[vlc-commits] Remove oldhttp

Jean-Baptiste Kempf git at videolan.org
Thu Apr 21 11:43:38 CEST 2011

vlc | branch: master | Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> | Thu Apr 21 11:39:41 2011 +0200| [bba2eae5891e8727f09ec422ceb2103fc29b51c9] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Remove oldhttp

Sure, this will be unpopular, and this will likely kill you kittens, but
maintaining 2 http interface is stupid and counter-productive.
Let's hope luahttp will finally get fixed.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=bba2eae5891e8727f09ec422ceb2103fc29b51c9

 Makefile.am                             |   24 -
 NEWS                                    |    1 +
 configure.ac                            |    6 +-
 extras/package/win32/vlc.win32.nsi.in   |    1 -
 modules/control/Modules.am              |    2 +-
 modules/control/http/Modules.am         |    9 -
 modules/control/http/http.c             |  841 ----------------------
 modules/control/http/http.h             |  369 ----------
 modules/control/http/macro.c            | 1140 ------------------------------
 modules/control/http/macros.h           |  136 ----
 modules/control/http/mvar.c             |  694 ------------------
 modules/control/http/rpn.c              | 1108 -----------------------------
 modules/control/http/util.c             |  987 --------------------------
 po/POTFILES.in                          |    7 -
 share/Makefile.am                       |   70 --
 share/http/.hosts                       |   24 -
 share/http/dialogs/.hosts               |    2 -
 share/http/dialogs/browse               |   45 --
 share/http/dialogs/footer               |   37 -
 share/http/dialogs/input                |  224 ------
 share/http/dialogs/main                 |  124 ----
 share/http/dialogs/mosaic               |  116 ---
 share/http/dialogs/playlist             |   91 ---
 share/http/dialogs/sout                 |  294 --------
 share/http/dialogs/vlm                  |  184 -----
 share/http/favicon.ico                  |  Bin 86358 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/flash.html                   |   48 --
 share/http/iehacks.css                  |   38 -
 share/http/images/delete.png            |  Bin 198 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/delete_small.png      |  Bin 165 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/eject.png             |  Bin 155 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/empty.png             |  Bin 178 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/fullscreen.png        |  Bin 194 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/help.png              |  Bin 203 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/info.png              |  Bin 229 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/loop.png              |  Bin 173 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/minus.png             |  Bin 204 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/next.png              |  Bin 162 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/pause.png             |  Bin 149 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/play.png              |  Bin 178 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/playlist.png          |  Bin 147 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/playlist_small.png    |  Bin 145 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/plus.png              |  Bin 208 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/prev.png              |  Bin 163 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/refresh.png           |  Bin 277 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/repeat.png            |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/sd.png                |  Bin 194 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/shuffle.png           |  Bin 180 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/slider_bar.png        |  Bin 190 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/slider_left.png       |  Bin 203 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/slider_point.png      |  Bin 237 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/slider_right.png      |  Bin 204 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/slow.png              |  Bin 163 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/snapshot.png          |  Bin 270 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/sort.png              |  Bin 182 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/sout.png              |  Bin 172 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/speaker.png           |  Bin 269 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/speaker_mute.png      |  Bin 446 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/stop.png              |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/vlc16x16.png          |  Bin 618 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/volume_down.png       |  Bin 209 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/volume_up.png         |  Bin 225 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/white.png             |  Bin 169 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/images/white_cross_small.png |  Bin 165 -> 0 bytes
 share/http/index.html                   |   64 --
 share/http/js/functions.js              | 1162 -------------------------------
 share/http/js/mosaic.js                 |  333 ---------
 share/http/js/vlm.js                    |  755 --------------------
 share/http/mosaic.html                  |   59 --
 share/http/requests/README.txt          |  120 ----
 share/http/requests/browse.xml          |   36 -
 share/http/requests/playlist.xml        |   72 --
 share/http/requests/status.xml          |  179 -----
 share/http/requests/vlm.xml             |   79 ---
 share/http/requests/vlm_cmd.xml         |   33 -
 share/http/style.css                    |  253 -------
 share/http/vlm.html                     |   50 --
 share/http/vlm_export.html              |   11 -
 78 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 9824 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commitdiff;h=bba2eae5891e8727f09ec422ceb2103fc29b51c9

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