[Translators] Arabic 1.0-bugfixes

Osama KM osamak.wfm at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 19:15:17 CEST 2009


The Arabic file translations are, unfortunately, *really* bad. Fixing
them will take so long time, and I don't have that time.

For the time being, I fixed the 'most used' interface elements. It'll
need more than one person to get this work done. I'm not sure if there
are people caring about translating VLC (although I've seen so many
arabic-speaking people using it, sometime with the badly translated

The problem is that, backing in 2007, we didn't have a stable
'standard' for Arabic free software translations.. Everyone was doing
what he or she thought the right thing to do.

The Arabic VLC team leader is absent, since, at least, nine months. So
I'm asking to be in that position, I may not do the work, but I
absolutely can mange such a team.

I attached a translation, please commit it.

Thank you, VLC!


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