[vlc-commits] activex: Remove outdated doc

Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen git at videolan.org
Fri Apr 17 13:31:17 CEST 2015

npapi-vlc | branch: cleanup | Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen <hugo at beauzee.fr> | Thu Apr 16 11:24:28 2015 +0200| [2c56ef61dbb5b39618c8b1fdbc3832e1cc20c31c] | committer: Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen

activex: Remove outdated doc

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/npapi-vlc.git/?a=commit;h=2c56ef61dbb5b39618c8b1fdbc3832e1cc20c31c

 activex/README.TXT |  129 ----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 129 deletions(-)

diff --git a/activex/README.TXT b/activex/README.TXT
index 8e0e990..aee88d3 100644
--- a/activex/README.TXT
+++ b/activex/README.TXT
@@ -106,132 +106,3 @@ The ActiveX Control DLL file can also be distributed by itself if it has
 been compiled with built-in VLC plugins; check developer information for
 more information on built-in plugins.
-V. Controlling the plugin
-1) Properties
-The following public properties can be used to control the plugin
-from HTML, the property panel of Visual Basic and most ActiveX aware
-| Name:    | Type:   |   Description:                    | Alias:        |
-| autoplay | boolean | play when control is activated    | autostart     |
-| autoloop | boolean | loop the playlist                 | loop          |
-| mrl      | string  | initial MRL in playlist           | src, filename |
-| mute     | boolean | mute audio volume                 |               |
-| visible  | boolean | show/hide control viewport        | showdisplay   |
-| volume   | integer | set/get audio volume              |               |
-| toolbar  | boolean | set/get visibility of the toolbar |               |
-The alias column shows an alternative <PARAM name> for the property in
-internet explorer, which is useful to maintain compatibility with HTML
-pages already leveraging Windows Media Player
-2) Programming APIs
-The MRL, Autoplay and Autoloop properties are only used to configure the
-initial state of the ActiveX control,i.e before its activation; they are
-ignored afterward. Therefore, if some runtime control is required, the
-following APIs should be used within your programming environment:
-| Name:    | Type:   | Access: | Description:                          |
-| Playing  | boolean |   RO    | Returns whether some MRL is playing   |
-| Time     | integer |   RW    | Time elapsed in seconds playing       |
-|          |         |         | current MRL                           |
-|          |         |         | NOTE: live feeds returns 0            |
-| Position | real    |   RW    | Playback position within current MRL  |
-|          |         |         | in a scale from 0.0 to 1.0            |
-|          |         |         | NOTE: live feeds returns 0.0          |
-| Length   | integer |   RO    | Total length in seconds of current MRL|
-|          |         |         | NOTE: live feeds returns 0            |
-| Volume   | integer |   RW    | Current volume from 0 to 100          |
-| Visible  | boolean |   RW    | Indicates whether control is visible  |
-  *** current interface (0.8.6+) ***
-UUID : 9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921
-defined in axvlc.idl as "coclass VLCPlugin2", "interface IVLCControl2"
-This interface organizes an API with several objects (like .audio.mute).
-It is currently documented on videolan wiki (the url may change) at
-  ***  old interface (deprecated)  ***
-UUID : E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8
-defined in axvlc.idl as "coclass VLCPlugin", "interface IVLCControl"
-    Play current item the playlist
-    Pause current item in the playlist
-    Stop playing current item in playlist
-shuttle(Seconds as integer)
-    Advance/backtrack playback by specified amount (which is negative for
-    backtracking). This is also called relative seeking.
-    This method does not work for live streams.
-    Switch between normal and full screen video
-    Increase play back speed by 2X, 4X, 8X
-    Decrease play back speed by 2X, 4X, 8X
-    mute/unmute sound output
-addTarget(MRL As String, Options as array of strings,
-          Mode as enumeration, Position as integer)
-    Add an MRL into the default playlist, you can also specify a list
-    of playlist options to attach to this MRL or Null for no options.
-    Mode indicates the action taken by the playlist on MRL and is one
-    the following:
-        VLCPlayListInsert       =  1 (Insert MRL into playlist at Position)
-        VLCPlayListInsertAndGo  =  9 (Insert MRL into playlist at Position and play it immediately)
-        VLCPlayListReplace      =  2 (Replace MRL in playlist at Position)
-        VLCPlayListReplaceAndGo = 10 (Replace MRL in playlist at Position and play it immediately)
-        VLCPlayListAppend       =  4 (Append MRL in playlist after Position)
-        VLCPlayListAppendAndGo  = 12 (Append MRL in playlist after Position and play it immediately)
-        VLCPlayListCheckInsert  = 16 (Verify if MRL is in playlist) 
-    Position can take the value of -666 as wildcard for the last element
-    in the playlist.
-setVariable(Name as string, Value as object);
-    Set a value into a VLC variables
-getVariable(Name as string) as object
-    Retrieve the value of a VLC variable.
-    Damien Fouilleul <Damien dot Fouilleul at laposte dot net>

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