[vlc-commits] macosx: Remove now unused ITSlider and VLCVolumeSliderCommon
Marvin Scholz
git at videolan.org
Tue Jul 25 02:57:43 CEST 2017
vlc | branch: master | Marvin Scholz <epirat07 at gmail.com> | Tue Jul 25 02:37:02 2017 +0200| [b668735d64e3282eff371e769776e65d445894f1] | committer: Marvin Scholz
macosx: Remove now unused ITSlider and VLCVolumeSliderCommon
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=b668735d64e3282eff371e769776e65d445894f1
modules/gui/macosx/misc.h | 25 --------
modules/gui/macosx/misc.m | 147 ----------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 172 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/gui/macosx/misc.h b/modules/gui/macosx/misc.h
index 40ab72cf82..d3c68eccb9 100644
--- a/modules/gui/macosx/misc.h
+++ b/modules/gui/macosx/misc.h
@@ -49,31 +49,6 @@
- * VLCVolumeSliderCommon
- *****************************************************************************/
- at interface VLCVolumeSliderCommon : NSSlider
- at property (readwrite, nonatomic) BOOL usesBrightArtwork;
-- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)o_event;
-- (void)drawFullVolumeMarker;
-- (CGFloat)fullVolumePos;
- at end
- at interface VolumeSliderCell : NSSliderCell
- at end
- * ITSlider
- *****************************************************************************/
- at interface ITSlider : VLCVolumeSliderCommon
- at end
* VLCMainWindowSplitView interface
diff --git a/modules/gui/macosx/misc.m b/modules/gui/macosx/misc.m
index f72d0020a6..7d379a5d5b 100644
--- a/modules/gui/macosx/misc.m
+++ b/modules/gui/macosx/misc.m
@@ -150,153 +150,6 @@
- * VLCVolumeSliderCommon
- *****************************************************************************/
- at implementation VLCVolumeSliderCommon : NSSlider
-- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)o_event
- BOOL b_up = NO;
- CGFloat f_deltaY = [o_event deltaY];
- CGFloat f_deltaX = [o_event deltaX];
- if ([o_event isDirectionInvertedFromDevice])
- f_deltaX = -f_deltaX; // optimisation, actually double invertion of f_deltaY here
- else
- f_deltaY = -f_deltaY;
- // positive for left / down, negative otherwise
- CGFloat f_delta = f_deltaX + f_deltaY;
- CGFloat f_abs;
- if (f_delta > 0.0f)
- f_abs = f_delta;
- else {
- b_up = YES;
- f_abs = -f_delta;
- }
- for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < (int)(f_abs/4.+1.) && f_abs > 0.05 ; i++) {
- if (b_up)
- [[VLCCoreInteraction sharedInstance] volumeUp];
- else
- [[VLCCoreInteraction sharedInstance] volumeDown];
- }
-- (void)drawFullVolumeMarker
- CGFloat maxAudioVol = self.maxValue / AOUT_VOLUME_DEFAULT;
- if (maxAudioVol < 1.)
- return;
- NSColor *drawingColor;
- // for bright artwork, a black color is used and vice versa
- if (_usesBrightArtwork)
- drawingColor = [[NSColor blackColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:.4];
- else
- drawingColor = [[NSColor whiteColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:.4];
- NSBezierPath* bezierPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
- [self drawFullVolBezierPath:bezierPath];
- [bezierPath closePath];
- bezierPath.lineWidth = 1.;
- [drawingColor setStroke];
- [bezierPath stroke];
-- (CGFloat)fullVolumePos
- CGFloat maxAudioVol = self.maxValue / AOUT_VOLUME_DEFAULT;
- CGFloat sliderRange = [self frame].size.width - [self knobThickness];
- CGFloat sliderOrigin = [self knobThickness] / 2.;
- return 1. / maxAudioVol * sliderRange + sliderOrigin;
-- (void)drawFullVolBezierPath:(NSBezierPath*)bezierPath
- CGFloat fullVolPos = [self fullVolumePos];
- [bezierPath moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(fullVolPos, [self frame].size.height - 3.)];
- [bezierPath lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(fullVolPos, 2.)];
- at end
- at implementation VolumeSliderCell
-- (BOOL)continueTracking:(NSPoint)lastPoint at:(NSPoint)currentPoint inView:(NSView *)controlView
- VLCVolumeSliderCommon *o_slider = (VLCVolumeSliderCommon *)controlView;
- CGFloat fullVolumePos = [o_slider fullVolumePos] + 2.;
- CGPoint snapToPoint = currentPoint;
- if (ABS(fullVolumePos - currentPoint.x) <= 4.)
- snapToPoint.x = fullVolumePos;
- return [super continueTracking:lastPoint at:snapToPoint inView:controlView];
- at end
- * ITSlider
- *****************************************************************************/
- at interface ITSlider()
- NSImage *img;
- NSRect image_rect;
- at end
- at implementation ITSlider
-- (void)awakeFromNib
- BOOL b_dark = config_GetInt( getIntf(), "macosx-interfacestyle" );
- if (b_dark)
- img = imageFromRes(@"volume-slider-knob_dark");
- else
- img = imageFromRes(@"volume-slider-knob");
- image_rect.size = [img size];
- image_rect.origin.x = 0;
- if (b_dark)
- image_rect.origin.y = -1;
- else
- image_rect.origin.y = 0;
-- (void)drawKnobInRect:(NSRect)knobRect
- knobRect.origin.x += (knobRect.size.width - image_rect.size.width) / 2;
- knobRect.size.width = image_rect.size.width;
- knobRect.size.height = image_rect.size.height;
- [img drawInRect:knobRect fromRect:image_rect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1];
-- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
- /* Draw default to make sure the slider behaves correctly */
- [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] saveGraphicsState];
- NSRectClip(NSZeroRect);
- [super drawRect:rect];
- [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] restoreGraphicsState];
- [self drawFullVolumeMarker];
- NSRect knobRect = [[self cell] knobRectFlipped:NO];
- knobRect.origin.y+=2;
- [self drawKnobInRect: knobRect];
- at end
* VLCMainWindowSplitView implementation
@implementation VLCMainWindowSplitView : NSSplitView
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