[vlc-commits] Lua: kill relocations

Rémi Denis-Courmont git at videolan.org
Thu Nov 8 18:10:46 CET 2012

vlc | branch: master | Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net> | Thu Nov  8 19:10:38 2012 +0200| [17746f421d7173d448b694978ab29ff651dd5e51] | committer: Rémi Denis-Courmont

Lua: kill relocations

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=17746f421d7173d448b694978ab29ff651dd5e51

 modules/lua/extension.c |   21 ++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/lua/extension.c b/modules/lua/extension.c
index b520e74..d1434db 100644
--- a/modules/lua/extension.c
+++ b/modules/lua/extension.c
@@ -49,19 +49,17 @@ static const luaL_Reg p_reg[] =
  * Extensions capabilities
  * Note: #define and ppsz_capabilities must be in sync
+static const char const caps[][20] = {
 #define EXT_HAS_MENU          (1 << 0)   ///< Hook: menu
-#define EXT_TRIGGER_ONLY      (1 << 1)   ///< Hook: trigger. Not activable
-#define EXT_INPUT_LISTENER    (1 << 2)   ///< Hook: input_changed
-#define EXT_META_LISTENER     (1 << 3)   ///< Hook: meta_changed
-#define EXT_PLAYING_LISTENER  (1 << 4)   ///< Hook: status_changed
-static const char* const ppsz_capabilities[] = {
+#define EXT_TRIGGER_ONLY      (1 << 1)   ///< Hook: trigger. Not activable
+#define EXT_INPUT_LISTENER    (1 << 2)   ///< Hook: input_changed
+#define EXT_META_LISTENER     (1 << 3)   ///< Hook: meta_changed
+#define EXT_PLAYING_LISTENER  (1 << 4)   ///< Hook: status_changed
-    NULL
 #define WATCH_TIMER_PERIOD    (10 * CLOCK_FREQ) ///< 10s period for the timer
@@ -381,17 +379,14 @@ int ScanLuaCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_filename,
                     /* Key is at index -2 and value at index -1. Discard key */
                     const char *psz_cap = luaL_checkstring( L, -1 );
-                    int i_cap = 0;
                     bool b_ok = false;
                     /* Find this capability's flag */
-                    for( const char *iter = *ppsz_capabilities;
-                         iter != NULL;
-                         iter = ppsz_capabilities[ ++i_cap ])
+                    for( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(caps)/sizeof(caps[0]); i++ )
-                        if( !strcmp( iter, psz_cap ) )
+                        if( !strcmp( caps[i], psz_cap ) )
                             /* Flag it! */
-                            p_ext->p_sys->i_capabilities |= 1 << i_cap;
+                            p_ext->p_sys->i_capabilities |= 1 << i;
                             b_ok = true;

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