[vlc-commits] macOS: Simplify buildsystem, fix VLC.app

Marvin Scholz git at videolan.org
Sun Feb 19 23:38:26 CET 2017

vlc | branch: master | Marvin Scholz <epirat07 at gmail.com> | Sun Feb 19 23:37:35 2017 +0100| [475d57d04ce851bdf09495a9c02c0ba33d6e7592] | committer: Marvin Scholz

macOS: Simplify buildsystem, fix VLC.app

This simplifies package.mak by removing unnecessary VLC-tmp,
making VLC.app properly depend on install and removing the
VLC-dev.app, as VLC can now be run with the pseudo-bundle
from command-line for development.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=475d57d04ce851bdf09495a9c02c0ba33d6e7592

 configure.ac                                       |  4 +-
 extras/package/macosx/package.mak                  | 64 +++++++++-------------
 modules/gui/macosx/Makefile.am                     |  5 +-
 .../gui/macosx/Resources => share}/Info.plist.in   |  0
 4 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index bc40593..00285a9 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -4263,8 +4263,8 @@ AM_COND_IF([HAVE_WIN32], [
-    modules/gui/macosx/Resources/InfoPlist.strings
-    modules/gui/macosx/Resources/Info.plist
+    modules/gui/macosx/UI/InfoPlist.strings:modules/gui/macosx/Resources/InfoPlist.strings.in
+    share/macosx/Info.plist:share/Info.plist.in
diff --git a/extras/package/macosx/package.mak b/extras/package/macosx/package.mak
index b19da79..ab34168 100644
--- a/extras/package/macosx/package.mak
+++ b/extras/package/macosx/package.mak
@@ -5,60 +5,40 @@ endif
 # Symlink a pseudo-bundle
 	$(MKDIR_P) $(top_builddir)/bin/Contents/Resources/
-	$(LN_S) -f $(abs_top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/UI $(top_builddir)/bin/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
-	$(LN_S) -f $(abs_top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/Resources/InfoPlist.strings $(top_builddir)/bin/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
-	$(LN_S) -f $(abs_top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/Resources/Info.plist $(top_builddir)/bin/Contents/Info.plist
-	$(LN_S) -f $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Frameworks
+	$(LN_S) -hf $(abs_top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/UI $(top_builddir)/bin/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
+	$(LN_S) -hf $(abs_top_builddir)/share/macosx/Info.plist $(top_builddir)/bin/Contents/Info.plist
+	$(LN_S) -hf $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Frameworks
 	cd $(top_builddir)/bin/Contents/Resources/ && find $(abs_top_srcdir)/modules/gui/macosx/Resources/ -type f -exec $(LN_S) -f {} \;
-# This is just for development purposes.
-# The resulting VLC-dev.app will only run in this tree.
-VLC-dev.app: VLC-tmp
-	rm -Rf $@
-	cp -R VLC-tmp $@
-	$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $(top_builddir)/bin/.libs/vlc-osx $@/Contents/MacOS/VLC
-	$(LN_S) -f ../../../modules $@/Contents/MacOS/plugins
 # VLC.app for packaging and giving it to your friends
 # use package-macosx to get a nice dmg
-VLC.app: VLC-tmp
+VLC.app: install
 	rm -Rf $@
-	cp -R VLC-tmp $@
-	PRODUCT="$@" ACTION="release-makefile" src_dir=$(srcdir) build_dir=$(top_builddir) sh $(srcdir)/extras/package/macosx/build-package.sh
-	bin/vlc-cache-gen $@/Contents/MacOS/plugins
-	find $@ -type d -exec chmod ugo+rx '{}' \;
-	find $@ -type f -exec chmod ugo+r '{}' \;
-	$(AM_V_GEN)for i in src lib share modules/gui/macosx; do \
-		(cd $$i && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install $(silentstd)); \
-	done
-	## Create directories
-	mkdir -p $@/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
-	mkdir -p $@/Contents/MacOS/share/locale/
-	mkdir -p $@/Contents/MacOS/include/
-	mkdir -p $@/Contents/Frameworks/
+	## Copy Contents
+	cp -R $(prefix)/share/macosx/ $@
+	## Copy .strings file
+	cp -R $(top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/UI/InfoPlist.strings $@/Contents/Resources/UI
+	## Rename interface files (UI) folder
+	mv $@/Contents/Resources/UI $@/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
 	## Copy Info.plist and convert to binary
-	cp -R $(top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/Resources/Info.plist $@/Contents/
+	cp -R $(top_builddir)/share/macosx/Info.plist $@/Contents/
 	xcrun plutil -convert binary1 $@/Contents/Info.plist
-	## Copy interface files (NIBs)
-	cp -R $(top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/UI/ $@/Contents/Resources/English.lproj
-	## Copy resources
-	cp -R $(prefix)/share/macosx/ $@/Contents/Resources
-	## Copy InfoPlist.strings file
-	cp $(top_builddir)/modules/gui/macosx/Resources/InfoPlist.strings $@/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
-	## Copy frameworks
-	cp -R $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Growl.framework $@/Contents/Frameworks/
+	## Create Frameworks dir and copy required ones
+	mkdir -p $@/Contents/Frameworks
+	cp -R $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Frameworks/Growl.framework $@/Contents/Frameworks
-	cp -R $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Sparkle.framework $@/Contents/Frameworks/
+	cp -R $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Frameworks/Sparkle.framework $@/Contents/Frameworks
-	cp -R $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Breakpad.framework $@/Contents/Frameworks/
+	cp -R $(CONTRIB_DIR)/Frameworks/Breakpad.framework $@/Contents/Frameworks
+	mkdir -p $@/Contents/MacOS/share/locale/
 	## Copy lua scripts
 	cp -r "$(prefix)/lib/vlc/lua" "$(prefix)/share/vlc/lua" $@/Contents/MacOS/share/
+	## Copy some other stuff (?)
+	mkdir -p $@/Contents/MacOS/include/
 	(cd "$(prefix)/include" && $(AMTAR) -c --exclude "plugins" vlc) | $(AMTAR) -x -C $@/Contents/MacOS/include/
 	## Copy translations
 	cat $(top_srcdir)/po/LINGUAS | while read i; do \
@@ -69,6 +49,12 @@ endif
 		$@/Contents/Resources/$${i}.lproj/ ; \
 	printf "APPLVLC#" >| $@/Contents/PkgInfo
+	PRODUCT="$@" ACTION="release-makefile" src_dir=$(srcdir) build_dir=$(top_builddir) sh $(srcdir)/extras/package/macosx/build-package.sh
+	## Generate plugin cache
+	bin/vlc-cache-gen $@/Contents/MacOS/plugins
+	find $@ -type d -exec chmod ugo+rx '{}' \;
+	find $@ -type f -exec chmod ugo+r '{}' \;
 package-macosx: VLC.app
 	mkdir -p "$(top_builddir)/vlc-$(VERSION)/Goodies/"
diff --git a/modules/gui/macosx/Makefile.am b/modules/gui/macosx/Makefile.am
index dfcf4ca..1e0d878 100644
--- a/modules/gui/macosx/Makefile.am
+++ b/modules/gui/macosx/Makefile.am
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ libmacosx_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
 	VLCDefaultValueSliderCell.h VLCDefaultValueSliderCell.m
-libmacosx_plugin_la_DATA = \
+nobase_libmacosx_plugin_la_DATA = \
 	UI/About.nib \
 	UI/AddonManager.nib \
 	UI/AudioEffects.nib \
@@ -780,5 +780,6 @@ DEPS_res += \
 	Resources/vlc.scriptSuite \
-libmacosx_plugin_ladir = $(prefix)/share/macosx
+libmacosx_plugin_ladir = $(prefix)/share/macosx/Contents/Resources
 dist_libmacosx_plugin_la_DATA = $(DEPS_res)
diff --git a/modules/gui/macosx/Resources/Info.plist.in b/share/Info.plist.in
similarity index 100%
rename from modules/gui/macosx/Resources/Info.plist.in
rename to share/Info.plist.in

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