[vlc-commits] macosx: Fix DefaultValueSlider tickmark position in RTL layout
Marvin Scholz
git at videolan.org
Wed Aug 9 11:21:17 CEST 2017
vlc | branch: master | Marvin Scholz <epirat07 at gmail.com> | Wed Aug 9 11:20:46 2017 +0200| [8aa0cd85add61476344d789931bcaa2eb50297c0] | committer: Marvin Scholz
macosx: Fix DefaultValueSlider tickmark position in RTL layout
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=8aa0cd85add61476344d789931bcaa2eb50297c0
modules/gui/macosx/VLCDefaultValueSliderCell.m | 51 +++++++++++---------------
modules/gui/macosx/VLCVolumeSliderCell.m | 19 ----------
2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/gui/macosx/VLCDefaultValueSliderCell.m b/modules/gui/macosx/VLCDefaultValueSliderCell.m
index b9e817eea4..b46f9d4cbf 100644
--- a/modules/gui/macosx/VLCDefaultValueSliderCell.m
+++ b/modules/gui/macosx/VLCDefaultValueSliderCell.m
@@ -117,46 +117,39 @@
- * Adapted from GNUstep NSSliderCell
- * - (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped
- *
* Calculates the knobRect for a given position
* This is later used to draw the default tick mark in the center of
* where the knob would be, when it is at the default value.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpartial-availability"
-- (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped forValue:(double)doubleValue
- NSRect superRect = [super knobRectFlipped:flipped];
- NSPoint origin = _trackRect.origin;
- NSSize size = superRect.size;
- if ([self isVertical] && flipped) {
- doubleValue = _maxValue + _minValue - doubleValue;
- }
- doubleValue = (doubleValue - _minValue) / (_maxValue - _minValue);
- if ([self isVertical] == YES) {
- origin.x = superRect.origin.x;
- origin.y += (_trackRect.size.height - size.height) * doubleValue;
- } else {
- origin.x += ((_trackRect.size.width - size.width) * doubleValue);
- origin.y = superRect.origin.y;
- }
- return NSMakeRect(origin.x, origin.y, size.width, size.height);
+- (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped forValue:(double)doubleValue
+ {
+ NSRect resultRect;
+ double val = [self normalizedValue:doubleValue] / 100;
+ if (self.isVertical) {
+ resultRect.origin.x = -1;
+ resultRect.origin.y = (NSHeight(_trackRect) - self.knobThickness) * val;
+ if (_isRTL)
+ resultRect.origin.y = (NSHeight(_trackRect) - self.knobThickness) - resultRect.origin.y;
+ } else {
+ resultRect.origin.x = (NSWidth(_trackRect) - self.knobThickness) * val;
+ resultRect.origin.y = -1;
+ if (_isRTL)
+ resultRect.origin.x = (NSWidth(_trackRect) - self.knobThickness) - resultRect.origin.x;
+ }
+ resultRect.size.height = self.knobThickness;
+ resultRect.size.width = self.knobThickness;
+ return [self.controlView backingAlignedRect:resultRect options:NSAlignAllEdgesNearest];
+ }
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Overwritten super methods
-- (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped
- return [self knobRectFlipped:flipped forValue:[self doubleValue]];
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView *)controlView
// Do all other drawing
diff --git a/modules/gui/macosx/VLCVolumeSliderCell.m b/modules/gui/macosx/VLCVolumeSliderCell.m
index 93b2dad22f..6646358b65 100644
--- a/modules/gui/macosx/VLCVolumeSliderCell.m
+++ b/modules/gui/macosx/VLCVolumeSliderCell.m
@@ -155,25 +155,6 @@
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
-- (double)myNormalizedDouble
- double min = [self minValue];
- double max = [self maxValue];
- double current = [self doubleValue];
- max -= min;
- current -= min;
- return current / max;
-- (NSRect)knobRectFlipped:(BOOL)flipped
- double val = [self myNormalizedDouble];
- NSRect rect = NSMakeRect((NSWidth(_trackRect) - self.knobThickness) * val, -1, self.knobThickness, self.knobThickness);
- return [[self controlView] backingAlignedRect:rect options:NSAlignAllEdgesNearest];
- (void)drawBarInside:(NSRect)rect flipped:(BOOL)flipped
// Inset rect
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