[vlc-commits] macosx: replace hardcoded CLOCK_FREQ multiples by VLC_TICK_FROM_SEC()

Steve Lhomme git at videolan.org
Fri Jul 6 16:07:32 CEST 2018

vlc | branch: master | Steve Lhomme <robux4 at ycbcr.xyz> | Fri Jun 15 06:44:50 2018 +0200| [a625c536de0879f8336e218d20ee46513ed0839c] | committer: Steve Lhomme

macosx: replace hardcoded CLOCK_FREQ multiples by VLC_TICK_FROM_SEC()

Easier to read and more explicit.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=a625c536de0879f8336e218d20ee46513ed0839c

 modules/gui/macosx/VLCBookmarksWindowController.m | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/modules/gui/macosx/VLCBookmarksWindowController.m b/modules/gui/macosx/VLCBookmarksWindowController.m
index 8f1ba9767e..5650ff3c93 100644
--- a/modules/gui/macosx/VLCBookmarksWindowController.m
+++ b/modules/gui/macosx/VLCBookmarksWindowController.m
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
     if (componentCount == 1)
         pp_bookmarks[i]->i_time_offset = 1000000LL * ([[components firstObject] floatValue]);
     else if (componentCount == 2)
-        pp_bookmarks[i]->i_time_offset = 1000000LL * ([[components firstObject] longLongValue] * 60 + [[components objectAtIndex:1] longLongValue]);
+        pp_bookmarks[i]->i_time_offset = vlc_tick_from_sec([[components firstObject] longLongValue] * 60 + [[components objectAtIndex:1] longLongValue]);
     else if (componentCount == 3)
         pp_bookmarks[i]->i_time_offset = 1000000LL * ([[components firstObject] longLongValue] * 3600 + [[components objectAtIndex:1] longLongValue] * 60 + [[components objectAtIndex:2] floatValue]);
     else {

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