[vlc-commits] Remove ipkg configure and package files

Jean-Baptiste Kempf git at videolan.org
Tue Feb 3 16:20:56 CET 2015

vlc | branch: master | Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> | Tue Feb  3 16:19:04 2015 +0100| [72677f2d3fd823f45d31d9d1dcebbe1f171b94fc] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Remove ipkg configure and package files

This has not been tested and updated for years

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=72677f2d3fd823f45d31d9d1dcebbe1f171b94fc

 extras/package/ipkg/control.gpe     |   18 ----
 extras/package/ipkg/control.h3600   |   18 ----
 extras/package/ipkg/control.opie    |   18 ----
 extras/package/ipkg/control.zaurus  |   18 ----
 extras/package/ipkg/patch           |   20 ----
 extras/package/ipkg/postinst.gpe    |    5 -
 extras/package/ipkg/postinst.opie   |    6 --
 extras/package/ipkg/postinst.zaurus |    6 --
 extras/package/ipkg/postrm.gpe      |    5 -
 extras/package/ipkg/postrm.opie     |    5 -
 extras/package/ipkg/postrm.zaurus   |    5 -
 extras/package/ipkg/rules.gpe       |  177 -----------------------------------
 extras/package/ipkg/rules.h3600     |  151 ------------------------------
 extras/package/ipkg/rules.opie      |  108 ---------------------
 extras/package/ipkg/rules.zaurus    |  109 ---------------------
 extras/package/ipkg/vlc.desktop     |    5 -
 extras/package/ipkg/vlc.gpe         |    7 --
 extras/package/ipkg/vlc.opie        |    9 --
 extras/package/ipkg/vlc.zaurus      |    9 --
 19 files changed, 699 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commitdiff;h=72677f2d3fd823f45d31d9d1dcebbe1f171b94fc

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