[vlc-commits] macosx: updated graphics for the dark main window (close #6058)

Damien Erambert git at videolan.org
Wed Feb 15 16:05:24 CET 2012

vlc | branch: master | Damien Erambert <damien.erambert at me.com> | Wed Feb 15 16:05:11 2012 +0100| [4e43f2c8b9e6ddf7c83e7cc509f95a0dded6bea5] | committer: Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: updated graphics for the dark main window (close #6058)

Signed-off-by: Felix Paul Kühne <fkuehne at videolan.org>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=4e43f2c8b9e6ddf7c83e7cc509f95a0dded6bea5

 .../mainwindow_dark/back-pressed_dark.png          |  Bin 1450 -> 1449 bytes
 .../macosx/Resources/mainwindow_dark/back_dark.png |  Bin 1417 -> 1464 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/bottom-background_dark.png     |  Bin 355 -> 186 bytes
 .../effects-double-buttons-blue_dark.png           |  Bin 1528 -> 1388 bytes
 .../effects-double-buttons-pressed_dark.png        |  Bin 1296 -> 1342 bytes
 .../effects-double-buttons_dark.png                |  Bin 1292 -> 1354 bytes
 .../effects-one-button-blue_dark.png               |  Bin 730 -> 1400 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/effects-one-button_dark.png    |  Bin 506 -> 1365 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/forward-pressed_dark.png       |  Bin 1450 -> 1450 bytes
 .../Resources/mainwindow_dark/forward_dark.png     |  Bin 1417 -> 1450 bytes
 .../fullscreen-double-buttons-pressed_dark.png     |  Bin 1483 -> 1433 bytes
 .../fullscreen-double-buttons_dark.png             |  Bin 1470 -> 1461 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/pause-pressed_dark.png         |  Bin 1779 -> 1968 bytes
 .../Resources/mainwindow_dark/pause_dark.png       |  Bin 1251 -> 1994 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/play-pressed_dark.png          |  Bin 1949 -> 2040 bytes
 .../macosx/Resources/mainwindow_dark/play_dark.png |  Bin 2250 -> 2059 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/playlist-blue-pressed_dark.png |  Bin 1487 -> 1256 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/playlist-blue_dark.png         |  Bin 1478 -> 1265 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/playlist-pressed_dark.png      |  Bin 1242 -> 1249 bytes
 .../Resources/mainwindow_dark/playlist_dark.png    |  Bin 1200 -> 1250 bytes
 .../repeat-all-blue-pressed_dark.png               |  Bin 1852 -> 1594 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/repeat-all-blue_dark.png       |  Bin 1849 -> 1601 bytes
 .../repeat-one-blue-pressed_dark.png               |  Bin 1895 -> 1640 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/repeat-one-blue_dark.png       |  Bin 1893 -> 1644 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/repeat-pressed_dark.png        |  Bin 1574 -> 1508 bytes
 .../Resources/mainwindow_dark/repeat_dark.png      |  Bin 1579 -> 1510 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/shuffle-blue-pressed_dark.png  |  Bin 1834 -> 1746 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/shuffle-blue_dark.png          |  Bin 2035 -> 1751 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/shuffle-pressed_dark.png       |  Bin 1758 -> 1635 bytes
 .../Resources/mainwindow_dark/shuffle_dark.png     |  Bin 1729 -> 1638 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/stop-pressed_dark.png          |  Bin 1227 -> 1253 bytes
 .../macosx/Resources/mainwindow_dark/stop_dark.png |  Bin 1185 -> 1240 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/topbar-dark-center-fill.png    |  Bin 250 -> 964 bytes
 .../Resources/mainwindow_dark/topbar-dark-left.png |  Bin 304 -> 262 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/topbar-dark-right.png          |  Bin 296 -> 232 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark/volume-slider-knob_dark.png    |  Bin 1100 -> 314 bytes
 36 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commitdiff;h=4e43f2c8b9e6ddf7c83e7cc509f95a0dded6bea5

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