original live TV (uncompressed) to computer (server)
(2). streaming live TV to other computer with x264 codec
(3). action (1) and (2) is executed at the same time

how to do action (3) with VLC?  what's the generated output string (sout) to do action (3) ?

i had generated stream output as follows (for example)
generated output string in action (1) :

generated output string in action (2) :

what is the generated output string (sout) for action (3)?

thanks for the answer, please

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