[vlc-commits] audiobar graph: remove default values in setting strings
David Fuhrmann
git at videolan.org
Sat Apr 20 10:52:26 CEST 2013
vlc | branch: master | David Fuhrmann <david.fuhrmann at googlemail.com> | Sat Apr 20 10:35:54 2013 +0200| [9bd42d7e169ad681c75f2e2b91be2d17b8ce56e4] | committer: David Fuhrmann
audiobar graph: remove default values in setting strings
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=9bd42d7e169ad681c75f2e2b91be2d17b8ce56e4
modules/audio_filter/audiobargraph_a.c | 18 +++++++++---------
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/audio_filter/audiobargraph_a.c b/modules/audio_filter/audiobargraph_a.c
index d5ab316..53223d3 100644
--- a/modules/audio_filter/audiobargraph_a.c
+++ b/modules/audio_filter/audiobargraph_a.c
@@ -37,35 +37,35 @@
#include <vlc_network.h>
#include <math.h>
-#define ADDRESS_TEXT N_("TCP address to use (default localhost)")
+#define ADDRESS_TEXT N_("TCP address to use")
#define ADDRESS_LONGTEXT N_("TCP address to use to communicate with the video "\
"part of the Bar Graph (default localhost). " \
"In the case of bargraph incrustation, use localhost." )
-#define PORT_TEXT N_("TCP port to use (default 12345)")
+#define PORT_TEXT N_("TCP port to use")
#define PORT_LONGTEXT N_("TCP port to use to communicate with the video "\
"part of the Bar Graph (default 12345). " \
"Use the same port as the one used in the rc interface." )
-#define BARGRAPH_TEXT N_("Defines if BarGraph information should be sent (default 1)")
+#define BARGRAPH_TEXT N_("Defines if BarGraph information should be sent")
#define BARGRAPH_LONGTEXT N_("Defines if BarGraph information should be sent. "\
"1 if the information should be sent, 0 otherwise (default 1)." )
-#define BARGRAPH_REPETITION_TEXT N_("Sends the barGraph information every n audio packets (default 4)")
+#define BARGRAPH_REPETITION_TEXT N_("Sends the barGraph information every n audio packets")
#define BARGRAPH_REPETITION_LONGTEXT N_("Defines how often the barGraph information should be sent. "\
"Sends the barGraph information every n audio packets (default 4)." )
-#define SILENCE_TEXT N_("Defines if silence alarm information should be sent (default 1)")
+#define SILENCE_TEXT N_("Defines if silence alarm information should be sent")
#define SILENCE_LONGTEXT N_("Defines if silence alarm information should be sent. "\
"1 if the information should be sent, 0 otherwise (default 1)." )
-#define TIME_WINDOW_TEXT N_("Time window to use in ms (default 5000)")
+#define TIME_WINDOW_TEXT N_("Time window to use in ms")
#define TIME_WINDOW_LONGTEXT N_("Time Window during when the audio level is measured in ms for silence detection. "\
"If the audio level is under the threshold during this time, "\
"an alarm is sent (default 5000)." )
-#define ALARM_THRESHOLD_TEXT N_("Minimum Audio level to raise the alarm (default 0.1)")
+#define ALARM_THRESHOLD_TEXT N_("Minimum Audio level to raise the alarm")
#define ALARM_THRESHOLD_LONGTEXT N_("Threshold to be attained to raise an alarm. "\
"If the audio level is under the threshold during this time, "\
"an alarm is sent (default 0.1)." )
-#define REPETITION_TIME_TEXT N_("Time between two alarm messages in ms (default 2000)" )
+#define REPETITION_TIME_TEXT N_("Time between two alarm messages in ms" )
#define REPETITION_TIME_LONGTEXT N_("Time between two alarm messages in ms. "\
"This value is used to avoid alarm saturation (default 2000)." )
-#define CONNECTION_RESET_TEXT N_("Force connection reset regularly (default 1)" )
+#define CONNECTION_RESET_TEXT N_("Force connection reset regularly" )
#define CONNECTION_RESET_LONGTEXT N_("Defines if the TCP connection should be reset. "\
"This is to be used when using with audiobargraph_v (default 1)." )
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