[vlc-commits] Update README

Jean-Baptiste Kempf git at videolan.org
Sat Apr 20 18:45:43 CEST 2013

vlc | branch: master | Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> | Sat Apr 20 18:44:31 2013 +0200| [a91a89c3dfba9b40856a9a014ac8ea357f3ee4c8] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf


Close #8467

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=a91a89c3dfba9b40856a9a014ac8ea357f3ee4c8

 README |    9 ++++++---
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
index 7c4fcc2..22222ea 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Source Code Content:
 ABOUT-NLS          - Notes on the Free Translation Project.
 AUTHORS            - VLC authors.
 COPYING            - The GPL license.
+COPYING.LIB        - The LGPL license.
 INSTALL            - Installation and building instructions.
 NEWS               - Important modifications between the releases.
 README             - This file.
@@ -37,14 +38,16 @@ THANKS             - VLC contributors.
 bin/               - VLC binaries.
 bindings/          - libVLC bindings to other languages.
 compat/            - compatibility library for operating systems missing
-                     essential functionnalities.
-contrib/           - external libraries retrieving facilities for systems that
-                     don't have package manager.
+                     essential functionalities.
+contrib/           - Facilities for retrieving external libraries and building
+                     them for systems that don't have the right versions.
 doc/               - Miscellaneous documentation.
 extras/analyser    - Code analyser and editor specific files.
 extras/buildsystem - different buildsystems specific files.
 extras/misc        - Files that don't fit in the other extras/ categories.
 extras/package     - VLC packaging specific files such as spec files.
+extras/tools/      - Facilities for retrieving external building tools needed
+                     for systems that don't have the right versions.
 include/           - Header files.
 lib/               - libVLC source code.
 modules/           - VLC plugins and modules. Most of the code is here.

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