[vlc-commits] lua: Add sd for french National Assembly live feeds

François Revol git at videolan.org
Sun Oct 28 00:38:46 CEST 2012

vlc | branch: master | François Revol <revol at free.fr> | Thu Oct 25 17:33:13 2012 +0200| [4f10df052a6a375c341fe4ffde5bc9cb755ed410] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf

lua: Add sd for french National Assembly live feeds

Only checks for feeds on startup, should probably poll for updates or just list them all (show_all).

Signed-off-by: François Revol <revol at free.fr>
Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=4f10df052a6a375c341fe4ffde5bc9cb755ed410

 share/lua/sd/assembleenationale.lua |  192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 192 insertions(+)

diff --git a/share/lua/sd/assembleenationale.lua b/share/lua/sd/assembleenationale.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6ea587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/lua/sd/assembleenationale.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ $Id$
+ Copyright © 2012 VideoLAN and AUTHORS
+ Authors: François Revol <revol at free dot fr>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+function descriptor()
+    return { title="Assemblée Nationale" }
+-- TODO: get correct names and arturl from current agenda
+-- web entry point:
+-- http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/direct.html?flux=7#
+-- advertised command line:
+-- vlc --rtsp-tcp rtsp://a625.l31335None.c31335.g.lq.akamaistream.net/7/625/31335/v0001/assembleenat.download.akamai.com/31335/mp4/fluxh264live7-169.sdp
+-- references & interesting URLs:
+-- http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/js/direct.js
+-- urlSdp + "fluxh264live"+stream+".sdp";
+-- urlIPhone+'live'+stream+'/stream'+stream+'.m3u8
+-- http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/ahp/scripts/
+-- arturl http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/live/images/live1.jpg
+-- seems wrong though, actually depends on agenda
+-- alive checks:
+-- http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/php/testurl.php?checkUrl=http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/../../../live/live1/live.txt&rnd=123456
+-- http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/live/live1/live.txt
+-- http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/live/live1/detection.txt
+function main()
+    -- disregard live checks and list all possible feeds
+    local show_all = false
+    --local name_prefix = "Assemblée Nationale"
+    local name_prefix = "DirectAN"
+    -- enable protocol-specific streams
+    -- rtmp isn't well supported yet...
+    local do_rtmp = false
+    local do_rtsp = true
+    local do_iphone = true
+    -- number of probed possible streams
+    local nb_streams = 0
+    -- base URI for each protocol
+    local iphone_base
+    -- from http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/json/data.json
+    -- XXX: maybe parse this file directly?
+    local rtmp_base = "rtmp://"
+    local rtsp_base
+    -- RTMP application names, probed from JS file (XXX: use data.json instead?)
+    local rtmp_names = {}
+    local idx
+    -- fetch the main JS file
+    fd, msg = vlc.stream( "http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/js/direct.js" )
+    if not fd then
+        vlc.msg.warn(msg)
+        return nil
+    end
+    local duration, artist, name, arturl
+    line = fd:readline()
+    while line ~= nil do
+        if( string.find( line, "var NB_FLUX = " ) ) then
+            _, _, str = string.find( line, "var NB_FLUX = ([0-9]+);" )
+            nb_streams = tonumber(str)
+        elseif( string.find( line, "var urlSdp = \"rtsp%://" ) ) then
+            _, _, path = string.find( line, "var urlSdp = \"([^\"]+)\"" )
+            rtsp_base = path
+        elseif( string.find( line, "urlIPhone = \"" ) ) then
+            _, _, path = string.find( line, "\"([^\"]+)\"" )
+            iphone_base = path
+        elseif( string.find( line, "var streamNames = new Array" ) ) then
+            _, _, str = string.find( line, "Array%( (.*)%);" )
+            repeat
+                _, len, s = string.find( str, "\"([^\"]+)\"" )
+                str = string.sub(str, len + 2)
+                table.insert( rtmp_names, s )
+            until string.len(str) == 0
+        end
+        line = fd:readline()
+    end
+    if not rtmp_base then
+        vlc.msg.warn("Unable to locate rmsp base url")
+    end
+    if not rtsp_base then
+        vlc.msg.warn("Unable to locate rtsp base url")
+    end
+    if not iphone_base then
+        vlc.msg.warn("Unable to locate iphone base url")
+    end
+    for idx=1,nb_streams,1 do
+        -- we have a live stream
+        local is_live = false
+        -- the stream is 16/9
+        local is_169 = false
+        -- default art for this feed; agenda can have an alternate one
+        local arturl = "http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/live/images/live" .. idx .. ".jpg"
+        local line
+        vlc.msg.dbg("assembleenationale: checking live stream " .. tostring(idx))
+        -- XXX: disable live checks if show_all?
+        -- check for live stream
+        fd, msg = vlc.stream( "http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/php/testurl.php?checkUrl=http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/../../../live/live" .. idx .. "/live169.txt&rnd=" .. os.time() )
+        if not fd then
+            vlc.msg.warn(msg)
+            return nil
+        end
+        line = fd:readline()
+        if line == "true" then
+            --vlc.msg.dbg("LIVE 16/9")
+            is_live = true
+            is_169 = true
+        else
+            fd, msg = vlc.stream( "http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/php/testurl.php?checkUrl=http://www.assemblee-nationale.tv/../../../live/live" .. idx .. "/live.txt&rnd=" .. os.time() )
+            if not fd then
+                vlc.msg.warn(msg)
+                return nil
+            end
+            line = fd:readline()
+            if line == "true" then
+                --vlc.msg.dbg("LIVE")
+                is_live = true
+            end
+        end
+        if is_live or show_all then
+            -- add rtsp streams
+            if do_rtsp then
+                local options={"deinterlace=1", "rtsp-tcp=1"}
+                local path
+                if is_169 then
+                    path = rtsp_base .. "fluxh264live" .. tostring(idx) .. "-169.sdp"
+                else
+                    path = rtsp_base .. "fluxh264live" .. tostring(idx) .. ".sdp"
+                end
+                vlc.sd.add_item( {path=path,
+                duration=duration,
+                artist=artist,
+                title=name_prefix .. " " .. idx .. " (rtsp)",
+                arturl=arturl,
+                options=options} )
+            end
+            -- add rtmp
+            if do_rtmp then
+                local options={"deinterlace=1"}
+                local path = rtmp_base .. rtmp_names[idx]
+                vlc.sd.add_item( {path=path,
+                duration=duration,
+                artist=artist,
+                title=name_prefix .. " " .. idx .. " (rtmp)",
+                arturl=arturl,
+                options=options} )
+            end
+            -- add iphone (m3u8) streams, VLC doesn't like them much yet
+            if do_iphone then
+                local options={"deinterlace=1"}
+                local path = iphone_base .. 'live' .. tostring(idx) .. '/stream' .. tostring(idx) .. '.m3u8'
+                vlc.sd.add_item( {path=path,
+                duration=duration,
+                artist=artist,
+                title=name_prefix .. " " .. idx .. " (iphone)",
+                arturl=arturl,
+                options=options} )
+            end
+        end
+    end

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