[vlc-commits] contrib: aom: use CMake build system

Tristan Matthews git at videolan.org
Fri Jan 12 11:07:38 CET 2018

vlc/vlc-3.0 | branch: master | Tristan Matthews <tmatth at videolan.org> | Wed Jan 10 23:16:19 2018 -0500| [5fab03071b3914f6a1264c0d52756cb3c2fffaa9] | committer: Jean-Baptiste Kempf

contrib: aom: use CMake build system

The custom "configure" build system is slated to be dropped.

Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>
(cherry picked from commit 400ff06d93185ffb130adcc2d3991690db09a9b1)
Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb at videolan.org>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc/vlc-3.0.git/?a=commit;h=5fab03071b3914f6a1264c0d52756cb3c2fffaa9

 contrib/src/aom/rules.mak | 110 +++++++---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/src/aom/rules.mak b/contrib/src/aom/rules.mak
index 52788d1cda..bd186fa448 100644
--- a/contrib/src/aom/rules.mak
+++ b/contrib/src/aom/rules.mak
@@ -24,107 +24,31 @@ aom: aom-$(AOM_VERSION).tar.gz .sum-aom
 DEPS_aom =
-ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
-AOM_ARCH := armv7
-else ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
-AOM_ARCH := x86
-else ifeq ($(ARCH),mips)
-AOM_ARCH := mips32
-else ifeq ($(ARCH),ppc)
-AOM_ARCH := ppc32
-else ifeq ($(ARCH),ppc64)
-AOM_ARCH := ppc64
-else ifeq ($(ARCH),sparc)
-AOM_ARCH := sparc
-else ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
-AOM_ARCH := x86_64
-AOM_OS := android
-else ifdef HAVE_LINUX
-AOM_OS := linux
-else ifdef HAVE_MACOSX
-ifeq ($(OSX_VERSION),10.5)
-AOM_OS := darwin9
-AOM_OS := darwin10
-else ifdef HAVE_IOS
-AOM_OS := darwin11
-else ifdef HAVE_SOLARIS
-AOM_OS := solaris
-else ifdef HAVE_WIN64 # must be before WIN32
-AOM_OS := win64
-else ifdef HAVE_WIN32
-AOM_OS := win32
-else ifdef HAVE_BSD
-AOM_OS := linux
-AOM_TARGET := generic-gnu
-ifdef AOM_ARCH
-ifdef AOM_OS
 AOM_CONF := \
-	--enable-runtime-cpu-detect \
-	--disable-docs \
-	--disable-examples \
-	--disable-unit-tests \
-	--disable-install-bins \
-	--disable-install-docs \
-	--disable-dependency-tracking
-AOM_CONF += --disable-av1-encoder
 ifndef HAVE_WIN32
-AOM_CONF += --enable-pic
-AOM_CONF += --sdk-path=$(MACOSX_SDK)
-ifdef HAVE_IOS
-AOM_CONF += --sdk-path=$(IOS_SDK)
-ifdef HAVE_TVOS
-AOM_LDFLAGS := -L$(IOS_SDK)/usr/lib -isysroot $(IOS_SDK) -mtvos-version-min=9.0
-AOM_LDFLAGS := -L$(IOS_SDK)/usr/lib -isysroot $(IOS_SDK) -miphoneos-version-min=6.1
-ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64)
-AOM_LDFLAGS += -arch arm64
-AOM_LDFLAGS += -arch $(ARCH)
-# vpx configure.sh overrides our sysroot and it looks for it itself, and
-# uses that path to look for the compiler (which we already know)
-AOM_CONF += --sdk-path=$(shell dirname $(shell which $(HOST)-gcc))
-# put sysroot
-AOM_CONF += --enable-debug --disable-optimizations
-.aom: aom
-	cd $< && LDFLAGS="$(AOM_LDFLAGS)" CROSS=$(AOM_CROSS) ./configure --target=$(AOM_TARGET) \
-		$(AOM_CONF) --prefix=$(PREFIX)
-	cd $< && $(MAKE)
-	cd $< && ../../../contrib/src/pkg-static.sh aom.pc
-	cd $< && $(MAKE) install
+# libaom doesn't allow in-tree builds
+.aom: aom toolchain.cmake
+	cd $< && mkdir -p aom_build
+	cd $</aom_build && LDFLAGS="$(AOM_LDFLAGS)" $(HOSTVARS) $(CMAKE) ../ $(AOM_CONF)
+	cd $</aom_build && $(MAKE)
+	cd $</aom_build && ../../../../contrib/src/pkg-static.sh aom.pc
+	cd $</aom_build && $(MAKE) install
 	touch $@

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