[vlc-commits] qml: add backgroundColor property to PlaylistListView

Fatih Uzunoglu git at videolan.org
Fri Jul 3 14:59:10 CEST 2020

vlc | branch: master | Fatih Uzunoglu <fuzun54 at outlook.com> | Thu Jul  2 16:46:55 2020 +0300| [774765095835bc87457aaafee1979d4aeb976a03] | committer: Pierre Lamot

qml: add backgroundColor property to PlaylistListView

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=774765095835bc87457aaafee1979d4aeb976a03

 modules/gui/qt/playlist/qml/PlaylistListView.qml | 572 ++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 290 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/gui/qt/playlist/qml/PlaylistListView.qml b/modules/gui/qt/playlist/qml/PlaylistListView.qml
index 56f3bfd55d..3ea1683f52 100644
--- a/modules/gui/qt/playlist/qml/PlaylistListView.qml
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/playlist/qml/PlaylistListView.qml
@@ -35,337 +35,345 @@ Widgets.NavigableFocusScope {
     property int leftPadding: 0
     property int rightPadding: 0
+    property alias backgroundColor: parentRect.color
-    //label for DnD
-    Widgets.DNDLabel {
-        id: dragItem
-    }
-    PlaylistMenu {
-        id: overlayMenu
+    Rectangle {
+        id: parentRect
         anchors.fill: parent
-        z: 2
-        navigationParent: root
-        navigationLeftItem: view
-        leftPadding: root.leftPadding
-        rightPadding: root.rightPadding
-        //rootmenu
-        Action { id:playAction;         text: i18n.qtr("Play");             onTriggered: view.onPlay(); icon.source: "qrc:///toolbar/play_b.svg" }
-        Action { id:deleteAction;       text: i18n.qtr("Delete");           onTriggered: view.onDelete() }
-        Action { id:clearAllAction;     text: i18n.qtr("Clear Playlist");   onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.clear() }
-        Action { id:selectAllAction;    text: i18n.qtr("Select All");       onTriggered: root.plmodel.selectAll() }
-        Action { id:shuffleAction;      text: i18n.qtr("Shuffle Playlist");  onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.shuffle(); icon.source: "qrc:///buttons/playlist/shuffle_on.svg" }
-        Action { id:sortAction;         text: i18n.qtr("Sort");             property string subMenu: "sortmenu"}
-        Action { id:selectTracksAction; text: i18n.qtr("Select Tracks");    onTriggered: view.mode = "select" }
-        Action { id:moveTracksAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Move Selection");   onTriggered: view.mode = "move" }
-        //sortmenu
-        Action { id: sortTitleAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Tile");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_TITLE, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortDurationAction;text: i18n.qtr("Duration");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_DURATION, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortArtistAction;  text: i18n.qtr("Artist");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_ARTIST, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortAlbumAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Album");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_ALBUM, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortGenreAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Genre");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_GENRE, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortDateAction;    text: i18n.qtr("Date");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_DATE, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortTrackAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Track Number");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_TRACK_NUMBER, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortURLAction;     text: i18n.qtr("URL");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_URL, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        Action { id: sortRatingAction;  text: i18n.qtr("Rating");
-            onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_RATIN, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
-        models: {
-            "rootmenu" : {
-                title: i18n.qtr("Playlist"),
-                entries: [
-                    playAction,
-                    deleteAction,
-                    clearAllAction,
-                    selectAllAction,
-                    shuffleAction,
-                    sortAction,
-                    selectTracksAction,
-                    moveTracksAction
-                ]
-            },
-            "sortmenu" :{
-                title: i18n.qtr("Sort Playlist"),
-                entries:  [
-                    sortTitleAction,
-                    sortDurationAction,
-                    sortArtistAction,
-                    sortAlbumAction,
-                    sortGenreAction,
-                    sortDateAction,
-                    sortTrackAction,
-                    sortURLAction,
-                    sortRatingAction,
-                ]
+        color: VLCStyle.colors.banner
+        //label for DnD
+        Widgets.DNDLabel {
+            id: dragItem
+        }
+        PlaylistMenu {
+            id: overlayMenu
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            z: 2
+            navigationParent: root
+            navigationLeftItem: view
+            leftPadding: root.leftPadding
+            rightPadding: root.rightPadding
+            //rootmenu
+            Action { id:playAction;         text: i18n.qtr("Play");             onTriggered: view.onPlay(); icon.source: "qrc:///toolbar/play_b.svg" }
+            Action { id:deleteAction;       text: i18n.qtr("Delete");           onTriggered: view.onDelete() }
+            Action { id:clearAllAction;     text: i18n.qtr("Clear Playlist");   onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.clear() }
+            Action { id:selectAllAction;    text: i18n.qtr("Select All");       onTriggered: root.plmodel.selectAll() }
+            Action { id:shuffleAction;      text: i18n.qtr("Shuffle Playlist");  onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.shuffle(); icon.source: "qrc:///buttons/playlist/shuffle_on.svg" }
+            Action { id:sortAction;         text: i18n.qtr("Sort");             property string subMenu: "sortmenu"}
+            Action { id:selectTracksAction; text: i18n.qtr("Select Tracks");    onTriggered: view.mode = "select" }
+            Action { id:moveTracksAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Move Selection");   onTriggered: view.mode = "move" }
+            //sortmenu
+            Action { id: sortTitleAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Tile");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_TITLE, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortDurationAction;text: i18n.qtr("Duration");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_DURATION, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortArtistAction;  text: i18n.qtr("Artist");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_ARTIST, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortAlbumAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Album");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_ALBUM, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortGenreAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Genre");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_GENRE, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortDateAction;    text: i18n.qtr("Date");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_DATE, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortTrackAction;   text: i18n.qtr("Track Number");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_TRACK_NUMBER, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortURLAction;     text: i18n.qtr("URL");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_URL, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            Action { id: sortRatingAction;  text: i18n.qtr("Rating");
+                onTriggered: mainPlaylistController.sort(PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_KEY_RATIN, PlaylistControllerModel.SORT_ORDER_ASC)}
+            models: {
+                "rootmenu" : {
+                    title: i18n.qtr("Playlist"),
+                    entries: [
+                        playAction,
+                        deleteAction,
+                        clearAllAction,
+                        selectAllAction,
+                        shuffleAction,
+                        sortAction,
+                        selectTracksAction,
+                        moveTracksAction
+                    ]
+                },
+                "sortmenu" :{
+                    title: i18n.qtr("Sort Playlist"),
+                    entries:  [
+                        sortTitleAction,
+                        sortDurationAction,
+                        sortArtistAction,
+                        sortAlbumAction,
+                        sortGenreAction,
+                        sortDateAction,
+                        sortTrackAction,
+                        sortURLAction,
+                        sortRatingAction,
+                    ]
+                }
-    }
-    ColumnLayout {
-        anchors.fill: parent
+        ColumnLayout {
+            anchors.fill: parent
-    Row {
-        width: root.width
-        leftPadding: VLCStyle.margin_normal
-        topPadding: VLCStyle.margin_normal
-        bottomPadding: VLCStyle.margin_large
+        Row {
+            width: root.width
+            leftPadding: VLCStyle.margin_normal
+            topPadding: VLCStyle.margin_normal
+            bottomPadding: VLCStyle.margin_large
-        ColumnLayout {
-            Widgets.SubtitleLabel {
-                text: i18n.qtr("Playqueue")
-            }
+            ColumnLayout {
+                Widgets.SubtitleLabel {
+                    text: i18n.qtr("Playqueue")
+                }
-            Widgets.CaptionLabel {
-                anchors.topMargin: VLCStyle.margin_small
-                text: i18n.qtr("%1 elements, %2 min").arg(root.plmodel.count).arg(plmodel.duration.toMinutes())
+                Widgets.CaptionLabel {
+                    anchors.topMargin: VLCStyle.margin_small
+                    text: i18n.qtr("%1 elements, %2 min").arg(root.plmodel.count).arg(plmodel.duration.toMinutes())
+                }
-    }
-    Widgets.KeyNavigableListView {
-        id: view
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        Layout.fillHeight: true
+        Widgets.KeyNavigableListView {
+            id: view
-        focus: true
+            Layout.fillWidth: true
+            Layout.fillHeight: true
-        model: root.plmodel
-        modelCount: root.plmodel.count
+            focus: true
-        property int shiftIndex: -1
-        property string mode: "normal"
+            model: root.plmodel
+            modelCount: root.plmodel.count
-        Connections {
-            target: root.plmodel
-            onRowsInserted: {
-                if (view.currentIndex == -1)
-                    view.currentIndex = 0
-            }
-            onModelReset: {
-                if (view.currentIndex == -1 &&  root.plmodel.count > 0)
-                    view.currentIndex = 0
+            property int shiftIndex: -1
+            property string mode: "normal"
+            Connections {
+                target: root.plmodel
+                onRowsInserted: {
+                    if (view.currentIndex == -1)
+                        view.currentIndex = 0
+                }
+                onModelReset: {
+                    if (view.currentIndex == -1 &&  root.plmodel.count > 0)
+                        view.currentIndex = 0
+                }
-        }
-        footer: PLItemFooter {
-            onDropURLAtEnd: mainPlaylistController.insert(root.plmodel.count, urlList)
-            onMoveAtEnd: root.plmodel.moveItemsPost(root.plmodel.getSelection(), root.plmodel.count - 1)
-        }
+            footer: PLItemFooter {
+                onDropURLAtEnd: mainPlaylistController.insert(root.plmodel.count, urlList)
+                onMoveAtEnd: root.plmodel.moveItemsPost(root.plmodel.getSelection(), root.plmodel.count - 1)
+            }
-        delegate: Column {
-            PLItem {
-                /*
-                 * implicit variables:
-                 *  - model: gives access to the values associated to PlaylistListModel roles
-                 *  - index: the index of this item in the list
-                 */
-                id: plitem
-                plmodel: root.plmodel
-                width: root.width
-                leftPadding: root.leftPadding + VLCStyle.margin_normal
-                rightPadding: root.rightPadding + view.scrollBarWidth
-                onItemClicked : {
-                    /* to receive keys events */
-                    view.forceActiveFocus()
-                    if (view.mode == "move") {
-                        var selectedIndexes = root.plmodel.getSelection()
-                        if (selectedIndexes.length === 0)
-                            return
-                        var preTarget = index
-                        /* move to _above_ the clicked item if move up, but
-                         * _below_ the clicked item if move down */
-                        if (preTarget > selectedIndexes[0])
-                            preTarget++
-                        view.currentIndex = selectedIndexes[0]
-                        root.plmodel.moveItemsPre(selectedIndexes, preTarget)
-                    } else if (view.mode == "select") {
-                    } else {
-                        view.updateSelection(modifier, view.currentIndex, index)
-                        view.currentIndex = index
+            delegate: Column {
+                PLItem {
+                    /*
+                     * implicit variables:
+                     *  - model: gives access to the values associated to PlaylistListModel roles
+                     *  - index: the index of this item in the list
+                     */
+                    id: plitem
+                    plmodel: root.plmodel
+                    width: root.width
+                    leftPadding: root.leftPadding + VLCStyle.margin_normal
+                    rightPadding: root.rightPadding + view.scrollBarWidth
+                    onItemClicked : {
+                        /* to receive keys events */
+                        view.forceActiveFocus()
+                        if (view.mode == "move") {
+                            var selectedIndexes = root.plmodel.getSelection()
+                            if (selectedIndexes.length === 0)
+                                return
+                            var preTarget = index
+                            /* move to _above_ the clicked item if move up, but
+                             * _below_ the clicked item if move down */
+                            if (preTarget > selectedIndexes[0])
+                                preTarget++
+                            view.currentIndex = selectedIndexes[0]
+                            root.plmodel.moveItemsPre(selectedIndexes, preTarget)
+                        } else if (view.mode == "select") {
+                        } else {
+                            view.updateSelection(modifier, view.currentIndex, index)
+                            view.currentIndex = index
+                        }
-                }
-                onItemDoubleClicked: mainPlaylistController.goTo(index, true)
-                color: VLCStyle.colors.getBgColor(model.selected, plitem.hovered, plitem.activeFocus)
-                onDragStarting: {
-                    if (!root.plmodel.isSelected(index)) {
-                        /* the dragged item is not in the selection, replace the selection */
-                        root.plmodel.setSelection([index])
+                    onItemDoubleClicked: mainPlaylistController.goTo(index, true)
+                    color: VLCStyle.colors.getBgColor(model.selected, plitem.hovered, plitem.activeFocus)
+                    onDragStarting: {
+                        if (!root.plmodel.isSelected(index)) {
+                            /* the dragged item is not in the selection, replace the selection */
+                            root.plmodel.setSelection([index])
+                        }
-                }
-                onDropedMovedAt: {
-                    if (drop.hasUrls) {
-                        //force conversion to an actual list
-                        var urlList = []
-                        for ( var url in drop.urls)
-                            urlList.push(drop.urls[url])
-                        mainPlaylistController.insert(target, urlList)
-                    } else {
-                        root.plmodel.moveItemsPre(root.plmodel.getSelection(), target)
+                    onDropedMovedAt: {
+                        if (drop.hasUrls) {
+                            //force conversion to an actual list
+                            var urlList = []
+                            for ( var url in drop.urls)
+                                urlList.push(drop.urls[url])
+                            mainPlaylistController.insert(target, urlList)
+                        } else {
+                            root.plmodel.moveItemsPre(root.plmodel.getSelection(), target)
+                        }
-            }
-            Rectangle {
-                width: parent.width
-                height: 1
-                color: VLCStyle.colors.white
-                opacity: VLCStyle.colors.isThemeDark ? 0.05 : 1.0
+                Rectangle {
+                    width: parent.width
+                    height: 1
+                    color: VLCStyle.colors.white
+                    opacity: VLCStyle.colors.isThemeDark ? 0.05 : 1.0
+                }
-        }
-        onSelectAll: root.plmodel.selectAll()
-        onSelectionUpdated: {
-            if (view.mode === "select") {
-                console.log("update selection select")
-            } else if (mode == "move") {
-                var selectedIndexes = root.plmodel.getSelection()
-                if (selectedIndexes.length === 0)
-                    return
-                /* always move relative to the first item of the selection */
-                var target = selectedIndexes[0];
-                if (newIndex > oldIndex) {
-                    /* move down */
-                    target++
-                } else if (newIndex < oldIndex && target > 0) {
-                    /* move up */
-                    target--
+            onSelectAll: root.plmodel.selectAll()
+            onSelectionUpdated: {
+                if (view.mode === "select") {
+                    console.log("update selection select")
+                } else if (mode == "move") {
+                    var selectedIndexes = root.plmodel.getSelection()
+                    if (selectedIndexes.length === 0)
+                        return
+                    /* always move relative to the first item of the selection */
+                    var target = selectedIndexes[0];
+                    if (newIndex > oldIndex) {
+                        /* move down */
+                        target++
+                    } else if (newIndex < oldIndex && target > 0) {
+                        /* move up */
+                        target--
+                    }
+                    view.currentIndex = selectedIndexes[0]
+                    /* the target is the position _after_ the move is applied */
+                    root.plmodel.moveItemsPost(selectedIndexes, target)
+                } else { // normal
+                    updateSelection(keyModifiers, oldIndex, newIndex);
-                view.currentIndex = selectedIndexes[0]
-                /* the target is the position _after_ the move is applied */
-                root.plmodel.moveItemsPost(selectedIndexes, target)
-            } else { // normal
-                updateSelection(keyModifiers, oldIndex, newIndex);
-        }
-        Keys.onDeletePressed: onDelete()
-        Keys.onMenuPressed: overlayMenu.open()
+            Keys.onDeletePressed: onDelete()
+            Keys.onMenuPressed: overlayMenu.open()
-        navigationParent: root
-        navigationRight: function(index) {
-            overlayMenu.open()
-        }
-        navigationLeft: function(index) {
-            if (mode === "normal") {
-                root.navigationLeft(index)
-            } else {
-                mode = "normal"
+            navigationParent: root
+            navigationRight: function(index) {
+                overlayMenu.open()
-        }
-        navigationCancel: function(index) {
-            if (mode === "normal") {
-                root.navigationCancel(index)
-            } else {
-                mode = "normal"
+            navigationLeft: function(index) {
+                if (mode === "normal") {
+                    root.navigationLeft(index)
+                } else {
+                    mode = "normal"
+                }
+            }
+            navigationCancel: function(index) {
+                if (mode === "normal") {
+                    root.navigationCancel(index)
+                } else {
+                    mode = "normal"
+                }
-        }
-        onActionAtIndex: {
-            if (index < 0)
-                return
+            onActionAtIndex: {
+                if (index < 0)
+                    return
-            if (mode === "select")
-                root.plmodel.toggleSelected(index)
-            else //normal
-                // play
-                mainPlaylistController.goTo(index, true)
-        }
+                if (mode === "select")
+                    root.plmodel.toggleSelected(index)
+                else //normal
+                    // play
+                    mainPlaylistController.goTo(index, true)
+            }
-        function onPlay() {
-            let selection = root.plmodel.getSelection()
-            if (selection.length === 0)
-                return
-            mainPlaylistController.goTo(selection[0], true)
-        }
+            function onPlay() {
+                let selection = root.plmodel.getSelection()
+                if (selection.length === 0)
+                    return
+                mainPlaylistController.goTo(selection[0], true)
+            }
-        function onDelete() {
-            let selection = root.plmodel.getSelection()
-            if (selection.length === 0)
-                return
-            root.plmodel.removeItems(selection)
-        }
+            function onDelete() {
+                let selection = root.plmodel.getSelection()
+                if (selection.length === 0)
+                    return
+                root.plmodel.removeItems(selection)
+            }
-        function _addRange(from, to) {
-            root.plmodel.setRangeSelected(from, to - from + 1, true)
-        }
+            function _addRange(from, to) {
+                root.plmodel.setRangeSelected(from, to - from + 1, true)
+            }
-        function _delRange(from, to) {
-            root.plmodel.setRangeSelected(from, to - from + 1, false)
-        }
+            function _delRange(from, to) {
+                root.plmodel.setRangeSelected(from, to - from + 1, false)
+            }
-        // copied from SelectableDelegateModel, which is intended to be removed
-        function updateSelection( keymodifiers, oldIndex, newIndex ) {
-            if ((keymodifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier)) {
-                if ( shiftIndex === oldIndex) {
-                    if ( newIndex > shiftIndex )
-                        _addRange(shiftIndex, newIndex)
-                    else
+            // copied from SelectableDelegateModel, which is intended to be removed
+            function updateSelection( keymodifiers, oldIndex, newIndex ) {
+                if ((keymodifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier)) {
+                    if ( shiftIndex === oldIndex) {
+                        if ( newIndex > shiftIndex )
+                            _addRange(shiftIndex, newIndex)
+                        else
+                            _addRange(newIndex, shiftIndex)
+                    } else if (shiftIndex <= newIndex && newIndex < oldIndex) {
+                        _delRange(newIndex + 1, oldIndex )
+                    } else if ( shiftIndex < oldIndex && oldIndex < newIndex ) {
+                        _addRange(oldIndex, newIndex)
+                    } else if ( newIndex < shiftIndex && shiftIndex < oldIndex ) {
+                        _delRange(shiftIndex, oldIndex)
                         _addRange(newIndex, shiftIndex)
-                } else if (shiftIndex <= newIndex && newIndex < oldIndex) {
-                    _delRange(newIndex + 1, oldIndex )
-                } else if ( shiftIndex < oldIndex && oldIndex < newIndex ) {
-                    _addRange(oldIndex, newIndex)
-                } else if ( newIndex < shiftIndex && shiftIndex < oldIndex ) {
-                    _delRange(shiftIndex, oldIndex)
-                    _addRange(newIndex, shiftIndex)
-                } else if ( newIndex < oldIndex && oldIndex < shiftIndex  ) {
-                    _addRange(newIndex, oldIndex)
-                } else if ( oldIndex <= shiftIndex && shiftIndex < newIndex ) {
-                    _delRange(oldIndex, shiftIndex)
-                    _addRange(shiftIndex, newIndex)
-                } else if ( oldIndex < newIndex && newIndex <= shiftIndex  ) {
-                    _delRange(oldIndex, newIndex - 1)
-                }
-            } else {
-                shiftIndex = newIndex
-                if (keymodifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) {
-                    root.plmodel.toggleSelected(newIndex)
+                    } else if ( newIndex < oldIndex && oldIndex < shiftIndex  ) {
+                        _addRange(newIndex, oldIndex)
+                    } else if ( oldIndex <= shiftIndex && shiftIndex < newIndex ) {
+                        _delRange(oldIndex, shiftIndex)
+                        _addRange(shiftIndex, newIndex)
+                    } else if ( oldIndex < newIndex && newIndex <= shiftIndex  ) {
+                        _delRange(oldIndex, newIndex - 1)
+                    }
                 } else {
-                    root.plmodel.setSelection([newIndex])
+                    shiftIndex = newIndex
+                    if (keymodifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) {
+                        root.plmodel.toggleSelected(newIndex)
+                    } else {
+                        root.plmodel.setSelection([newIndex])
+                    }
-        }
-        Label {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            visible: plmodel.count === 0
-            font.pixelSize: VLCStyle.fontHeight_xxlarge
-            color: view.activeFocus ? VLCStyle.colors.accent : VLCStyle.colors.text
-            text: i18n.qtr("playlist is empty")
-            wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
-            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
-            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
-            padding: VLCStyle.margin_small
+            Label {
+                anchors.fill: parent
+                visible: plmodel.count === 0
+                font.pixelSize: VLCStyle.fontHeight_xxlarge
+                color: view.activeFocus ? VLCStyle.colors.accent : VLCStyle.colors.text
+                text: i18n.qtr("playlist is empty")
+                wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
+                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+                padding: VLCStyle.margin_small
+            }
-    }
-    PlaylistToolbar {
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
+        PlaylistToolbar {
+            Layout.fillWidth: true
-        leftPadding: root.leftPadding
-        rightPadding: root.rightPadding
-        navigationParent: root
-        navigationUpItem: view
-    }
+            leftPadding: root.leftPadding
+            rightPadding: root.rightPadding
+            navigationParent: root
+            navigationUpItem: view
+        }
+        }
     Keys.priority: Keys.AfterItem

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