[vlc-commits] NPUnix: remove nonsensicall assignations...

Jean-Baptiste Kempf git at videolan.org
Wed Apr 23 19:41:13 CEST 2014

npapi-vlc | branch: master | Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> | Wed Apr 23 19:34:17 2014 +0200| [1d567c16f57d0013d803a2831b70ac05265d50d3] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf

NPUnix: remove nonsensicall assignations...

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/npapi-vlc.git/?a=commit;h=1d567c16f57d0013d803a2831b70ac05265d50d3

 npapi/support/npunix.cpp |   93 +---------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

diff --git a/npapi/support/npunix.cpp b/npapi/support/npunix.cpp
index 1f3f778..1807102 100644
--- a/npapi/support/npunix.cpp
+++ b/npapi/support/npunix.cpp
@@ -860,99 +860,10 @@ NP_Initialize(NPNetscapeFuncs* nsTable, NPPluginFuncs* pluginFuncs)
          * the whole structure, because the Netscape function table
          * could actually be bigger than what we expect.
-        int minor = nsTable->version & 0xFF;
+        gNetscapeFuncs = *nsTable;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.version       = nsTable->version;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.size          = nsTable->size;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.posturl       = nsTable->posturl;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.geturl        = nsTable->geturl;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.requestread   = nsTable->requestread;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.newstream     = nsTable->newstream;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.write         = nsTable->write;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.destroystream = nsTable->destroystream;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.status        = nsTable->status;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.uagent        = nsTable->uagent;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.memalloc      = nsTable->memalloc;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.memfree       = nsTable->memfree;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.memflush      = nsTable->memflush;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.reloadplugins = nsTable->reloadplugins;
-#if (((NP_VERSION_MAJOR << 8) + NP_VERSION_MINOR) >= 20)
-        gNetscapeFuncs.pluginthreadasynccall =
-            nsTable->pluginthreadasynccall;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.getvalue      = nsTable->getvalue;
-        gNetscapeFuncs.setvalue      = nsTable->setvalue;
-        if( minor >= NPVERS_HAS_NOTIFICATION )
-        {
-            gNetscapeFuncs.geturlnotify  = nsTable->geturlnotify;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.posturlnotify = nsTable->posturlnotify;
-        }
-        if (nsTable->size >= ((char *)&nsTable->setexception - (char *)nsTable))
-        {
-            gNetscapeFuncs.invalidaterect = nsTable->invalidaterect;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.invalidateregion = nsTable->invalidateregion;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.forceredraw = nsTable->forceredraw;
-            /* npruntime support */
-            if (minor >= 14)
-            {
-                gNetscapeFuncs.getstringidentifier = nsTable->getstringidentifier;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.getstringidentifiers = nsTable->getstringidentifiers;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.getintidentifier = nsTable->getintidentifier;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.identifierisstring = nsTable->identifierisstring;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.utf8fromidentifier = nsTable->utf8fromidentifier;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.intfromidentifier = nsTable->intfromidentifier;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.createobject = nsTable->createobject;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.retainobject = nsTable->retainobject;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.releaseobject = nsTable->releaseobject;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.invoke = nsTable->invoke;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.invokeDefault = nsTable->invokeDefault;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.evaluate = nsTable->evaluate;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.getproperty = nsTable->getproperty;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.setproperty = nsTable->setproperty;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.removeproperty = nsTable->removeproperty;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.hasproperty = nsTable->hasproperty;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.hasmethod = nsTable->hasmethod;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.releasevariantvalue = nsTable->releasevariantvalue;
-                gNetscapeFuncs.setexception = nsTable->setexception;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            gNetscapeFuncs.invalidaterect = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.invalidateregion = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.forceredraw = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.getstringidentifier = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.getstringidentifiers = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.getintidentifier = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.identifierisstring = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.utf8fromidentifier = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.intfromidentifier = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.createobject = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.retainobject = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.releaseobject = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.invoke = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.invokeDefault = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.evaluate = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.getproperty = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.setproperty = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.removeproperty = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.hasproperty = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.releasevariantvalue = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.setexception = NULL;
-        }
-        if (nsTable->size >=
-            ((char *)&nsTable->poppopupsenabledstate - (char *)nsTable))
-        {
-            gNetscapeFuncs.pushpopupsenabledstate = nsTable->pushpopupsenabledstate;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.poppopupsenabledstate  = nsTable->poppopupsenabledstate;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            gNetscapeFuncs.pushpopupsenabledstate = NULL;
-            gNetscapeFuncs.poppopupsenabledstate  = NULL;
-        }
+        int minor = nsTable->version & 0xFF;
          * Set up the plugin function table that Netscape will use to

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