[vlc-commits] commit: Removed now unused filter_common.h header. (Laurent Aimar )

git at videolan.org git at videolan.org
Sat Apr 17 23:24:06 CEST 2010

vlc | branch: master | Laurent Aimar <fenrir at videolan.org> | Sat Apr 17 22:42:59 2010 +0200| [2a8338e57e6ca855a4cfd7cb81dc20c174b13caa] | committer: Laurent Aimar 

Removed now unused filter_common.h header.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=2a8338e57e6ca855a4cfd7cb81dc20c174b13caa

 modules/video_filter/Modules.am      |    2 +-
 modules/video_filter/filter_common.h |  123 ----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 124 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/video_filter/Modules.am b/modules/video_filter/Modules.am
index a46d0a1..b477c69 100644
--- a/modules/video_filter/Modules.am
+++ b/modules/video_filter/Modules.am
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ SOURCES_atmo = atmo/atmo.cpp \
 	atmo/AtmoMultiConnection.cpp atmo/AtmoMultiConnection.h \
 	atmo/MoMoConnection.cpp atmo/MoMoConnection.h \
 	atmo/AtmoPacketQueue.cpp atmo/AtmoPacketQueue.h
-noinst_HEADERS = filter_common.h filter_picture.h
+noinst_HEADERS = filter_picture.h
 libvlc_LTLIBRARIES += \
 	libadjust_plugin.la \
diff --git a/modules/video_filter/filter_common.h b/modules/video_filter/filter_common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0b076..0000000
--- a/modules/video_filter/filter_common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- * filter_common.h: Common filter functions
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 the VideoLAN team
- * $Id$
- *
- * Authors: Samuel Hocevar <sam at zoy.org>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- * Initialize i_max direct buffers for a vout_thread_t.
- */
-static inline void vout_filter_AllocateDirectBuffers( vout_thread_t *p_vout, int i_max )
-    /* Try to initialize i_max direct buffers */
-    while( I_OUTPUTPICTURES < i_max )
-    {
-        picture_t *p_pic = NULL;
-        /* Find an empty picture slot */
-        for( int i_index = 0 ; i_index < VOUT_MAX_PICTURES ; i_index++ )
-        {
-            if( p_vout->p_picture[ i_index ].i_status == FREE_PICTURE )
-            {
-                p_pic = p_vout->p_picture + i_index;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if( p_pic == NULL )
-            break;
-        /* Allocate the picture */
-        vout_AllocatePicture( VLC_OBJECT(p_vout), p_pic, p_vout->output.i_chroma,
-                              p_vout->output.i_width,
-                              p_vout->output.i_height,
-                              p_vout->output.i_aspect * p_vout->output.i_height,
-                              VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR      * p_vout->output.i_width );
-        if( !p_pic->i_planes )
-            break;
-        p_pic->i_status = DESTROYED_PICTURE;
-        p_pic->i_type   = DIRECT_PICTURE;
-    }
-static inline void vout_filter_ReleaseDirectBuffers( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
-    for( int i_index = I_OUTPUTPICTURES-1; i_index >= 0; i_index-- )
-        free( PP_OUTPUTPICTURE[ i_index ]->p_data_orig );
- * Internal helper to forward an event from p_this to p_data
- */
-static inline int ForwardEvent( vlc_object_t *p_this, char const *psz_var,
-                                vlc_value_t oldval, vlc_value_t newval, void *p_data )
-    VLC_UNUSED(p_this); VLC_UNUSED(oldval);
-    vlc_object_t *p_dst = (vlc_object_t*)p_data;
-    return var_Set( p_dst, psz_var, newval );
- * Install/remove all callbacks needed for proper event handling inside
- * a vout-filter.
- */
-static inline void vout_filter_SetupChild( vout_thread_t *p_parent,
-                                           vout_thread_t *p_child,
-                                           vlc_callback_t pf_mouse_event,
-                                           vlc_callback_t pf_fullscreen_down,
-                                           bool b_init )
-    int (*pf_execute)( vlc_object_t *, const char *, vlc_callback_t, void * );
-    if( b_init )
-        pf_execute = var_AddCallback;
-    else
-        pf_execute = var_DelCallback;
-    /* */
-    if( !pf_mouse_event )
-        pf_mouse_event = ForwardEvent;
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_child), "mouse-moved",       pf_mouse_event, p_parent );
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_child), "mouse-clicked",     pf_mouse_event, p_parent );
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_child), "mouse-button-down", pf_mouse_event, p_parent );
-    /* */
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_parent), "autoscale",    ForwardEvent, p_child );
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_parent), "scale",        ForwardEvent, p_child );
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_parent), "aspect-ratio", ForwardEvent, p_child );
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_parent), "crop",         ForwardEvent, p_child );
-    /* */
-    if( !pf_fullscreen_down )
-        pf_fullscreen_down = ForwardEvent;
-    pf_execute( VLC_OBJECT(p_parent), "fullscreen", pf_fullscreen_down, p_child );
-#define vout_filter_AddChild( a, b, c ) vout_filter_SetupChild( a, b, c, NULL, true )
-#define vout_filter_DelChild( a, b, c ) vout_filter_SetupChild( a, b, c, NULL, false )

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