[vlc-commits] commit: Contribs: more includes copying and ranlib on libvpx ( Jean-Baptiste Kempf )

git at videolan.org git at videolan.org
Thu May 20 19:11:13 CEST 2010

vlc | branch: master | Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> | Thu May 20 19:10:55 2010 +0200| [9a84bdeb76c33e746ba8e7bb77ad87efd3d5c334] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf 

Contribs: more includes copying and ranlib on libvpx

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=9a84bdeb76c33e746ba8e7bb77ad87efd3d5c334

 extras/contrib/src/Makefile |    4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extras/contrib/src/Makefile b/extras/contrib/src/Makefile
index 411e435..9441a41 100644
--- a/extras/contrib/src/Makefile
+++ b/extras/contrib/src/Makefile
@@ -931,8 +931,8 @@ endif
 .vpx: vpx
 	(cd $<; ./configure --target=$(VPX_TARGET) --disable-install-bins --disable-install-srcs --disable-install-libs --disable-examples && XCC=$(CC) XNM=$(NM) XSTRIP=$(STRIP) make && make install)
-	(cd $<; cp vp8/*.h vpx_codec/*.h $(PREFIX)/include) # Of course, why the hell would one expect it to be listed or in make install?
-	(cd $<; cp libvpx.a $(PREFIX)/lib) # Of course, why the hell would one expect it to be listed or in make install?
+	(cd $<; cp vp8/*.h vpx_codec/*.h vpx_port/*.h $(PREFIX)/include) # Of course, why the hell would one expect it to be listed or in make install?
+	(cd $<; $(RANLIB) libvpx.a && cp libvpx.a $(PREFIX)/lib) # Of course, why the hell would one expect it to be listed or in make install?
 	touch $@
 CLEAN_FILE += .vpx

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