[vlc-commits] demux: mock: audio and video sample lengths can be different

Thomas Guillem git at videolan.org
Fri Sep 6 16:50:57 CEST 2019

vlc | branch: master | Thomas Guillem <thomas at gllm.fr> | Wed Aug 28 14:38:16 2019 +0200| [6667b15b955c79c2c9d81555ddeb6aab75893315] | committer: Thomas Guillem

demux: mock: audio and video sample lengths can be different

The video sample length (calculated from the FPS) can now be different than the
audio sample length. This will be used by player timer tests/

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=6667b15b955c79c2c9d81555ddeb6aab75893315

 modules/demux/mock.c | 196 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 149 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/demux/mock.c b/modules/demux/mock.c
index c79cdcaaa1..70d435892b 100644
--- a/modules/demux/mock.c
+++ b/modules/demux/mock.c
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ struct demux_sys
     mock_track_vector tracks;
     vlc_tick_t pts;
-    vlc_tick_t step_length;
+    vlc_tick_t audio_pts;
+    vlc_tick_t video_pts;
     int current_title;
     vlc_tick_t chapter_gap;
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ Control(demux_t *demux, int query, va_list args)
                 if (new_title >= sys->title_count)
                     return VLC_EGENERIC;
                 sys->current_title = new_title;
-                sys->pts = VLC_TICK_0;
+                sys->pts = sys->audio_pts = sys->video_pts = VLC_TICK_0;
                 return VLC_SUCCESS;
             return VLC_EGENERIC;
@@ -215,7 +216,8 @@ Control(demux_t *demux, int query, va_list args)
                 const int seekpoint_idx = va_arg(args, int);
                 if (seekpoint_idx < sys->chapter_count)
-                    sys->pts = seekpoint_idx * sys->chapter_gap;
+                    sys->pts = sys->audio_pts = sys->video_pts =
+                        (seekpoint_idx * sys->chapter_gap) + VLC_TICK_0;
                     return VLC_SUCCESS;
@@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ Control(demux_t *demux, int query, va_list args)
         case DEMUX_SET_POSITION:
             if (!sys->can_seek)
                 return VLC_EGENERIC;
-            sys->pts = va_arg(args, double) * sys->length;
+            sys->pts = sys->video_pts = sys->audio_pts = va_arg(args, double) * sys->length;
             return VLC_SUCCESS;
         case DEMUX_GET_LENGTH:
             *va_arg(args, vlc_tick_t *) = sys->length;
@@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ Control(demux_t *demux, int query, va_list args)
         case DEMUX_SET_TIME:
             if (!sys->can_seek)
                 return VLC_EGENERIC;
-            sys->pts = va_arg(args, vlc_tick_t);
+            sys->pts = sys->video_pts = sys->audio_pts = va_arg(args, vlc_tick_t);
             return VLC_SUCCESS;
         case DEMUX_GET_TITLE_INFO:
             if (sys->title_count > 0)
@@ -330,11 +332,10 @@ Control(demux_t *demux, int query, va_list args)
 static block_t *
-CreateAudioBlock(demux_t *demux, struct mock_track *track)
+CreateAudioBlock(demux_t *demux, struct mock_track *track, vlc_tick_t length)
-    struct demux_sys *sys = demux->p_sys;
     const int64_t samples =
-        samples_from_vlc_tick(sys->step_length, track->fmt.audio.i_rate);
+        samples_from_vlc_tick(length, track->fmt.audio.i_rate);
     const int64_t bytes = samples / track->fmt.audio.i_frame_length
                         * track->fmt.audio.i_bytes_per_frame;
     block_t *b = block_Alloc(bytes);
@@ -342,6 +343,7 @@ CreateAudioBlock(demux_t *demux, struct mock_track *track)
         return NULL;
     memset(b->p_buffer, 0, b->i_buffer);
     return b;
+    (void) demux;
 struct video_block
@@ -382,7 +384,7 @@ CreateVideoBlock(demux_t *demux, struct mock_track *track)
     size_t block_len = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < pic->i_planes; ++i)
         block_len += pic->p[i].i_lines * pic->p[i].i_pitch;
-    memset(pic->p[0].p_pixels, (sys->pts / VLC_TICK_FROM_MS(10)) % 255,
+    memset(pic->p[0].p_pixels, (sys->video_pts / VLC_TICK_FROM_MS(10)) % 255,
     return block_Init(&video->b, &cbs, pic->p[0].p_pixels, block_len);
     (void) demux;
@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ CreateSubBlock(demux_t *demux, struct mock_track *track)
     struct demux_sys *sys = demux->p_sys;
     char *text;
-    if (asprintf(&text, "subtitle @ %"PRId64, sys->pts) == -1)
+    if (asprintf(&text, "subtitle @ %"PRId64, sys->video_pts) == -1)
         return NULL;
     size_t len = strlen(text) + 1;
@@ -559,64 +561,169 @@ InitSubTracks(demux_t *demux, int group, size_t count)
 static int
-Demux(demux_t *demux)
+DemuxAudio(demux_t *demux, vlc_tick_t step_length, vlc_tick_t end_pts)
     struct demux_sys *sys = demux->p_sys;
-    if (sys->error)
-        return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
+    while (sys->audio_pts < end_pts)
+    {
+        struct mock_track *track;
+        vlc_vector_foreach(track, &sys->tracks)
+        {
+            block_t *block;
+            switch (track->fmt.i_cat)
+            {
+                case AUDIO_ES:
+                    block = CreateAudioBlock(demux, track, step_length);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    continue;
+            }
+            if (!block)
+                return VLC_EGENERIC;
-    struct mock_track *track;
-    vlc_vector_foreach(track, &sys->tracks)
+            block->i_length = step_length;
+            block->i_pts = block->i_dts = sys->audio_pts;
+            int ret = es_out_Send(demux->out, track->id, block);
+            if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+                return ret;
+        }
+        sys->audio_pts += step_length; 
+    }
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+static int
+DemuxVideo(demux_t *demux, vlc_tick_t step_length, vlc_tick_t end_pts)
+    struct demux_sys *sys = demux->p_sys;
+    while (sys->video_pts < end_pts)
-        block_t *block;
-        switch (track->fmt.i_cat)
+        struct mock_track *track;
+        vlc_vector_foreach(track, &sys->tracks)
-            case AUDIO_ES:
-                block = CreateAudioBlock(demux, track);
-                break;
-            case VIDEO_ES:
-                block = CreateVideoBlock(demux, track);
-                break;
-            case SPU_ES:
-                block = CreateSubBlock(demux, track);
-                break;
-            default:
-                vlc_assert_unreachable();
+            block_t *block;
+            switch (track->fmt.i_cat)
+            {
+                case VIDEO_ES:
+                    block = CreateVideoBlock(demux, track);
+                    break;
+                case SPU_ES:
+                    block = CreateSubBlock(demux, track);
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    continue;
+            }
+            if (!block)
+                return VLC_EGENERIC;
+            block->i_length = step_length;
+            block->i_pts = block->i_dts = sys->video_pts;
+            int ret = es_out_Send(demux->out, track->id, block);
+            if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+                return ret;
-        if (!block)
-            return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
-        block->i_length = sys->step_length;
-        block->i_pts = block->i_dts = sys->pts;
-        int ret = es_out_Send(demux->out, track->id, block);
-        if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
-            return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
+        sys->video_pts += step_length;
-    es_out_SetPCR(demux->out, sys->pts);
-    sys->pts += sys->step_length;
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+static int
+Demux(demux_t *demux)
+    struct demux_sys *sys = demux->p_sys;
+    if (sys->error)
+        return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
+    if (sys->audio_track_count > 0
+     && (sys->video_track_count > 0 || sys->sub_track_count > 0))
+        sys->pts = __MIN(sys->audio_pts, sys->video_pts);
+    else if (sys->audio_track_count > 0)
+        sys->pts = sys->audio_pts;
+    else
+        sys->pts = sys->video_pts;
     if (sys->pts > sys->length)
         sys->pts = sys->length;
+    es_out_SetPCR(demux->out, sys->pts);
+    const vlc_tick_t video_step_length =
+        (sys->video_track_count > 0 || sys->sub_track_count > 0) ?
+         VLC_TICK_FROM_SEC(1) * sys->video_frame_rate_base
+                              / sys->video_frame_rate : 0;
+    const vlc_tick_t audio_step_length =
+        sys->audio_track_count > 0 ? sys->audio_sample_length : 0;
+    const vlc_tick_t step_length = __MAX(audio_step_length, video_step_length);
+    int ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
+    bool audio_eof = true, video_eof = true;
+    if (sys->audio_track_count > 0)
+    {
+        ret = DemuxAudio(demux, audio_step_length,
+                         __MIN(step_length + sys->audio_pts, sys->length));
+        if (sys->audio_pts + audio_step_length < sys->length)
+            audio_eof = false;
+    }
+    if (ret == VLC_SUCCESS
+     && (sys->video_track_count > 0 || sys->sub_track_count > 0))
+    {
+        ret = DemuxVideo(demux, video_step_length,
+                         __MIN(step_length + sys->video_pts, sys->length));
+        if (sys->video_pts + video_step_length < sys->length)
+            video_eof = false;
+    }
+    if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+        return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
+    /* Add late tracks if any */
     if (sys->add_video_track_at != VLC_TICK_INVALID &&
         sys->add_video_track_at <= sys->pts)
-        InitVideoTracks(demux, 0, 1);
         sys->add_video_track_at = VLC_TICK_INVALID;
+        ret = InitVideoTracks(demux, 0, 1);
+        if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+            return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
+        sys->video_track_count++;
+        sys->video_pts = sys->pts;
+        video_eof = false;
     if (sys->add_audio_track_at != VLC_TICK_INVALID &&
         sys->add_audio_track_at <= sys->pts)
-        InitAudioTracks(demux, 0, 1);
         sys->add_audio_track_at = VLC_TICK_INVALID;
+        ret = InitAudioTracks(demux, 0, 1);
+        if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+            return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
+        sys->audio_track_count++;
+        sys->audio_pts = sys->pts;
+        audio_eof = false;
     if (sys->add_spu_track_at != VLC_TICK_INVALID &&
         sys->add_spu_track_at <= sys->pts)
-        InitSubTracks(demux, 0, 1);
         sys->add_spu_track_at = VLC_TICK_INVALID;
+        ret = InitSubTracks(demux, 0, 1);
+        if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
+            return VLC_DEMUXER_EGENERIC;
+        sys->sub_track_count++;
+        sys->video_pts = sys->pts;
+        video_eof = false;
-    return sys->pts == sys->length ? VLC_DEMUXER_EOF : VLC_DEMUXER_SUCCESS;
+    return audio_eof && video_eof ? VLC_DEMUXER_EOF : VLC_DEMUXER_SUCCESS;
 static void
@@ -709,13 +816,8 @@ Open(vlc_object_t *obj)
             goto error;
-    if (sys->video_track_count > 0)
-        sys->step_length = VLC_TICK_FROM_SEC(1) * sys->video_frame_rate_base
-                         / sys->video_frame_rate;
-    else
-        sys->step_length = sys->audio_sample_length;
-    sys->pts = VLC_TICK_0;
+    sys->pts = sys->audio_pts = sys->video_pts = VLC_TICK_0;
     sys->current_title = 0;
     sys->chapter_gap = sys->chapter_count > 0 ?
                        (sys->length / sys->chapter_count) : VLC_TICK_INVALID;

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