[vlc-commits] Added Snapshot, mrl unquote and input caching.
git at videolan.org
Sat Oct 6 22:55:03 CEST 2018
vlc/python | branch: master | mrJean1 <22154337+mrJean1 at users.noreply.github.com> | Mon Aug 6 13:51:25 2018 -0400| [b7635f7d8a784ffaa406a3ca45b5f483deb042b1] | committer: GitHub
Added Snapshot, mrl unquote and input caching.
New menu option `Snapshot` saves a VLC screen shot of the video window as a .PNG file. The table window snapshot is saved as .PDF file (provided [PyCocoa 18.8.4](http://PyPI.org/project/PyCocoa) or later is used). The `MediaStats` now show a line item **input caching** based on the approximation in [this issue](http://GitHub.com/oaubert/python-vlc/issues/61).
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc/python.git/?a=commit;h=b7635f7d8a784ffaa406a3ca45b5f483deb042b1
examples/cocoavlc.py | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/cocoavlc.py b/examples/cocoavlc.py
index 4561aa3..b654e39 100755
--- a/examples/cocoavlc.py
+++ b/examples/cocoavlc.py
@@ -50,16 +50,25 @@ except ImportError:
raise ImportError('no %s module, see %s?' % ('pycocoa', _PyPI('PyCocoa')))
# the imports listed explicitly to help PyChecker
from pycocoa import App, app_title, aspect_ratio, bytes2str, \
- closeTables, Item, MediaWindow, Menu, OpenPanel, \
+ closeTables, MediaWindow, Menu, OpenPanel, \
printf, str2bytes, Table, z1000str, zSIstr, \
__version__ as __PyCocoa__ # PYCHOK expected
+ from pycocoa import get_printer # PYCHOK expected
+except ImportError: # printers module new in PyCocoa 18.08.04
+ get_printer = None
import os
import platform
import sys
from time import strftime, strptime
+ from urllib import unquote as mrl_unquote
+except ImportError: # Python 3
+ from urllib.parse import unquote as mrl_unquote
__all__ = ('AppVLC',)
-__version__ = '18.07.29'
+__version__ = '18.08.04'
if __PyCocoa__ < '18.06.02':
raise ImportError('%s %s or newer required, see %s' % ('pycocoa',
@@ -73,6 +82,7 @@ _Adjust3 = {_Adjust.Brightness: (0, 1, 2),
_Adjust.Gamma: (0.01, 1, 10),
_Adjust.Hue: (0, 0, 360),
_Adjust.Saturation: (0, 1, 3)}
+_Argv0 = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
_macOS = platform.mac_ver()[0:3:2] # PYCHOK false
_Movies = '.m4v', '.mov', '.mp4' # lower-case file types for movies, videos
_Python = sys.version.split()[0], platform.architecture()[0] # PYCHOK false
@@ -82,7 +92,7 @@ _VLC_3_ = vlc.__version__.split('.')[0] > '2' and \
def _mspf(fps):
- # convert frames per second to frame length in millisecs
+ # convert frames per second to frame length in millisecs per frame
return 1000.0 / (fps or 25)
@@ -93,24 +103,32 @@ class AppVLC(App):
Set things up inside the C{.__init__} and C{.appLauched_}
methods, start by calling the C{.run} method.
- adjustr = ''
- marquee = None
- logostr = ''
- panel = None
- player = None
- resized = False
- scale = 1 # media zoom factor
- video = None
- window = None
- def __init__(self, video=None, adjustr='', logostr='', marquee=False, **kwds):
- super(AppVLC, self).__init__(**kwds)
+ adjustr = ''
+ marquee = None
+ logostr = ''
+ panel = None
+ player = None
+ raiser = False
+ resized = False
+ scale = 1 # media zoom factor
+ snapshots = 0
+ video = None
+ window = None
+ def __init__(self, video=None, # video file name
+ adjustr='', # vlc.VideoAdjustOption
+ logostr='', # vlc.VideoLogoOption
+ marquee=False, # vlc.VideoMarqueeOption
+ raiser=False, # re-raise errors
+ title='AppVLC'): # window title
+ super(AppVLC, self).__init__(raiser=raiser, title=title)
self.adjustr = adjustr
self.logostr = logostr
self.marquee = marquee
self.media = None
self.panel = OpenPanel(_Select)
self.player = vlc.MediaPlayer()
+ self.raiser = raiser
self.video = video
def appLaunched_(self, app):
@@ -118,7 +136,7 @@ class AppVLC(App):
self.window = MediaWindow(title=self.video or self.title)
if self.player:
- # the VLC player on macOS needs an NSView
+ # the VLC player on macOS needs an ObjC NSView
self.media = self.player.set_mrl(self.video)
@@ -137,10 +155,10 @@ class AppVLC(App):
menu = Menu('VLC')
- # the action/method for each item is
- # 'menu' + item.title + '_', with
- # spaces and dots removed, see the
- # function pycocoa.title2action.
+ # the action/method name for each item
+ # is string 'menu' + item.title + '_',
+ # without any spaces and trailing dots,
+ # see function pycocoa.title2action.
menu.item('Open...', key='o'),
menu.item('Info', key='i'),
@@ -158,6 +176,9 @@ class AppVLC(App):
+ menu.append(
+ menu.separator(),
+ menu.item('Snapshot', key='s', alt=True))
@@ -182,13 +203,12 @@ class AppVLC(App):
def menuInfo_(self, item):
# display Python, vlc, libVLC, media info
p = self.player
m = p.get_media()
t = Table(' Name:bold', ' Value:200:Center:center', ' Alt:100')
- t.append('cocoavlc', __version__, '20' + __version__)
+ t.append(_Argv0, __version__, '20' + __version__)
t.append('PyCocoa', __PyCocoa__, '20' + __PyCocoa__)
t.append('Python', *_Python)
t.append('macOS', *_macOS)
@@ -202,17 +222,17 @@ class AppVLC(App):
t.append('libVLC', *bytes2str(vlc.libvlc_get_compiler()).split(None, 1))
- f = bytes2str(m.get_mrl())
+ f = mrl_unquote(bytes2str(m.get_mrl()))
t.append('media', os.path.basename(f), f)
- if f.startswith('file:///'):
+ if f.lower().startswith('file://'):
z = os.path.getsize(f[7:])
t.append('size', z1000str(z), zSIstr(z))
t.append('state', str(p.get_state()))
- t.append('track/count', z1000str(p.video_get_track()), z1000str(p.video_get_track_count()))
- f = ['%.3f s' % (ms * 1e-3) for ms in (p.get_time(), m.get_duration())]
- t.append('time/duration', *f) # both shown in seconds
f = max(p.get_position(), 0)
t.append('position', '%.2f%%' % (f * 100,), f)
+ f = ['%.3f s' % (ms * 1e-3) for ms in (p.get_time(), m.get_duration())]
+ t.append('time/duration', *f) # both shown in seconds
+ t.append('track/count', z1000str(p.video_get_track()), z1000str(p.video_get_track_count()))
f = p.get_fps()
@@ -251,6 +271,11 @@ class AppVLC(App):
t.append('media read', *zSIstr(s.read_bytes).split())
t.append('input bitrate', *Kops2bpstr2(s.input_bitrate))
+ if s.input_bitrate > 0: # XXX approximate caching, based
+ # on <http://GitHub.com/oaubert/python-vlc/issues/61>
+ b = s.read_bytes - s.demux_read_bytes
+ c = b / (s.input_bitrate * 1000)
+ t.append('input caching', '%.3f s' % (c,), zSIstr(b))
t.append('demux read', *zSIstr(s.demux_read_bytes).split())
t.append('stream bitrate', *Kops2bpstr2(s.demux_bitrate))
@@ -265,7 +290,9 @@ class AppVLC(App):
t.display('Python, VLC & Media Information', width=500)
except Exception as x:
- printf('%r', x, nl=1, nt=1)
+ if self.raiser:
+ raise
+ printf('%s', x, nl=1, nt=1)
def menuOpen_(self, item):
# stop the current video and show
@@ -300,6 +327,21 @@ class AppVLC(App):
def menuSlower_(self, item):
self._rate(item, 0.80)
+ def menuSnapshot_(self, item_or_None): # PYCHOK expected
+ try:
+ w = self.lastWindow # in PyCocoa 18.08.04+
+ except AttributeError:
+ w = self.keyWindow or self.mainWindow
+ if w:
+ self.snapshots += 1
+ s = '-'.join((_Argv0,
+ 'snapshot%d' % (self.snapshots,),
+ w.__class__.__name__))
+ if isinstance(w, MediaWindow):
+ self.player.video_take_snapshot(0, s + '.png', 0, 0)
+ elif get_printer: # in PyCocoa 18.08.04+
+ get_printer().printView(w.PMview, toPDF=s + '.pdf')
def menuZoomIn_(self, item):
self._zoom(item, 1.25)
@@ -412,6 +454,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': # MCCABE 20
_adjustr = ''
_argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # _Title
+ _Argv0 = os.path.splitext(_argv0)[0]
_logostr = ''
_marquee = False
_raiser = False
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