[vlc-commits] qml: update volume icons
Prince Gupta
git at videolan.org
Mon Feb 8 10:00:10 UTC 2021
vlc | branch: master | Prince Gupta <guptaprince8832 at gmail.com> | Mon Jan 18 20:47:37 2021 +0530| [9caa69fc1d38abdadcf874e94a946a3189ff43b9] | committer: Pierre Lamot
qml: update volume icons
Signed-off-by: Pierre Lamot <pierre at videolabs.io>
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=9caa69fc1d38abdadcf874e94a946a3189ff43b9
modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/VLCIcons.json | 1 +
modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/VLCIcons.ttf | Bin 31156 -> 32184 bytes
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modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/toolbar/volume-low.svg | 89 +-------
modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/toolbar/volume-medium.svg | 90 +-------
modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/toolbar/volume-muted.svg | 91 +-------
modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/toolbar/volume-zero.svg | 8 +
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8 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 465 deletions(-)
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--- a/modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/VLCIcons.json
+++ b/modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/VLCIcons.json
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Binary files a/modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/VLCIcons.ttf and b/modules/gui/qt/pixmaps/VLCIcons.ttf differ
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- property string menu : "\ue07f"
- property string topbar_video : "\ue080"
- property string topbar_music : "\ue081"
- property string topbar_network : "\ue082"
- property string topbar_previous : "\ue083"
- property string topbar_next : "\ue084"
- property string topbar_filter : "\ue085"
- property string topbar_sort : "\ue086"
- property string topbar_discover : "\ue087"
- property string rename : "\ue088"
- property string del : "\ue089"
- property string close : "\ue08a"
- property string ellipsis : "\ue08b"
- property string grid : "\ue08c"
- property string list : "\ue08d"
- property string album_cover : "\ue08e"
- property string time : "\ue08f"
- property string play_outline : "\ue090"
- property string enqueue : "\ue091"
- property string back : "\ue092"
- property string history : "\ue093"
- property string window_close : "\ue094"
- property string window_maximize : "\ue095"
- property string window_minimize : "\ue096"
- property string window_restore : "\ue097"
- property string home : "\ue098"
- property string download : "\ue099"
- property string multiselect : "\ue09a"
- property string sync : "\ue09b"
- property string check : "\ue09c"
- property string visualization : "\ue09d"
+ property string volume_zero : "\ue018"
+ property string volume_low : "\ue019"
+ property string dvd_prev : "\ue01a"
+ property string volume_medium : "\ue01b"
+ property string dvd_next : "\ue01c"
+ property string audiosub : "\ue01d"
+ property string volume_slider_outside : "\ue01e"
+ property string arrows : "\ue01f"
+ property string aspect_ratio : "\ue020"
+ property string fullscreen : "\ue021"
+ property string dvd_menu : "\ue022"
+ property string play_reverse : "\ue023"
+ property string record : "\ue024"
+ property string snapshot : "\ue025"
+ property string search : "\ue026"
+ property string volume_high : "\ue027"
+ property string volume_slider_inside : "\ue028"
+ property string volume_muted : "\ue029"
+ property string previous : "\ue02a"
+ property string type_node : "\ue02b"
+ property string type_unknown : "\ue02c"
+ property string file_asym : "\ue02d"
+ property string folder_grey : "\ue02e"
+ property string type_file : "\ue02f"
+ property string file_wide : "\ue030"
+ property string harddisk : "\ue031"
+ property string type_playlist : "\ue032"
+ property string folder_blue : "\ue033"
+ property string capture_card : "\ue034"
+ property string tape : "\ue035"
+ property string type_stream : "\ue036"
+ property string type_directory : "\ue037"
+ property string disc : "\ue038"
+ property string repeat_one : "\ue039"
+ property string repeat_off : "\ue03a"
+ property string dropzone : "\ue03b"
+ property string remove : "\ue03c"
+ property string add : "\ue03d"
+ property string shuffle_on : "\ue03e"
+ property string appletrailers : "\ue03f"
+ property string metachannels : "\ue040"
+ property string assembleenationale : "\ue041"
+ property string fmc : "\ue042"
+ property string jamendo : "\ue043"
+ property string icecast : "\ue044"
+ property string katsomo : "\ue045"
+ property string frenchtv : "\ue046"
+ property string mtp : "\ue047"
+ property string network : "\ue048"
+ property string movie : "\ue049"
+ property string pictures : "\ue04a"
+ property string screen : "\ue04b"
+ property string library : "\ue04c"
+ property string music : "\ue04d"
+ property string lan : "\ue04e"
+ property string capture : "\ue04f"
+ property string podcast : "\ue050"
+ property string playlist : "\ue051"
+ property string playlist_clear : "\ue052"
+ property string repeat_all : "\ue053"
+ property string active_indicator : "\ue054"
+ property string lock : "\ue055"
+ property string slower : "\ue056"
+ property string clear : "\ue057"
+ property string profile_new : "\ue058"
+ property string addon_green : "\ue059"
+ property string addon_broken : "\ue05a"
+ property string addon_magenta : "\ue05b"
+ property string addon_cyan : "\ue05c"
+ property string score : "\ue05d"
+ property string addon_yellow : "\ue05e"
+ property string addon_blue : "\ue05f"
+ property string addon : "\ue060"
+ property string addon_red : "\ue061"
+ property string advprefs_playlist : "\ue062"
+ property string advprefs_audio : "\ue063"
+ property string advprefs_video : "\ue064"
+ property string advprefs_extended : "\ue065"
+ property string advprefs_codec : "\ue066"
+ property string advprefs_intf : "\ue067"
+ property string advprefs_sout : "\ue068"
+ property string win7thumbnail_next : "\ue069"
+ property string win7thumbnail_play : "\ue06a"
+ property string win7thumbnail_pause : "\ue06b"
+ property string win7thumbnail_prev : "\ue06c"
+ property string next : "\ue06d"
+ property string play : "\ue06e"
+ property string space : "\ue06f"
+ property string pause : "\ue070"
+ property string faster2 : "\ue071"
+ property string wait1 : "\ue072"
+ property string wait2 : "\ue073"
+ property string wait3 : "\ue074"
+ property string wait4 : "\ue075"
+ property string slower2 : "\ue076"
+ property string messages : "\ue077"
+ property string settings : "\ue078"
+ property string info : "\ue079"
+ property string preferences : "\ue07a"
+ property string exit : "\ue07b"
+ property string help : "\ue07c"
+ property string stream : "\ue07d"
+ property string valid : "\ue07e"
+ property string search_clear : "\ue07f"
+ property string menu : "\ue080"
+ property string topbar_video : "\ue081"
+ property string topbar_music : "\ue082"
+ property string topbar_network : "\ue083"
+ property string topbar_previous : "\ue084"
+ property string topbar_next : "\ue085"
+ property string topbar_filter : "\ue086"
+ property string topbar_sort : "\ue087"
+ property string topbar_discover : "\ue088"
+ property string rename : "\ue089"
+ property string del : "\ue08a"
+ property string close : "\ue08b"
+ property string ellipsis : "\ue08c"
+ property string grid : "\ue08d"
+ property string list : "\ue08e"
+ property string album_cover : "\ue08f"
+ property string time : "\ue090"
+ property string play_outline : "\ue091"
+ property string enqueue : "\ue092"
+ property string back : "\ue093"
+ property string history : "\ue094"
+ property string window_close : "\ue095"
+ property string window_maximize : "\ue096"
+ property string window_minimize : "\ue097"
+ property string window_restore : "\ue098"
+ property string home : "\ue099"
+ property string download : "\ue09a"
+ property string multiselect : "\ue09b"
+ property string sync : "\ue09c"
+ property string check : "\ue09d"
+ property string visualization : "\ue09e"
\ No newline at end of file
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