[vlc-commits] DTV: adjust DVB-S frequency and send tone

Rémi Denis-Courmont git at videolan.org
Wed Mar 23 18:51:48 CET 2011

vlc | branch: master | Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net> | Wed Mar 23 19:48:20 2011 +0200| [51a887bbfeb157a110315409e03600874ff5b23e] | committer: Rémi Denis-Courmont

DTV: adjust DVB-S frequency and send tone

This is done according to oscillator configuration.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=51a887bbfeb157a110315409e03600874ff5b23e

 modules/access/dtv/access.c |   61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 modules/access/dtv/dtv.h    |    3 +-
 modules/access/dtv/linux.c  |   56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/access/dtv/access.c b/modules/access/dtv/access.c
index c7b825e..277f128 100644
--- a/modules/access/dtv/access.c
+++ b/modules/access/dtv/access.c
@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ static const char *const hierarchy_user[] = { N_("Automatic"),
 #define PILOT_TEXT N_("Pilot")
 #define ROLLOFF_TEXT N_("Roll-off factor")
 const int rolloff_vlc[] = { -1,
     35, 20, 25,
@@ -155,6 +156,31 @@ static const char *const polarization_user[] = { N_("Unspecified (0V)"),
     "the receiver are long, higher voltage may be required.\n" \
     "Not all receivers support this.")
+#define LNB_LOW_TEXT N_("Local oscillator low frequency (kHz)")
+#define LNB_HIGH_TEXT N_("Local oscillator high frequency (kHz)")
+#define LNB_LONGTEXT N_( \
+    "The downconverter (LNB) will substract the local oscillator frequency " \
+    "from the satellite transmission frequency. " \
+    "The intermediate frequency (IF) on the RF cable is the result.")
+#define LNB_SWITCH_TEXT N_("Universal LNB switch frequency (kHz)")
+    "If the satellite transmission frequency exceeds the switch frequency, " \
+    "the oscillator high frequency will be used as reference. " \
+    "Furthermore the automatic continuous 22kHz tone will be sent.")
+#define TONE_TEXT N_("Continuous 22kHz tone")
+#define TONE_LONGTEXT N_( \
+    "A continuous tone at 22kHz can be sent on the cable. " \
+    "This normally selects the higher frequency band from a universal LNB.")
+#if 0
+#define SATNO_TEXT N_("DiSEqC LNB number")
+#define SATNO_LONGTEXT N_( \
+    "If the satellite receiver is connected to multiple " \
+    "low noise block-downconverters (LNB) through a DiSEqC 1.0 switch, " \
+    "the correct LNB can be selected (1 to 4). " \
+    "If there is no switch, this parameter should be 0.")
 static int  Open (vlc_object_t *);
 static void Close (vlc_object_t *);
@@ -166,7 +192,7 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
     set_capability ("access", 0)
     set_callbacks (Open, Close)
     add_shortcut ("dtv", "tv", "dvb", /* "radio", "dab",*/
-                  "cable", "dvb-c", /*"satellite", "dvb-s", "dvb-s2",*/
+                  "cable", "dvb-c", "satellite", "dvb-s", "dvb-s2",
                   "terrestrial", "dvb-t", "atsc")
     /* All options starting with dvb- can be overriden in the MRL, so they
@@ -250,21 +276,21 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
     add_bool ("dvb-high-voltage", false,
-#if 0
-    add_integer ("dvb-tone", -1, TONE_TEXT, TONE_LONGTEXT, true)
-        change_integer_list (tone_vlc, auto_off_on)
-        change_safe ()
-    add_integer ("dvb-lnb-lof1", 0, LNB_LOF1_TEXT, LNB_LOF1_LONGTEXT, true)
+    add_integer ("dvb-lnb-low", 0, LNB_LOW_TEXT, LNB_LONGTEXT, true)
         change_integer_range (0, 0x7fffffff)
-        change_safe ()
-    add_integer ("dvb-lnb-lof2", 0, LNB_LOF2_TEXT, LNB_LOF2_LONGTEXT, true)
+        add_deprecated_alias ("dvb-lnb-lof1")
+    add_integer ("dvb-lnb-high", 0, LNB_HIGH_TEXT, LNB_LONGTEXT, true)
         change_integer_range (0, 0x7fffffff)
-        change_safe ()
-    add_integer ("dvb-lnb-slof", 0, LNB_SLOF_TEXT, LNB_SLOF_LONGTEXT, true)
+        add_deprecated_alias ("dvb-lnb-lof2")
+    add_integer ("dvb-lnb-switch", 11700000,
+                 LNB_SWITCH_TEXT, LNB_SWITCH_LONGTEXT, true)
         change_integer_range (0, 0x7fffffff)
-        change_safe ()
+        add_deprecated_alias ("dvb-lnb-slof")
+    add_integer ("dvb-tone", -1, TONE_TEXT, TONE_LONGTEXT, true)
+        change_integer_list (auto_off_on_vlc, auto_off_on_user)
+#if 0
     add_integer ("dvb-satno", 0, SATNO_TEXT, SATNO_LONGTEXT, true)
-        change_integer_list (satno_vlc, satno_user)
+        change_integer_range (0, 4)
         change_safe ()
 vlc_module_end ()
@@ -611,11 +637,14 @@ static char var_InheritPolarization (vlc_object_t *obj)
     return pol;
-static int sec_setup (vlc_object_t *obj, dvb_device_t *dev)
+static int sec_setup (vlc_object_t *obj, dvb_device_t *dev, unsigned freq)
     char pol = var_InheritPolarization (obj);
+    unsigned lowf = var_InheritInteger (obj, "dvb-lnb-low");
+    unsigned highf = var_InheritInteger (obj, "dvb-lnb-high");
+    unsigned switchf = var_InheritInteger (obj, "dvb-lnb-switch");
-    return dvb_set_sec (dev, pol);
+    return dvb_set_sec (dev, freq, pol, lowf, highf, switchf);
 static int dvbs_setup (vlc_object_t *obj, dvb_device_t *dev, unsigned freq)
@@ -627,7 +656,7 @@ static int dvbs_setup (vlc_object_t *obj, dvb_device_t *dev, unsigned freq)
     int ret = dvb_set_dvbs (dev, freq, srate, fec);
     free (fec);
     if (ret == 0)
-        ret = sec_setup (obj, dev);
+        ret = sec_setup (obj, dev, freq);
     return ret;
@@ -644,7 +673,7 @@ static int dvbs2_setup (vlc_object_t *obj, dvb_device_t *dev, unsigned freq)
     free (fec);
     free (mod);
     if (ret == 0)
-        ret = sec_setup (obj, dev);
+        ret = sec_setup (obj, dev, freq);
     return ret;
diff --git a/modules/access/dtv/dtv.h b/modules/access/dtv/dtv.h
index c8ffb09..5493db3 100644
--- a/modules/access/dtv/dtv.h
+++ b/modules/access/dtv/dtv.h
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ int dvb_set_dvbs (dvb_device_t *, uint32_t freq, uint32_t srate,
                   const char *fec);
 int dvb_set_dvbs2 (dvb_device_t *, uint32_t freq, const char *mod,
                    uint32_t srate, const char *fec, int pilot, int rolloff);
-int dvb_set_sec (dvb_device_t *, char pol);
+int dvb_set_sec (dvb_device_t *, uint32_t freq, char pol,
+                 uint32_t lowf, uint32_t highf, uint32_t switchf);
 /* DVB-T */
 int dvb_set_dvbt (dvb_device_t *, uint32_t freq, const char *mod,
diff --git a/modules/access/dtv/linux.c b/modules/access/dtv/linux.c
index 04a5108..268a3e8 100644
--- a/modules/access/dtv/linux.c
+++ b/modules/access/dtv/linux.c
@@ -548,16 +548,68 @@ static unsigned dvb_parse_polarization (char pol)
     return dvb_parse_int (pol, tab, 5, SEC_VOLTAGE_OFF);
-int dvb_set_sec (dvb_device_t *d, char pol)
+int dvb_set_sec (dvb_device_t *d, uint32_t freq, char pol,
+                 uint32_t lowf, uint32_t highf, uint32_t switchf)
     /* Always try to configure high voltage, but only warn on enable failure */
     int val = var_InheritBool (d->obj, "dvb-high-voltage");
     if (ioctl (d->frontend, FE_ENABLE_HIGH_LNB_VOLTAGE, &val) < 0 && val)
         msg_Err (d->obj, "cannot enable high LNB voltage: %m");
+    /* Windows BDA exposes a higher-level API covering LNB oscillators.
+     * So lets pretend this is platform-specific stuff and do it here. */
+    if (!lowf)
+    {   /* Default oscillator frequencies */
+        static const struct
+        {
+             uint16_t min, max, low, high;
+        } tab[] =
+        {    /*  min    max    low   high */
+             { 10700, 13250,  9750, 10600 }, /* Ku band */
+             {  4500,  4800,  5950,     0 }, /* C band (high) */
+             {  3400,  4200,  5150,     0 }, /* C band (low) */
+             {  2500,  2700,  3650,     0 }, /* S band */
+             {   950,  2150,     0,     0 }, /* adjusted IF (L band) */
+        };
+        uint_fast16_t mhz = freq / 1000;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof (tab) / sizeof (tab[0]); i++)
+             if (mhz >= tab[i].min && mhz <= tab[i].max)
+             {
+                 lowf = tab[i].low * 1000;
+                 highf = tab[i].high * 1000;
+                 goto known;
+             }
+        msg_Err (d->obj, "no known band for frequency %u kHz", freq);
+        msg_Dbg (d->obj, "selected LNB low: %u kHz, LNB high: %u kHz",
+                 lowf, highf);
+    }
+    /* Use high oscillator frequency? */
+    bool high = highf != 0 && freq > switchf;
+    freq -= high ? highf : lowf;
+    if ((int32_t)freq < 0)
+        freq *= -1;
+    assert (freq < 0x7fffffff);
+    /* TODO: DiSEqC */
+    /* Continuous tone (to select high oscillator frequency) */
+    int tone;
+    switch (var_InheritInteger (d->obj, "dvb-tone"))
+    {
+        case 0:  tone = SEC_TONE_OFF; break;
+        case 1:  tone = SEC_TONE_ON;  break;
+        default: tone = high ? SEC_TONE_ON : SEC_TONE_OFF;
+    }
     unsigned voltage = dvb_parse_polarization (pol);
-    return dvb_set_prop (d, DTV_VOLTAGE, voltage);
+    return dvb_set_props (d, 3, DTV_FREQUENCY, freq,
+                          DTV_VOLTAGE, voltage, DTV_TONE, tone);
 int dvb_set_dvbs (dvb_device_t *d, uint32_t freq,

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