[vlc-commits] macosx: Update dark button graphics

Damien Erambert git at videolan.org
Sun Dec 16 20:17:50 CET 2018

vlc/vlc-3.0 | branch: master | Damien Erambert <damien.erambert at me.com> | Sun Dec 16 17:50:05 2018 +0100| [f66b69a41a27d10329e065da66678d24d2a974c7] | committer: David Fuhrmann

macosx: Update dark button graphics

Those better for the dark window style of macOS mojave.

Signed-off-by: David Fuhrmann <dfuhrmann at videolan.org>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc/vlc-3.0.git/?a=commit;h=f66b69a41a27d10329e065da66678d24d2a974c7

 .../ys-backward-3btns-dark-pressed.png                | Bin 331 -> 642 bytes
 .../ys-backward-3btns-dark-pressed at 2x.png             | Bin 554 -> 817 bytes
 .../ys-backward-3btns-dark.png                        | Bin 361 -> 650 bytes
 .../ys-backward-3btns-dark at 2x.png                     | Bin 576 -> 830 bytes
 .../ys-backward-6btns-dark-pressed.png                | Bin 245 -> 591 bytes
 .../ys-backward-6btns-dark-pressed at 2x.png             | Bin 338 -> 701 bytes
 .../ys-backward-6btns-dark.png                        | Bin 254 -> 595 bytes
 .../ys-backward-6btns-dark at 2x.png                     | Bin 360 -> 713 bytes
 .../ys-effects-double-buttons-pressed_dark.png        | Bin 283 -> 590 bytes
 .../ys-effects-double-buttons-pressed_dark at 2x.png     | Bin 474 -> 698 bytes
 .../ys-effects-double-buttons_dark.png                | Bin 295 -> 594 bytes
 .../ys-effects-double-buttons_dark at 2x.png             | Bin 489 -> 696 bytes
 .../ys-effects-one-button-pressed-dark.png            | Bin 335 -> 619 bytes
 .../ys-effects-one-button-pressed-dark at 2x.png         | Bin 577 -> 761 bytes
 .../ys-effects-one-button_dark.png                    | Bin 355 -> 628 bytes
 .../ys-effects-one-button_dark at 2x.png                 | Bin 609 -> 755 bytes
 .../ys-forward-3btns-dark-pressed.png                 | Bin 318 -> 643 bytes
 .../ys-forward-3btns-dark-pressed at 2x.png              | Bin 531 -> 798 bytes
 .../ys-forward-3btns-dark.png                         | Bin 352 -> 650 bytes
 .../ys-forward-3btns-dark at 2x.png                      | Bin 564 -> 815 bytes
 .../ys-forward-6btns-dark-pressed.png                 | Bin 239 -> 600 bytes
 .../ys-forward-6btns-dark-pressed at 2x.png              | Bin 337 -> 694 bytes
 .../ys-forward-6btns-dark.png                         | Bin 246 -> 603 bytes
 .../ys-forward-6btns-dark at 2x.png                      | Bin 354 -> 710 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-double-buttons-pressed_dark.png     | Bin 389 -> 708 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-double-buttons-pressed_dark at 2x.png  | Bin 637 -> 904 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-double-buttons_dark.png             | Bin 425 -> 708 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-double-buttons_dark at 2x.png          | Bin 673 -> 912 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-one-button-pressed_dark.png         | Bin 423 -> 728 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-one-button-pressed_dark at 2x.png      | Bin 751 -> 960 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-one-button_dark.png                 | Bin 455 -> 730 bytes
 .../ys-fullscreen-one-button_dark at 2x.png              | Bin 783 -> 956 bytes
 .../ys-next-6btns-dark-pressed.png                    | Bin 334 -> 645 bytes
 .../ys-next-6btns-dark-pressed at 2x.png                 | Bin 556 -> 799 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-next-6btns-dark.png   | Bin 359 -> 653 bytes
 .../ys-next-6btns-dark at 2x.png                         | Bin 587 -> 810 bytes
 .../ys-pause-pressed_dark.png                         | Bin 140 -> 531 bytes
 .../ys-pause-pressed_dark at 2x.png                      | Bin 187 -> 575 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-pause_dark.png        | Bin 151 -> 532 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-pause_dark at 2x.png     | Bin 179 -> 575 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-play-pressed_dark.png | Bin 242 -> 599 bytes
 .../ys-play-pressed_dark at 2x.png                       | Bin 375 -> 718 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-play_dark.png         | Bin 248 -> 595 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-play_dark at 2x.png      | Bin 394 -> 720 bytes
 .../ys-playlist-1btn-dark-pressed.png                 | Bin 300 -> 630 bytes
 .../ys-playlist-1btn-dark-pressed at 2x.png              | Bin 533 -> 782 bytes
 .../ys-playlist-1btn-dark.png                         | Bin 320 -> 643 bytes
 .../ys-playlist-1btn-dark at 2x.png                      | Bin 550 -> 768 bytes
 .../ys-playlist-pressed_dark.png                      | Bin 264 -> 604 bytes
 .../ys-playlist-pressed_dark at 2x.png                   | Bin 428 -> 710 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-playlist_dark.png     | Bin 272 -> 607 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-playlist_dark at 2x.png  | Bin 436 -> 700 bytes
 .../ys-previous-6btns-dark-pressed.png                | Bin 353 -> 660 bytes
 .../ys-previous-6btns-dark-pressed at 2x.png             | Bin 578 -> 828 bytes
 .../ys-previous-6btns-dark.png                        | Bin 377 -> 669 bytes
 .../ys-previous-6btns-dark at 2x.png                     | Bin 602 -> 840 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-all-blue-pressed_dark.png               | Bin 456 -> 839 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-all-blue-pressed_dark at 2x.png            | Bin 811 -> 1190 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-all-blue_dark.png                       | Bin 478 -> 834 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-all-blue_dark at 2x.png                    | Bin 811 -> 1192 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-one-blue-pressed_dark.png               | Bin 502 -> 885 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-one-blue-pressed_dark at 2x.png            | Bin 862 -> 1282 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-one-blue_dark.png                       | Bin 517 -> 882 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-one-blue_dark at 2x.png                    | Bin 899 -> 1269 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-pressed_dark.png                        | Bin 397 -> 742 bytes
 .../ys-repeat-pressed_dark at 2x.png                     | Bin 599 -> 996 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-repeat_dark.png       | Bin 434 -> 744 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-repeat_dark at 2x.png    | Bin 675 -> 1003 bytes
 .../ys-shuffle-blue-pressed_dark.png                  | Bin 555 -> 929 bytes
 .../ys-shuffle-blue-pressed_dark at 2x.png               | Bin 1017 -> 1386 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-shuffle-blue_dark.png | Bin 580 -> 929 bytes
 .../ys-shuffle-blue_dark at 2x.png                       | Bin 1063 -> 1390 bytes
 .../ys-shuffle-pressed_dark.png                       | Bin 489 -> 809 bytes
 .../ys-shuffle-pressed_dark at 2x.png                    | Bin 891 -> 1179 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-shuffle_dark.png      | Bin 532 -> 821 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-shuffle_dark at 2x.png   | Bin 966 -> 1176 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-stop-pressed_dark.png | Bin 308 -> 624 bytes
 .../ys-stop-pressed_dark at 2x.png                       | Bin 538 -> 768 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-stop_dark.png         | Bin 324 -> 635 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-stop_dark at 2x.png      | Bin 557 -> 761 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-volume-high_dark.png  | Bin 160 -> 141 bytes
 .../ys-volume-high_dark at 2x.png                        | Bin 233 -> 197 bytes
 .../mainwindow_dark_yosemite/ys-volume-low_dark.png   | Bin 138 -> 122 bytes
 .../ys-volume-low_dark at 2x.png                         | Bin 202 -> 169 bytes
 84 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc/vlc-3.0.git/?a=commitdiff;h=f66b69a41a27d10329e065da66678d24d2a974c7

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