[vlc-commits] Qt: programmaticaly check module prefix in profiles

Francois Cartegnie git at videolan.org
Fri Mar 4 15:41:01 CET 2016

vlc | branch: master | Francois Cartegnie <fcvlcdev at free.fr> | Fri Mar  4 15:36:36 2016 +0100| [81c850e46eb818ab4dd64cc751ca90c8b458b4a4] | committer: Francois Cartegnie

Qt: programmaticaly check module prefix in profiles

Both mux_ and non mux_ prefixed being listed

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=81c850e46eb818ab4dd64cc751ca90c8b458b4a4

 .../gui/qt/components/sout/profile_selector.cpp    |   23 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/components/sout/profile_selector.cpp b/modules/gui/qt/components/sout/profile_selector.cpp
index 0db0ba0..cfb1882 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt/components/sout/profile_selector.cpp
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/components/sout/profile_selector.cpp
@@ -526,21 +526,21 @@ inline void VLCProfileEditor::registerCodecs()
     ui.button->setProperty( "capstream", stream );\
     ui.button->setProperty( "capchaps", chaps );\
     CONNECT( ui.button, clicked(bool), this, muxSelected() );
-    SETMUX( PSMux, "ps", "mux_ps",  true, true, false, true, false, true )
-    SETMUX( TSMux, "ts", "mux_ts",  true, true, false, true, true, false )
+    SETMUX( PSMux, "ps", "ps",  true, true, false, true, false, true )
+    SETMUX( TSMux, "ts", "ts",  true, true, false, true, true, false )
     SETMUX( WEBMux, "webm", "avformat", true, true, false, false, true, false )
-    SETMUX( MPEG1Mux, "mpeg1", "mux_ps", true, true, false, false, false, false )
-    SETMUX( OggMux, "ogg", "mux_ogg", true, true, false, false, true, true )
-    SETMUX( ASFMux, "asf", "mux_asf", true, true, false, true, true, true )
-    SETMUX( MOVMux, "mp4", "mux_mp4", true, true, true, true, true, false )
-    SETMUX( WAVMux, "wav", "mux_wav", false, true, false, false, false, false )
+    SETMUX( MPEG1Mux, "mpeg1", "ps", true, true, false, false, false, false )
+    SETMUX( OggMux, "ogg", "ogg", true, true, false, false, true, true )
+    SETMUX( ASFMux, "asf", "asf", true, true, false, true, true, true )
+    SETMUX( MOVMux, "mp4", "mp4", true, true, true, true, true, false )
+    SETMUX( WAVMux, "wav", "wav", false, true, false, false, false, false )
     SETMUX( FLACMux, "flac", "dummy", false, true, false, false, false, false )
     SETMUX( MP3Mux, "mp3", "dummy", false, true, false, false, false, false )
-    SETMUX( RAWMux, "raw", "mux_dummy", true, true, false, false, false, false )
+    SETMUX( RAWMux, "raw", "dummy", true, true, false, false, false, false )
     SETMUX( FLVMux, "flv", "avformat", true, true, false, false, true, false )
     SETMUX( MKVMux, "mkv", "avformat", true, true, true, true, true, true )
-    SETMUX( AVIMux, "avi", "mux_avi", true, true, false, false, false, false )
-    SETMUX( MJPEGMux, "mpjpeg", "mux_mpjpeg", true, false, false, false, false, false )
+    SETMUX( AVIMux, "avi", "avi", true, true, false, false, false, false )
+    SETMUX( MJPEGMux, "mpjpeg", "mpjpeg", true, false, false, false, false, false )
 #undef SETMUX
 #define ADD_VCODEC( name, fourcc ) \
@@ -623,7 +623,8 @@ void VLCProfileEditor::muxSelected()
                     QString( "<img src=\":/menu/info\"/> %1" )
                     .arg( qtr( "This muxer is not provided directly by VLC: It could be missing." ) )
-    else if ( !caps["muxers"].contains( current->property("module").toString() ) )
+    else if ( !caps["muxers"].contains( current->property("module").toString() ) &&
+              !caps["muxers"].contains( "mux_" + current->property("module").toString() ) )
                     QString( "<img src=\":/menu/quit\"/> %1" )
                     .arg( qtr( "This muxer is missing. Using this profile will fail" ) )

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