[Translators] [Event Report] Localization Hackathon @wfs-india, 20th May, 2013

Axel Hecht l10n at mozilla.com
Tue May 21 10:17:16 CEST 2013

On 5/21/13 6:08 AM, chandan kumar wrote:
> Hello All,
> WFS-india is a volunteered organization created by some intelligent and
> innovative minds like: Satabdi Das (A OPW- Gnome intern and FOSS
> etheuasist) few months ago. The main motto of this organization is to
> create awareness among women towards free and open source software in
> india. For this , they have started conducting meetings on #wfs-india
> channel on freenode server in order to plan an event for increasing
> participation of women in free and open source software movement. In a
> short span of time, finally they decided to organize an event named
> "Localization Hackathon" on the eve of cultural freedom day on 20th may,
> 2013 from 08:00 p:m to 09:30 p:m at wfs-india channel on freenode server.
> The whole event is supported by Mozilla, Fedora and Videolan (The creater
> of VLC Media Player). We have got seven participants across the globe
> <holingpoon, erry, sunu, Anupam, shweta, anexasajoop, sri_c>. The more
> details about the participants are given below in the chat list. The guest
> persons who are helping backend are Amani_glugcal, kaustavdm,
> Priyankanag. The whole session of Localization Hackathon is started by me
> and finally backened by Biraj karmakar and Runab Battacharya.
> The output of the hackathon are as follows:
> <1> in a short span of time, people get charged and comes forward to
> support wfs-india.
> <2> People actually learnt what localization is and how to get started in
> any language by using transifex and pootle server.
> <3> On founding any problem during localization, they can contact to
> language co-rodinator through mailing lists.
> <4> faces some problems during hackathon on pootle server needs to short
> out.
> <5> more things on localization will be introduced in the upcoming event.
> Following features needs to be added in the pootle server in order to
> improve it.

Let me start off my comments with setting the general context: Pootle is 
a volunteer-driven project. What the volunteers contributing to it can 
do, and want to do is really up to that team.

It's also open-source, so you can contribute patches, if you want to 
scratch an itch.

> <1> Test the working of mozilla locamotion on all different available
> browsers to avoid 500 internal server error.

Quite frankly, that's a non-goal for the mozilla-focused installation. 
If you're a firefox localizer, you should be using Firefox (actually, 
Aurora) in your language. If the browser you work on doesn't work for 
you, why would it work for anybody else?

For the pootle project in general, it's of course useful to work good in 
many browsers, but I guess it's OK to limit this to current versions.

> <2> Show language code against the language name.

What's the exact use-case? The reason I'm asking is that the language 
name shows up often, and adding the locale code everywhere would likely 
add a good deal of noise to the UI.

> <3> creation of help desk to solve problem quickly if any problem occured
> during hackathon.

There's an irc channel on freenode, #pootle. That's not a help desk, 
though. Again, pootle is a volunteer driven effort, if you want 
assistance from the pootle guys for your sprint, you'll have to motivate 
one of them to get out of bed early, given your timezone. Not 
impossible, as they're mostly around UTC natively.

> <4> Sometimes the pootle translation page does not responds- it needs to be
> fixed.

Dwayne and I met at djangocon.eu (awesome!) this weekend, and there's 
some low-hanging fruit to improve responsiveness of the 
mozilla.locamotion.org site.
I also overheard a conversation between Arky and Dwayne about UI 
feedback on things that happen in ajax. No UI feedback plus interesting 
network connections make that problem probably look worse than it might 
be. This is harder to fix, of course.

> <5> porting all translations of mozilla projects to locamotion for easy
> translation.

This is blocked on pootle being able to participate in a distributed 
effort. That's really far out, and not a high-priority issue, I guess. I 
can't see this happening without ripping out significant pieces of the 
software toolchain, and replacing them with a different chain. I.e., 
you'd replace A-B-C-D with A-XY-D. That's tough.

> And lastly , the event was successful to some extent as we have expected. I
> would like to thanks all people who have directly or indirectly supported
> us in successful completion of the hackathon.A special thanks to Mozilla
> Locamotion and Transifex Developers.

Great to hear. Thanks for the effort and the feedback.


> Please help us in promoting women in FOSS by joining #wfs-india (Freenode)
> channel for a meeting on 27th May, 2013 at sharp 09:30 P:M (IST).
> All the above things are mentioned in the blog. <
> http://ciypro.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/localization-hackathon-wfs-india-20th-may-2013/
> Some important links:
> <1> IRC Chat Logs: http://fpaste.org/13234/
> <2> Mozilla Event Page:
> https://reps.mozilla.org/e/localization-hackathon-wfs-india/#
> <3> Public Event Page: http://wfs-india.github.io/#/step-1
> <4> getting started:
> http://ciypro.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/localization-hackathon-get-started/
> Thanks,
> With Best Wishes,
> Chandan Kumar
> Final Year, Computer Science and Engineering
> Dr.B.C.Roy Engineering College, Durgapur
> https://ciypro.wordpress.com

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