[vlc-commits] macosx: create playlist columns at runtime instead of relying on the nib file

Felix Paul Kühne git at videolan.org
Wed May 30 02:43:52 CEST 2012

vlc | branch: master | Felix Paul Kühne <fkuehne at videolan.org> | Wed May 30 00:08:11 2012 +0200| [9ec6a03f232713abb71f3beb568a90b9db8ec313] | committer: Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: create playlist columns at runtime instead of relying on the nib file

This adds support for the following columns: Track Number, Genre, Album, Description, Date and Language. You can remove and hide them on-the-fly using the Playback menu, since no View menu exists so far.

note that column width and column selection isn't restored on relaunch yet

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=9ec6a03f232713abb71f3beb568a90b9db8ec313

 .../macosx/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib    |  598 ++++++++++++++------
 modules/gui/macosx/MainMenu.h                      |   12 +
 modules/gui/macosx/MainMenu.m                      |   61 ++
 modules/gui/macosx/playlist.h                      |   19 +-
 modules/gui/macosx/playlist.m                      |  200 ++++---
 5 files changed, 620 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commitdiff;h=9ec6a03f232713abb71f3beb568a90b9db8ec313

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