[Translators] localization of vlc

Sreejith P sreejithpro at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 06:47:58 CET 2009

On 12/23/09, NISA BALAKRISHNAN <snisa.balakrishnan at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I would like to localize vlc in malayalam.
> Regarding the subject I would like to hear from you soon.
> thanking you
> nisa

I am currently undertaken the work of Localization in malayalam.Doing
with varamozhieditor
I ambusy with my B.tech finalyear exams. currently done about 200
The localization isdone by asoftware named poedit i wilgive you the
file or will be replied by the administrators.any way my emailID is
sreejithpro at gmail.com
reply meypur email.

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