[vlc-commits] commit: Growl: fix a second buffer overflow. ( Rémi Duraffort )
git at videolan.org
git at videolan.org
Sun Mar 28 19:11:03 CEST 2010
vlc | branch: master | Rémi Duraffort <ivoire at videolan.org> | Sun Mar 28 19:00:44 2010 +0200| [49f13e0e08beffc1d44ceb356d6e8c027119f41e] | committer: Rémi Duraffort
Growl: fix a second buffer overflow.
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=49f13e0e08beffc1d44ceb356d6e8c027119f41e
modules/misc/notify/growl_udp.c | 20 ++++++++++++++++----
1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/misc/notify/growl_udp.c b/modules/misc/notify/growl_udp.c
index dd43480..cb55045 100644
--- a/modules/misc/notify/growl_udp.c
+++ b/modules/misc/notify/growl_udp.c
@@ -225,6 +225,17 @@ static int NotifyToGrowl( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_desc )
if( psz_encoded == NULL )
return false;
+ // Check the size of the data
+ size_t i_type = strlen( psz_type );
+ size_t i_title = strlen( psz_title );
+ size_t i_app = strlen( APPLICATION_NAME );
+ size_t i_desc = strlen( psz_desc );
+ if( 12 + i_type + i_title + i_desc + i_app >= GROWL_MAX_LENGTH + 42 )
+ {
+ free( psz_encoded );
+ return false;
+ }
psz_encoded[i++] = GROWL_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
psz_encoded[i++] = GROWL_TYPE_NOTIFICATION;
flags = 0;
@@ -234,14 +245,15 @@ static int NotifyToGrowl( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_desc )
strcpy( (char*)(psz_encoded+i), psz_type );
- i += strlen(psz_type);
+ i += i_type;
strcpy( (char*)(psz_encoded+i), psz_title );
- i += strlen(psz_title);
+ i += i_title;
strcpy( (char*)(psz_encoded+i), psz_desc );
- i += strlen(psz_desc);
+ i += i_desc;
strcpy( (char*)(psz_encoded+i), APPLICATION_NAME );
- i += strlen(APPLICATION_NAME);
+ i += i_app;
CheckAndSend(p_this, psz_encoded, i, GROWL_MAX_LENGTH + 42);
free( psz_encoded );
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