[vlc-commits] skins2(Linux): replace tempnam() with mkdtemp()

Erwan Tulou git at videolan.org
Sat Jun 13 16:07:37 CEST 2015

vlc | branch: master | Erwan Tulou <erwan10 at videolan.org> | Sat Jun 13 15:29:25 2015 +0200| [27cb7a2eddae5bd4e730ca7fff5b05cffd1b691c] | committer: Erwan Tulou

skins2(Linux): replace tempnam() with mkdtemp()

Linux manual strongly advises against using tempnam().

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=27cb7a2eddae5bd4e730ca7fff5b05cffd1b691c

 modules/gui/skins2/src/theme_loader.cpp |   28 +++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/gui/skins2/src/theme_loader.cpp b/modules/gui/skins2/src/theme_loader.cpp
index a8d2725..e54f999 100644
--- a/modules/gui/skins2/src/theme_loader.cpp
+++ b/modules/gui/skins2/src/theme_loader.cpp
@@ -817,29 +817,27 @@ string ThemeLoader::getTmpDir( )
 #if defined( _WIN32 )
     wchar_t *tmpdir = _wtempnam( NULL, L"vlt" );
-    char *tmpdir = tempnam( NULL, "vlt" );
     if( tmpdir == NULL )
         return "";
-#if defined( _WIN32 )
     char* utf8 = FromWide( tmpdir );
-    if( utf8 == NULL )
-    {
-        free( tmpdir );
-        return "";
-    }
-    string tempPath( utf8 );
+    free( tmpdir );
+    string tempPath( utf8 ? utf8 : "" );
     free( utf8 );
+    return tempPath;
 #elif defined( __OS2__ )
+    char *tmpdir = tempnam( NULL, "vlt" );
+    if( tmpdir == NULL )
+        return "";
     string tempPath( sFromLocale( tmpdir ));
-    string tempPath( tmpdir );
     free( tmpdir );
     return tempPath;
+    char templ[] = "/tmp/vltXXXXXX";
+    char *tmpdir = mkdtemp( templ );
+    return string( tmpdir ? tmpdir : "");

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