[vlc-commits] dbus: Reorder introspection to match spec

FeRD (Frank Dana) git at videolan.org
Tue Apr 30 10:26:59 CEST 2019

vlc | branch: master | FeRD (Frank Dana) <ferdnyc at gmail.com> | Mon Apr 22 23:20:37 2019 -0400| [3b7e27afc6865fc67f73096c40b0c4af79794521] | committer: Steve Lhomme

dbus: Reorder introspection to match spec

The metadata in dbus_introspection.h was listed neither in
alphabetical order, nor in the same order used in the MPRIS2
specification. This commit reorders elements to match the spec,
making reconciliation easier. No changes made to any element.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Guillem <thomas at gllm.fr>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=3b7e27afc6865fc67f73096c40b0c4af79794521

 modules/control/dbus/dbus_introspect.h | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/control/dbus/dbus_introspect.h b/modules/control/dbus/dbus_introspect.h
index 23f245d20a..edd3caebb4 100644
--- a/modules/control/dbus/dbus_introspect.h
+++ b/modules/control/dbus/dbus_introspect.h
@@ -62,48 +62,48 @@ static const char* psz_introspection_xml =
 "    </signal>\n"
 "  </interface>\n"
 "  <interface name=\"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2\">\n"
-"    <property name=\"Identity\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"DesktopEntry\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"SupportedMimeTypes\" type=\"as\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"SupportedUriSchemes\" type=\"as\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"HasTrackList\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"CanQuit\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"CanSetFullscreen\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"Fullscreen\" type=\"b\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"CanSetFullscreen\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"CanRaise\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <method name=\"Quit\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"HasTrackList\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"Identity\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"DesktopEntry\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"SupportedUriSchemes\" type=\"as\" access=\"read\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"SupportedMimeTypes\" type=\"as\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <method name=\"Raise\" />\n"
+"    <method name=\"Quit\" />\n"
 "  </interface>\n"
 "  <interface name=\"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player\">\n"
-"    <property name=\"Metadata\" type=\"a{sv}\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"PlaybackStatus\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"LoopStatus\" type=\"s\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"Volume\" type=\"d\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"Rate\" type=\"d\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"Shuffle\" type=\"d\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"Metadata\" type=\"a{sv}\" access=\"read\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"Volume\" type=\"d\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"Position\" type=\"i\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"Rate\" type=\"d\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"MinimumRate\" type=\"d\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"MaximumRate\" type=\"d\" access=\"readwrite\" />\n"
-"    <property name=\"CanControl\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"CanPlay\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"CanPause\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <property name=\"CanSeek\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
-"    <method name=\"Previous\" />\n"
+"    <property name=\"CanControl\" type=\"b\" access=\"read\" />\n"
 "    <method name=\"Next\" />\n"
-"    <method name=\"Stop\" />\n"
-"    <method name=\"Play\" />\n"
+"    <method name=\"Previous\" />\n"
 "    <method name=\"Pause\" />\n"
 "    <method name=\"PlayPause\" />\n"
+"    <method name=\"Stop\" />\n"
+"    <method name=\"Play\" />\n"
 "    <method name=\"Seek\">\n"
 "      <arg type=\"x\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
 "    </method>"
-"    <method name=\"OpenUri\">\n"
-"      <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
-"    </method>\n"
 "    <method name=\"SetPosition\">\n"
 "      <arg type=\"o\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
 "      <arg type=\"x\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
 "    </method>\n"
+"    <method name=\"OpenUri\">\n"
+"      <arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\" />\n"
+"    </method>\n"
 "  </interface>\n"
 "  <interface name=\"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.TrackList\">\n"
 "    <property name=\"Tracks\" type=\"ao\" access=\"read\" />\n"

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