[vlc-commits] audioscrobbler: use vlc_memstream

Rémi Denis-Courmont git at videolan.org
Sun Nov 11 16:33:37 CET 2018

vlc | branch: master | Rémi Denis-Courmont <remi at remlab.net> | Sat Nov 10 14:55:38 2018 +0200| [e7a06f987f7befc289ed54822f457050008d653b] | committer: Rémi Denis-Courmont

audioscrobbler: use vlc_memstream

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=e7a06f987f7befc289ed54822f457050008d653b

 modules/misc/audioscrobbler.c | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/misc/audioscrobbler.c b/modules/misc/audioscrobbler.c
index 5e295d151b..beb93955f7 100644
--- a/modules/misc/audioscrobbler.c
+++ b/modules/misc/audioscrobbler.c
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 #include <vlc_dialog.h>
 #include <vlc_meta.h>
 #include <vlc_md5.h>
+#include <vlc_memstream.h>
 #include <vlc_stream.h>
 #include <vlc_url.h>
 #include <vlc_network.h>
@@ -738,85 +739,88 @@ static void *Run(void *data)
         msg_Dbg(p_intf, "Going to submit some data...");
-        char *psz_submit;
         vlc_url_t *url;
-        char *psz_submit_song, *psz_submit_tmp;
+        struct vlc_memstream req, payload;
-        if (asprintf(&psz_submit, "s=%s", p_sys->psz_auth_token) == -1)
-            break;
+        vlc_memstream_open(&payload);
+        vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "s=%s", p_sys->psz_auth_token);
         /* forge the HTTP POST request */
         if (p_sys->b_submit_nowp)
+            audioscrobbler_song_t *p_song = &p_sys->p_current_song;
             b_nowp_submission_ongoing = true;
             url = &p_sys->p_nowp_url;
-            if (asprintf(&psz_submit_song,
-                "&a=%s"
-                "&t=%s"
-                "&b=%s"
-                "&l=%d"
-                "&n=%s"
-                "&m=%s",
-                p_sys->p_current_song.psz_a,
-                p_sys->p_current_song.psz_t,
-                p_sys->p_current_song.psz_b ? p_sys->p_current_song.psz_b : "",
-                p_sys->p_current_song.i_l,
-                p_sys->p_current_song.psz_n ? p_sys->p_current_song.psz_n : "",
-                p_sys->p_current_song.psz_m ? p_sys->p_current_song.psz_m : ""
-                ) == -1)
-            {   /* Out of memory */
-                vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->lock);
-                goto out;
-            }
+            vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&a=%s", p_song->psz_a);
+            vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&t=%s", p_song->psz_t);
+            vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, "&b=");
+            if (p_song->psz_b != NULL)
+                vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, p_song->psz_b);
+            vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&l=%d", p_song->i_l);
+            vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, "&n=");
+            if (p_song->psz_n != NULL)
+                vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, p_song->psz_n);
+            vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, "&m=");
+            if (p_song->psz_m != NULL)
+                vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, p_song->psz_m);
             url = &p_sys->p_submit_url;
-            audioscrobbler_song_t *p_song;
             for (int i_song = 0 ; i_song < p_sys->i_songs ; i_song++)
-                p_song = &p_sys->p_queue[i_song];
-                if (asprintf(&psz_submit_song,
-                        "&a%%5B%d%%5D=%s"
-                        "&t%%5B%d%%5D=%s"
-                        "&i%%5B%d%%5D=%u"
-                        "&o%%5B%d%%5D=P"
-                        "&r%%5B%d%%5D="
-                        "&l%%5B%d%%5D=%d"
-                        "&b%%5B%d%%5D=%s"
-                        "&n%%5B%d%%5D=%s"
-                        "&m%%5B%d%%5D=%s",
-                        i_song, p_song->psz_a,
-                        i_song, p_song->psz_t,
-                        i_song, (unsigned)p_song->date, /* HACK: %ju (uintmax_t) unsupported on Windows */
-                        i_song,
-                        i_song,
-                        i_song, p_song->i_l,
-                        i_song, p_song->psz_b ? p_song->psz_b : "",
-                        i_song, p_song->psz_n ? p_song->psz_n : "",
-                        i_song, p_song->psz_m ? p_song->psz_m : ""
-                       ) == -1)
-                {   /* Out of memory */
-                        vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_sys->lock);
-                        goto out;
-                }
+                audioscrobbler_song_t *p_song = &p_sys->p_queue[i_song];
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&a%%5B%d%%5D=%s",
+                                     i_song, p_song->psz_a);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&t%%5B%d%%5D=%s",
+                                     i_song, p_song->psz_t);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&i%%5B%d%%5D=%"PRIu64,
+                                     i_song, (uint64_t)p_song->date);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&o%%5B%d%%5D=P", i_song);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&r%%5B%d%%5D=", i_song);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&l%%5B%d%%5D=%d",
+                                     i_song, p_song->i_l);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&b=%%5B%d%%5D=", i_song);
+                if (p_song->psz_b != NULL)
+                    vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, p_song->psz_b);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&n=%%5B%d%%5D=", i_song);
+                if (p_song->psz_n != NULL)
+                    vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, p_song->psz_n);
+                vlc_memstream_printf(&payload, "&m=%%5B%d%%5D=", i_song);
+                if (p_song->psz_m != NULL)
+                    vlc_memstream_puts(&payload, p_song->psz_m);
-        psz_submit_tmp = psz_submit;
-        int print_ret = asprintf(&psz_submit, "%s%s",
-                                 psz_submit_tmp, psz_submit_song);
-        free(psz_submit_tmp);
-        free(psz_submit_song);
-        if (print_ret == -1)
-        {   /* Out of memory */
+        if (vlc_memstream_close(&payload))
+            goto out;
+        vlc_memstream_open(&req);
+        vlc_memstream_printf(&req, "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", url->psz_path);
+        vlc_memstream_printf(&req, "Host: %s\r\n", url->psz_host);
+        vlc_memstream_puts(&req, "User-Agent:"
+                                 " "PACKAGE_NAME"/"PACKAGE_VERSION"\r\n");
+        vlc_memstream_puts(&req, "Connection: close\r\n");
+        vlc_memstream_puts(&req, "Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n");
+        vlc_memstream_puts(&req, "Content-Type:"
+                                 " application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
+        vlc_memstream_printf(&req, "Content-Length: %zu\r\n", payload.length);
+        vlc_memstream_puts(&req, "\r\n");
+        /* Could avoid copying payload with iovec... but efforts */
+        vlc_memstream_write(&req, payload.ptr, payload.length);
+        vlc_memstream_puts(&req, "\r\n\r\n");
+        free(payload.ptr);
+        if (vlc_memstream_close(&req)) /* Out of memory */
             goto out;
-        }
         int i_post_socket = net_ConnectTCP(p_intf, url->psz_host,
@@ -826,25 +830,13 @@ static void *Run(void *data)
             /* If connection fails, we assume we must handshake again */
             HandleInterval(&next_exchange, &i_interval);
             b_handshaked = false;
-            free(psz_submit);
+            free(req.ptr);
         /* we transmit the data */
-        int i_net_ret = net_Printf(p_intf, i_post_socket,
-            "POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
-            "Host: %s\r\n"
-            "User-Agent: "PACKAGE_NAME"/"PACKAGE_VERSION"\r\n"
-            "Connection: close\r\n"
-            "Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n"
-            "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
-            "Content-Length: %zu\r\n"
-            "\r\n"
-            "%s\r\n"
-            "\r\n",
-            url->psz_path, url->psz_host, strlen(psz_submit), psz_submit);
-        free(psz_submit);
+        int i_net_ret = net_Write(p_intf, i_post_socket, req.ptr, req.length);
+        free(req.ptr);
         if (i_net_ret == -1)
             /* If connection fails, we assume we must handshake again */

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