[vlc-commits] Comment text_style_t, reorder and type changes

Jean-Baptiste Kempf git at videolan.org
Tue Jul 28 16:01:56 CEST 2015

vlc | branch: master | Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org> | Mon Apr  6 14:27:01 2015 +0200| [87569b6b5e95348af18fcfd2c6add40ef0201f25] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Comment text_style_t, reorder and type changes

Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=87569b6b5e95348af18fcfd2c6add40ef0201f25

 include/vlc_text_style.h |   25 +++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/vlc_text_style.h b/include/vlc_text_style.h
index d0a112e..d60cc97 100644
--- a/include/vlc_text_style.h
+++ b/include/vlc_text_style.h
@@ -38,34 +38,43 @@ extern "C" {
 typedef struct
+    /* Family font names */
     char *     psz_fontname;      /**< The name of the font */
     char *     psz_monofontname;  /**< The name of the mono font */
+    /* Font style */
     int        i_font_size;       /**< The font size in pixels */
     int        i_font_color;      /**< The color of the text 0xRRGGBB
                                        (native endianness) */
-    unsigned   i_font_alpha;      /**< The transparency of the text.
+    uint8_t    i_font_alpha;      /**< The transparency of the text.
                                        0x00 is fully opaque,
                                        0xFF fully transparent */
     int        i_style_flags;     /**< Formatting style flags */
+    int        i_spacing;         /**< The spaceing between glyphs in pixels */
+    /* Outline */
     int        i_outline_color;   /**< The color of the outline 0xRRGGBB */
-    int        i_outline_alpha;   /**< The transparency of the outline.
+    uint8_t    i_outline_alpha;   /**< The transparency of the outline.
                                        0x00 is fully opaque,
                                        0xFF fully transparent */
+    int        i_outline_width;   /**< The width of the outline in pixels */
+    /* Shadow */
     int        i_shadow_color;    /**< The color of the shadow 0xRRGGBB */
-    int        i_shadow_alpha;    /**< The transparency of the shadow.
+    uint8_t    i_shadow_alpha;    /**< The transparency of the shadow.
                                         0x00 is fully opaque,
                                         0xFF fully transparent */
+    int        i_shadow_width;    /**< The width of the shadow in pixels */
+    /* Background (and karaoke) */
     int        i_background_color;/**< The color of the background 0xRRGGBB */
-    int        i_background_alpha;/**< The transparency of the background.
+    uint8_t    i_background_alpha;/**< The transparency of the background.
                                        0x00 is fully opaque,
                                        0xFF fully transparent */
     int        i_karaoke_background_color;/**< Background color for karaoke 0xRRGGBB */
-    int        i_karaoke_background_alpha;/**< The transparency of the karaoke bg.
+    uint8_t    i_karaoke_background_alpha;/**< The transparency of the karaoke bg.
                                        0x00 is fully opaque,
                                        0xFF fully transparent */
-    int        i_outline_width;   /**< The width of the outline in pixels */
-    int        i_shadow_width;    /**< The width of the shadow in pixels */
-    int        i_spacing;         /**< The spaceing between glyphs in pixels */
 } text_style_t;
 /* Style flags for \ref text_style_t */

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