[vlc-commits] d3d_shader: separate the code to generate shader blobs dynamically

Steve Lhomme git at videolan.org
Wed Feb 10 11:07:04 UTC 2021

vlc | branch: master | Steve Lhomme <robux4 at ycbcr.xyz> | Tue Feb  9 09:32:06 2021 +0100| [ad460c422795928a484c87e82025853da01d9614] | committer: Steve Lhomme

d3d_shader: separate the code to generate shader blobs dynamically

The ID3D10Blob format is only known by a tiny part of the code now.

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=ad460c422795928a484c87e82025853da01d9614

 modules/video_output/Makefile.am                |   1 +
 modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.c      |  30 +-
 modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.h      |   1 +
 modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.c | 723 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.h |  48 ++
 modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.c        | 688 +---------------------
 modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.h        |  34 +-
 modules/video_output/win32/direct3d11.c         |   4 +-
 8 files changed, 805 insertions(+), 724 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/video_output/Makefile.am b/modules/video_output/Makefile.am
index 5900db1c19..375da4b28d 100644
--- a/modules/video_output/Makefile.am
+++ b/modules/video_output/Makefile.am
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ libdirect3d11_plugin_la_SOURCES = video_output/win32/direct3d11.c \
  video_output/win32/d3d11_quad.c video_output/win32/d3d11_quad.h \
  video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.c video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.h \
  video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.c video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.h \
+ video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.c video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.h \
  video_output/win32/d3d11_swapchain.c video_output/win32/d3d11_swapchain.h \
  video_output/win32/dxgi_swapchain.c video_output/win32/dxgi_swapchain.h \
  video_output/win32/common.c video_output/win32/common.h
diff --git a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.c b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.c
index 18aa1bca2f..39a407ee8a 100644
--- a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.c
+++ b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.c
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 #include <d3d11.h>
 #include "d3d11_shaders.h"
+#include "d3d_dynamic_shader.h"
 HRESULT (D3D11_CompilePixelShader)(vlc_object_t *o, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
                                  d3d11_device_t *d3d_dev,
                                  bool texture_array,
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ HRESULT (D3D11_CompilePixelShader)(vlc_object_t *o, const d3d_shader_compiler_t
                                  video_color_primaries_t primaries, bool src_full_range,
                                  d3d11_quad_t *quad)
+    d3d_shader_blob pPSBlob[DXGI_MAX_RENDER_TARGET] = { 0 };
     D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC sampDesc;
     memset(&sampDesc, 0, sizeof(sampDesc));
@@ -79,18 +81,18 @@ HRESULT (D3D11_CompilePixelShader)(vlc_object_t *o, const d3d_shader_compiler_t
     if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
         hr = ID3D11Device_CreatePixelShader(d3d_dev->d3ddevice,
-                                            (void *)ID3D10Blob_GetBufferPointer(pPSBlob[0]),
-                                            ID3D10Blob_GetBufferSize(pPSBlob[0]), NULL, &quad->d3dpixelShader[0]);
+                                            pPSBlob[0].buffer, pPSBlob[0].buf_size,
+                                            NULL, &quad->d3dpixelShader[0]);
-        ID3D10Blob_Release(pPSBlob[0]);
+        D3D_ShaderBlobRelease(&pPSBlob[0]);
-        if (pPSBlob[1])
+        if (pPSBlob[1].buffer)
             hr = ID3D11Device_CreatePixelShader(d3d_dev->d3ddevice,
-                                                (void *)ID3D10Blob_GetBufferPointer(pPSBlob[1]),
-                                                ID3D10Blob_GetBufferSize(pPSBlob[1]), NULL, &quad->d3dpixelShader[1]);
+                                                pPSBlob[1].buffer, pPSBlob[1].buf_size,
+                                                NULL, &quad->d3dpixelShader[1]);
-            ID3D10Blob_Release(pPSBlob[1]);
+            D3D_ShaderBlobRelease(&pPSBlob[1]);
     return hr;
@@ -152,14 +154,14 @@ static HRESULT CompileVertexShader(vlc_object_t *obj, const d3d_shader_compiler_
                                    d3d11_device_t *d3d_dev, bool flat,
                                    d3d11_vertex_shader_t *output)
-    ID3DBlob *pVSBlob;
+    d3d_shader_blob pVSBlob = { 0 };
     HRESULT hr;
     hr = D3D_CompileVertexShader(obj, compiler, d3d_dev->feature_level, flat, &pVSBlob);
     if (FAILED(hr))
         return hr;
-   hr = ID3D11Device_CreateVertexShader(d3d_dev->d3ddevice, (void *)ID3D10Blob_GetBufferPointer(pVSBlob),
-                                        ID3D10Blob_GetBufferSize(pVSBlob), NULL, &output->shader);
+   hr = ID3D11Device_CreateVertexShader(d3d_dev->d3ddevice, pVSBlob.buffer,
+                                        pVSBlob.buf_size, NULL, &output->shader);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        msg_Err(obj, "Failed to create the flat vertex shader. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
@@ -172,8 +174,8 @@ static HRESULT CompileVertexShader(vlc_object_t *obj, const d3d_shader_compiler_
-   hr = ID3D11Device_CreateInputLayout(d3d_dev->d3ddevice, layout, 2, (void *)ID3D10Blob_GetBufferPointer(pVSBlob),
-                                       ID3D10Blob_GetBufferSize(pVSBlob), &output->layout);
+   hr = ID3D11Device_CreateInputLayout(d3d_dev->d3ddevice, layout, 2, pVSBlob.buffer,
+                                       pVSBlob.buf_size, &output->layout);
    if(FAILED(hr)) {
        msg_Err(obj, "Failed to create the vertex input layout. (hr=0x%lX)", hr);
@@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ static HRESULT CompileVertexShader(vlc_object_t *obj, const d3d_shader_compiler_
    return S_OK;
-   ID3D10Blob_Release(pVSBlob);
+   D3D_ShaderBlobRelease(&pVSBlob);
    return hr;
diff --git a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.h b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.h
index e0a716a2a6..c0e4b87e2e 100644
--- a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.h
+++ b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d11_shaders.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #define VLC_D3D11_SHADERS_H
 #include "d3d_shaders.h"
+#include "d3d_dynamic_shader.h"
 #include "../../video_chroma/d3d11_fmt.h"
diff --git a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.c b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00ac461433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.c
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+ * d3d_dynamic_shader.c: Direct3D Shader APIs
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * Authors: Steve Lhomme <robux4 at gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+# include "config.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <vlc_common.h>
+#include <d3dcompiler.h>
+#include "d3d_shaders.h"
+#include "d3d_dynamic_shader.h"
+static const char globPixelShaderDefault[] = "\
+  cbuffer PS_CONSTANT_BUFFER : register(b0)\n\
+  {\n\
+    float4x4 WhitePoint;\n\
+    float4x4 Colorspace;\n\
+    float4x4 Primaries;\n\
+    float Opacity;\n\
+    float LuminanceScale;\n\
+    float BoundaryX;\n\
+    float BoundaryY;\n\
+  };\n\
+  Texture2D%s shaderTexture[4];\n\
+  SamplerState normalSampler : register(s0);\n\
+  SamplerState borderSampler : register(s1);\n\
+  \n\
+  struct PS_INPUT\n\
+  {\n\
+    float4 Position   : SV_POSITION;\n\
+    float3 Texture    : TEXCOORD;\n\
+  };\n\
+  \n\
+  /* see http://filmicworlds.com/blog/filmic-tonemapping-operators/ */\n\
+  inline float4 hable(float4 x) {\n\
+      const float A = 0.15, B = 0.50, C = 0.10, D = 0.20, E = 0.02, F = 0.30;\n\
+      return ((x * (A*x + (C*B))+(D*E))/(x * (A*x + B) + (D*F))) - E/F;\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  /* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_Log-Gamma#Technical_details */\n\
+  inline float inverse_HLG(float x){\n\
+      const float B67_a = 0.17883277;\n\
+      const float B67_b = 0.28466892;\n\
+      const float B67_c = 0.55991073;\n\
+      const float B67_inv_r2 = 4.0; /* 1/0.5² */\n\
+      if (x <= 0.5)\n\
+          x = x * x * B67_inv_r2;\n\
+      else\n\
+          x = exp((x - B67_c) / B67_a) + B67_b;\n\
+      return x;\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  inline float4 sourceToLinear(float4 rgb) {\n\
+const float ST2084_m1 = 2610.0 / (4096.0 * 4);\n\
+const float ST2084_m2 = (2523.0 / 4096.0) * 128.0;\n\
+const float ST2084_c1 = 3424.0 / 4096.0;\n\
+const float ST2084_c2 = (2413.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n\
+const float ST2084_c3 = (2392.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  inline float4 linearToDisplay(float4 rgb) {\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  inline float4 transformPrimaries(float4 rgb) {\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  inline float4 toneMapping(float4 rgb) {\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  inline float4 adjustRange(float4 rgb) {\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  inline float4 reorderPlanes(float4 rgb) {\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  inline float4 sampleTexture(SamplerState samplerState, float3 coords) {\n\
+      float4 sample;\n\
+%s /* sampling routine in sample */\n\
+      return sample;\n\
+  }\n\
+  \n\
+  float4 main( PS_INPUT In ) : SV_TARGET\n\
+  {\n\
+    float4 sample;\n\
+    \n\
+    if (In.Texture.x > BoundaryX || In.Texture.y > BoundaryY) \n\
+        sample = sampleTexture( borderSampler, In.Texture );\n\
+    else\n\
+        sample = sampleTexture( normalSampler, In.Texture );\n\
+    float4 rgba = max(mul(mul(sample, WhitePoint), Colorspace),0);\n\
+    float opacity = rgba.a * Opacity;\n\
+    float4 rgb = rgba; rgb.a = 0;\n\
+    rgb = sourceToLinear(rgb);\n\
+    rgb = transformPrimaries(rgb);\n\
+    rgb = toneMapping(rgb);\n\
+    rgb = linearToDisplay(rgb);\n\
+    rgb = adjustRange(rgb);\n\
+    rgb = reorderPlanes(rgb);\n\
+    return float4(rgb.rgb, saturate(opacity));\n\
+  }\n\
+static const char globVertexShaderFlat[] = "\
+struct d3d_vertex_t\n\
+  float3 Position   : POSITION;\n\
+  float2 uv         : TEXCOORD;\n\
+struct PS_INPUT\n\
+  float4 Position   : SV_POSITION;\n\
+  float3 Texture    : TEXCOORD;\n\
+PS_INPUT main( d3d_vertex_t In )\n\
+  PS_INPUT Output;\n\
+  Output.Position = float4(In.Position, 1);\n\
+  Output.Texture  = float3(In.uv, 0);\n\
+  return Output;\n\
+static const char globVertexShaderProjection[] = "\n\
+cbuffer VS_PROJECTION_CONST : register(b0)\n\
+   float4x4 View;\n\
+   float4x4 Zoom;\n\
+   float4x4 Projection;\n\
+struct d3d_vertex_t\n\
+  float3 Position   : POSITION;\n\
+  float2 uv         : TEXCOORD;\n\
+struct PS_INPUT\n\
+  float4 Position   : SV_POSITION;\n\
+  float3 Texture    : TEXCOORD;\n\
+PS_INPUT main( d3d_vertex_t In )\n\
+  PS_INPUT Output;\n\
+  float4 pos = float4(In.Position, 1);\n\
+  pos = mul(View, pos);\n\
+  pos = mul(Zoom, pos);\n\
+  pos = mul(Projection, pos);\n\
+  Output.Position = pos;\n\
+  Output.Texture = float3(In.uv, 0);\n\
+  return Output;\n\
+static void ReleaseID3D10Blob(d3d_shader_blob *blob)
+    ID3D10Blob_Release( (ID3D10Blob*)blob->opaque );
+static void ID3D10BlobtoBlob(ID3D10Blob *d3dblob, d3d_shader_blob *blob)
+    blob->opaque = d3dblob;
+    blob->pf_release = ReleaseID3D10Blob;
+    blob->buf_size = ID3D10Blob_GetBufferSize(d3dblob);
+    blob->buffer = ID3D10Blob_GetBufferPointer(d3dblob);
+static HRESULT CompileShader(vlc_object_t *obj, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
+                             D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level,
+                             const char *psz_shader, bool pixelShader,
+                             d3d_shader_blob *blob)
+    ID3D10Blob* pShaderBlob = NULL, *pErrBlob;
+    const char *target;
+    if (pixelShader)
+    {
+        if (likely(feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0))
+            target = "ps_4_0";
+        else if (feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3)
+            target = "ps_4_0_level_9_3";
+        else
+            target = "ps_4_0_level_9_1";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (likely(feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0))
+            target = "vs_4_0";
+        else if (feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3)
+            target = "vs_4_0_level_9_3";
+        else
+            target = "vs_4_0_level_9_1";
+    }
+    UINT compileFlags = 0;
+    VLC_UNUSED(compiler);
+# define D3DCompile(args...)    compiler->OurD3DCompile(args)
+# if !defined(NDEBUG)
+    if (IsDebuggerPresent())
+        compileFlags += D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG;
+# endif
+    HRESULT hr = D3DCompile(psz_shader, strlen(psz_shader),
+                            NULL, NULL, NULL, "main", target,
+                            compileFlags, 0, &pShaderBlob, &pErrBlob);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) {
+        char *err = pErrBlob ? ID3D10Blob_GetBufferPointer(pErrBlob) : NULL;
+        msg_Err(obj, "invalid %s Shader (hr=0x%lX): %s", pixelShader?"Pixel":"Vertex", hr, err );
+        if (pErrBlob)
+            ID3D10Blob_Release(pErrBlob);
+        return E_FAIL;
+    }
+    if (!pShaderBlob)
+        return E_INVALIDARG;
+    ID3D10BlobtoBlob(pShaderBlob, blob);
+    return S_OK;
+static HRESULT CompilePixelShaderBlob(vlc_object_t *o, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
+                                   D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level,
+                                   bool texture_array,
+                                   const char *psz_sampler,
+                                   const char *psz_src_to_linear,
+                                   const char *psz_primaries_transform,
+                                   const char *psz_linear_to_display,
+                                   const char *psz_tone_mapping,
+                                   const char *psz_adjust_range, const char *psz_move_planes,
+                                   d3d_shader_blob *pPSBlob)
+    char *shader;
+    int allocated = asprintf(&shader, globPixelShaderDefault, texture_array ? "Array" : "",
+                             psz_src_to_linear, psz_linear_to_display,
+                             psz_primaries_transform, psz_tone_mapping,
+                             psz_adjust_range, psz_move_planes, psz_sampler);
+    if (allocated <= 0)
+    {
+        msg_Err(o, "no room for the Pixel Shader");
+        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+    }
+    if (var_InheritInteger(o, "verbose") >= 4)
+        msg_Dbg(o, "shader %s", shader);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    else {
+    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_src_to_linear %s", psz_src_to_linear);
+    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_primaries_transform %s", psz_primaries_transform);
+    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_tone_mapping %s", psz_tone_mapping);
+    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_linear_to_display %s", psz_linear_to_display);
+    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_adjust_range %s", psz_adjust_range);
+    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_sampler %s", psz_sampler);
+    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_move_planes %s", psz_move_planes);
+    }
+    HRESULT hr = CompileShader(o, compiler, feature_level, shader, true, pPSBlob);
+    free(shader);
+    return hr;
+HRESULT (D3D_CompilePixelShader)(vlc_object_t *o, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
+                                 D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level,
+                                 bool texture_array,
+                                 const display_info_t *display,
+                                 video_transfer_func_t transfer,
+                                 video_color_primaries_t primaries, bool src_full_range,
+                                 const d3d_format_t *dxgi_fmt,
+                                 d3d_shader_blob pPSBlob[DXGI_MAX_RENDER_TARGET])
+    static const char *DEFAULT_NOOP = "return rgb";
+    const char *psz_sampler[DXGI_MAX_RENDER_TARGET] = {NULL, NULL};
+    const char *psz_src_to_linear     = DEFAULT_NOOP;
+    const char *psz_linear_to_display = DEFAULT_NOOP;
+    const char *psz_primaries_transform = DEFAULT_NOOP;
+    const char *psz_tone_mapping      = "return rgb * LuminanceScale";
+    const char *psz_adjust_range      = DEFAULT_NOOP;
+    const char *psz_move_planes[2]    = {DEFAULT_NOOP, DEFAULT_NOOP};
+    char *psz_range = NULL;
+    if ( display->pixelFormat->formatTexture == DXGI_FORMAT_NV12 ||
+         display->pixelFormat->formatTexture == DXGI_FORMAT_P010 )
+    {
+        /* we need 2 shaders, one for the Y target, one for the UV target */
+        switch (dxgi_fmt->formatTexture)
+        {
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_NV12:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_P010:
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                    "sample.y = 0.0;\n"
+                    "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
+                    "sample.a = 1;";
+            psz_sampler[1] =
+                    // TODO should be shaderTexture[0] ?
+                    "sample.xy  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).xy;\n"
+                    "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
+                    "sample.a = 1;";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM:
+            /* Y */
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords);\n";
+            psz_move_planes[0] = "return rgb";
+            /* UV */
+            psz_sampler[1] =
+                    "sample = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords);\n";
+            psz_move_planes[1] =
+                    "rgb.x = rgb.y;\n"
+                    "rgb.y = rgb.z;\n"
+                    "rgb.z = 0;\n"
+                    "return rgb";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN:
+            switch (dxgi_fmt->fourcc)
+            {
+            case VLC_CODEC_YUVA:
+                /* Y */
+                psz_sampler[0] =
+                        "sample.x = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                        "sample.y = 0.0;\n"
+                        "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
+                        "sample.a = shaderTexture[3].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;";
+                /* UV */
+                psz_sampler[1] =
+                        "sample.x = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                        "sample.y = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                        "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
+                        "sample.a = shaderTexture[3].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;";
+                break;
+            default:
+                vlc_assert_unreachable();
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        switch (dxgi_fmt->formatTexture)
+        {
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_NV12:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_P010:
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                    "sample.yz = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).xy;\n"
+                    "sample.a  = 1;";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2:
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).y;\n"
+                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).a;\n"
+                    "sample.a  = 1;";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_Y210:
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).r;\n"
+                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).g;\n"
+                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).a;\n"
+                    "sample.a  = 1;";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_Y410:
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).g;\n"
+                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).r;\n"
+                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).b;\n"
+                    "sample.a  = 1;";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_AYUV:
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).z;\n"
+                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).y;\n"
+                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                    "sample.a  = 1;";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM:
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM:
+            psz_sampler[0] =
+                    "sample = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords);";
+            break;
+        case DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN:
+            switch (dxgi_fmt->fourcc)
+            {
+            case VLC_CODEC_I420_10L:
+                psz_sampler[0] =
+                       "float3 coords_2 = float3(coords.x/2, coords.y, coords.z);\n"
+                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x * 64;\n"
+                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x * 64;\n"
+                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x * 64;\n"
+                       "sample.a  = 1;";
+                break;
+            case VLC_CODEC_I444_16L:
+                psz_sampler[0] =
+                       "float3 coords_2 = float3(coords.x/2, coords.y, coords.z);\n"
+                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x;\n"
+                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x;\n"
+                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x;\n"
+                       "sample.a  = 1;";
+                break;
+            case VLC_CODEC_I420:
+                psz_sampler[0] =
+                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                       "sample.a  = 1;";
+                break;
+            case VLC_CODEC_YUVA:
+                psz_sampler[0] =
+                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
+                       "sample.a  = shaderTexture[3].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;";
+                break;
+            default:
+                vlc_assert_unreachable();
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            vlc_assert_unreachable();
+        }
+    }
+    video_transfer_func_t src_transfer;
+    if (transfer != display->transfer)
+    {
+        /* we need to go in linear mode */
+        switch (transfer)
+        {
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_ST2084:
+                /* ST2084 to Linear */
+                psz_src_to_linear =
+                       "rgb = pow(max(rgb, 0), 1.0/ST2084_m2);\n"
+                       "rgb = max(rgb - ST2084_c1, 0.0) / (ST2084_c2 - ST2084_c3 * rgb);\n"
+                       "rgb = pow(rgb, 1.0/ST2084_m1);\n"
+                       "return rgb * 10000";
+                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
+                break;
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_HLG:
+                psz_src_to_linear = "const float alpha_gain = 2000; /* depends on the display output */\n"
+                                    "/* TODO: in one call */\n"
+                                    "rgb.r = inverse_HLG(rgb.r);\n"
+                                    "rgb.g = inverse_HLG(rgb.g);\n"
+                                    "rgb.b = inverse_HLG(rgb.b);\n"
+                                    "float3 ootf_2020 = float3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593);\n"
+                                    "float ootf_ys = alpha_gain * dot(ootf_2020, rgb);\n"
+                                    "return rgb * pow(ootf_ys, 0.200)";
+                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
+                break;
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_BT709:
+                psz_src_to_linear = "return pow(rgb, 1.0 / 0.45)";
+                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
+                break;
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_BT470_M:
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SRGB:
+                psz_src_to_linear = "return pow(rgb, 2.2)";
+                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
+                break;
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_BT470_BG:
+                psz_src_to_linear = "return pow(rgb, 2.8)";
+                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
+                break;
+            default:
+                msg_Dbg(o, "unhandled source transfer %d", transfer);
+                src_transfer = transfer;
+                break;
+        }
+        switch (display->transfer)
+        {
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SRGB:
+                if (src_transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR)
+                {
+                    /* Linear to sRGB */
+                    psz_linear_to_display = "return pow(rgb, 1.0 / 2.2)";
+                    if (transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_ST2084 || transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_HLG)
+                    {
+                        /* HDR tone mapping */
+                        psz_tone_mapping =
+                            "static const float4 HABLE_DIV = hable(11.2);\n"
+                            "rgb = hable(rgb * LuminanceScale) / HABLE_DIV;\n"
+                            "return rgb";
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                    msg_Warn(o, "don't know how to transfer from %d to sRGB", src_transfer);
+                break;
+            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_ST2084:
+                if (src_transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR)
+                {
+                    /* Linear to ST2084 */
+                    psz_linear_to_display =
+                           "rgb = pow(rgb / 10000, ST2084_m1);\n"
+                           "rgb = (ST2084_c1 + ST2084_c2 * rgb) / (1 + ST2084_c3 * rgb);\n"
+                           "rgb = pow(rgb, ST2084_m2);\n"
+                           "return rgb";
+                }
+                else
+                    msg_Warn(o, "don't know how to transfer from %d to SMPTE ST 2084", src_transfer);
+                break;
+            default:
+                msg_Warn(o, "don't know how to transfer from %d to %d", src_transfer, display->transfer);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (display->primaries != primaries)
+    {
+        switch (primaries)
+        {
+        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT601_525:
+        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT601_625:
+        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT709:
+        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT2020:
+        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_DCI_P3:
+        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_FCC1953:
+            psz_primaries_transform = "return max(mul(rgb, Primaries), 0)";
+            break;
+        default:
+            /* see STANDARD_PRIMARIES */
+            msg_Warn(o, "unhandled color primaries %d", primaries);
+        }
+    }
+    int range_adjust = 0;
+    if (display->b_full_range) {
+        if (!src_full_range)
+            range_adjust = 1; /* raise the source to full range */
+    } else {
+        if (src_full_range)
+            range_adjust = -1; /* lower the source to studio range */
+    }
+    if (!DxgiIsRGBFormat(dxgi_fmt) && !src_full_range && DxgiIsRGBFormat(display->pixelFormat))
+        range_adjust--; /* the YUV->RGB conversion already output full range */
+    if (range_adjust != 0)
+    {
+        FLOAT itu_black_level;
+        FLOAT itu_range_factor;
+        FLOAT itu_white_level;
+        switch (dxgi_fmt->bitsPerChannel)
+        {
+        case 8:
+            /* Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6 §4.6 */
+            itu_black_level  =              16.f / 255.f;
+            itu_white_level  =             235.f / 255.f;
+            itu_range_factor = (float)(235 - 16) / 255.f;
+            break;
+        case 10:
+            /* Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6 §4.6 */
+            itu_black_level  =              64.f / 1023.f;
+            itu_white_level  =             940.f / 1023.f;
+            itu_range_factor = (float)(940 - 64) / 1023.f;
+            break;
+        case 12:
+            /* Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 Table 5 */
+            itu_black_level  =               256.f / 4095.f;
+            itu_white_level  =              3760.f / 4095.f;
+            itu_range_factor = (float)(3760 - 256) / 4095.f;
+            break;
+        default:
+            /* unknown bitdepth, use approximation for infinite bit depth */
+            itu_black_level  =              16.f / 256.f;
+            itu_white_level  =             235.f / 256.f;
+            itu_range_factor = (float)(235 - 16) / 256.f;
+            break;
+        }
+        FLOAT black_level = 0;
+        FLOAT range_factor = 1.0f;
+        if (range_adjust > 0)
+        {
+            /* expand the range from studio to full range */
+            while (range_adjust--)
+            {
+                black_level -= itu_black_level;
+                range_factor /= itu_range_factor;
+            }
+            asprintf(&psz_range, "return clamp((rgb + %f) * %f, 0, 1)",
+                     black_level, range_factor);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* shrink the range to studio range */
+            while (range_adjust++)
+            {
+                black_level += itu_black_level;
+                range_factor *= itu_range_factor;
+            }
+            asprintf(&psz_range, "return clamp(rgb + %f * %f,%f,%f)",
+                     black_level, range_factor, itu_black_level, itu_white_level);
+        }
+        psz_adjust_range = psz_range;
+    }
+    HRESULT hr;
+    hr = CompilePixelShaderBlob(o, compiler, feature_level, texture_array,
+                                psz_sampler[0],
+                                psz_src_to_linear,
+                                psz_primaries_transform,
+                                psz_linear_to_display,
+                                psz_tone_mapping,
+                                psz_adjust_range, psz_move_planes[0], &pPSBlob[0]);
+    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && psz_sampler[1])
+    {
+        hr = CompilePixelShaderBlob(o, compiler, feature_level, texture_array,
+                                    psz_sampler[1],
+                                    psz_src_to_linear,
+                                    psz_primaries_transform,
+                                    psz_linear_to_display,
+                                    psz_tone_mapping,
+                                    psz_adjust_range, psz_move_planes[1], &pPSBlob[1]);
+        if (FAILED(hr))
+            D3D_ShaderBlobRelease(&pPSBlob[0]);
+    }
+    free(psz_range);
+    return hr;
+HRESULT D3D_CompileVertexShader(vlc_object_t *obj, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
+                                D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level, bool flat,
+                                d3d_shader_blob *blob)
+    return CompileShader(obj, compiler, feature_level,
+                         flat ? globVertexShaderFlat : globVertexShaderProjection,
+                         false, blob);
+static HINSTANCE Direct3DLoadShaderLibrary(void)
+    HINSTANCE instance = NULL;
+    /* d3dcompiler_47 is the latest on windows 8.1 */
+    for (int i = 47; i > 41; --i) {
+        WCHAR filename[19];
+        _snwprintf(filename, 19, TEXT("D3DCOMPILER_%d.dll"), i);
+        instance = LoadLibrary(filename);
+        if (instance) break;
+    }
+    return instance;
+#endif // !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
+int D3D_InitShaderCompiler(vlc_object_t *obj, d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler)
+    compiler->compiler_dll = Direct3DLoadShaderLibrary();
+    if (!compiler->compiler_dll) {
+        msg_Err(obj, "cannot load d3dcompiler.dll, aborting");
+        return VLC_EGENERIC;
+    }
+    compiler->OurD3DCompile = (void *)GetProcAddress(compiler->compiler_dll, "D3DCompile");
+    if (!compiler->OurD3DCompile) {
+        msg_Err(obj, "Cannot locate reference to D3DCompile in d3dcompiler DLL");
+        FreeLibrary(compiler->compiler_dll);
+        return VLC_EGENERIC;
+    }
+#endif // !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
+    return VLC_SUCCESS;
+void D3D_ReleaseShaderCompiler(d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler)
+    if (compiler->compiler_dll)
+    {
+        FreeLibrary(compiler->compiler_dll);
+        compiler->compiler_dll = NULL;
+    }
+    compiler->OurD3DCompile = NULL;
+#endif // !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
diff --git a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.h b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4431de7555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_dynamic_shader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * d3d_dynamic_shader.h: Direct3D Shader Blob generation
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2017-2021 VLC authors and VideoLAN
+ *
+ * Authors: Steve Lhomme <robux4 at gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+typedef struct
+    HINSTANCE                 compiler_dll; /* handle of the opened d3dcompiler dll */
+    pD3DCompile               OurD3DCompile;
+} d3d_shader_compiler_t;
+int D3D_InitShaderCompiler(vlc_object_t *, d3d_shader_compiler_t *);
+void D3D_ReleaseShaderCompiler(d3d_shader_compiler_t *);
+HRESULT D3D_CompilePixelShader(vlc_object_t *, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *,
+                               D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
+                               bool texture_array,
+                               const display_info_t *,
+                               video_transfer_func_t,
+                               video_color_primaries_t, bool src_full_range,
+                               const d3d_format_t *dxgi_fmt,
+                               d3d_shader_blob pPSBlob[DXGI_MAX_RENDER_TARGET]);
+HRESULT D3D_CompileVertexShader(vlc_object_t *, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *,
+                                D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL, bool flat,
+                                d3d_shader_blob *);
+#endif /* VLC_D3D_DYNAMIC_SHADER_H */
diff --git a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.c b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.c
index 0830528d9b..b1dc10435f 100644
--- a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.c
+++ b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.c
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "d3d_shaders.h"
+#include "d3d_dynamic_shader.h"
 #define SPHERE_RADIUS 1.f
@@ -39,692 +40,6 @@
 #define nbLatBands SPHERE_SLICES
 #define nbLonBands SPHERE_SLICES
-#define ST2084_PQ_CONSTANTS  "const float ST2084_m1 = 2610.0 / (4096.0 * 4);\n\
-const float ST2084_m2 = (2523.0 / 4096.0) * 128.0;\n\
-const float ST2084_c1 = 3424.0 / 4096.0;\n\
-const float ST2084_c2 = (2413.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n\
-const float ST2084_c3 = (2392.0 / 4096.0) * 32.0;\n"
-#define STRINGIZE2(s) #s
-static const char* globPixelShaderDefault = "\
-  cbuffer PS_CONSTANT_BUFFER : register(b0)\n\
-  {\n\
-    float4x4 WhitePoint;\n\
-    float4x4 Colorspace;\n\
-    float4x4 Primaries;\n\
-    float Opacity;\n\
-    float LuminanceScale;\n\
-    float BoundaryX;\n\
-    float BoundaryY;\n\
-  };\n\
-  Texture2D%s shaderTexture[4];\n\
-  SamplerState normalSampler : register(s0);\n\
-  SamplerState borderSampler : register(s1);\n\
-  \n\
-  struct PS_INPUT\n\
-  {\n\
-    float4 Position   : SV_POSITION;\n\
-    float3 Texture    : TEXCOORD;\n\
-  };\n\
-  \n\
-  /* see http://filmicworlds.com/blog/filmic-tonemapping-operators/ */\n\
-  inline float4 hable(float4 x) {\n\
-      const float A = 0.15, B = 0.50, C = 0.10, D = 0.20, E = 0.02, F = 0.30;\n\
-      return ((x * (A*x + (C*B))+(D*E))/(x * (A*x + B) + (D*F))) - E/F;\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  /* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_Log-Gamma#Technical_details */\n\
-  inline float inverse_HLG(float x){\n\
-      const float B67_a = 0.17883277;\n\
-      const float B67_b = 0.28466892;\n\
-      const float B67_c = 0.55991073;\n\
-      const float B67_inv_r2 = 4.0; /* 1/0.5 */\n\
-      if (x <= 0.5)\n\
-          x = x * x * B67_inv_r2;\n\
-      else\n\
-          x = exp((x - B67_c) / B67_a) + B67_b;\n\
-      return x;\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  inline float4 sourceToLinear(float4 rgb) {\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  inline float4 linearToDisplay(float4 rgb) {\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  inline float4 transformPrimaries(float4 rgb) {\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  inline float4 toneMapping(float4 rgb) {\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  inline float4 adjustRange(float4 rgb) {\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  inline float4 reorderPlanes(float4 rgb) {\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  inline float4 sampleTexture(SamplerState samplerState, float3 coords) {\n\
-      float4 sample;\n\
-%s /* sampling routine in sample */\n\
-      return sample;\n\
-  }\n\
-  \n\
-  float4 main( PS_INPUT In ) : SV_TARGET\n\
-  {\n\
-    float4 sample;\n\
-    \n\
-    if (In.Texture.x > BoundaryX || In.Texture.y > BoundaryY) \n\
-        sample = sampleTexture( borderSampler, In.Texture );\n\
-    else\n\
-        sample = sampleTexture( normalSampler, In.Texture );\n\
-    float4 rgba = max(mul(mul(sample, WhitePoint), Colorspace),0);\n\
-    float opacity = rgba.a * Opacity;\n\
-    float4 rgb = rgba; rgb.a = 0;\n\
-    rgb = sourceToLinear(rgb);\n\
-    rgb = transformPrimaries(rgb);\n\
-    rgb = toneMapping(rgb);\n\
-    rgb = linearToDisplay(rgb);\n\
-    rgb = adjustRange(rgb);\n\
-    rgb = reorderPlanes(rgb);\n\
-    return float4(rgb.rgb, saturate(opacity));\n\
-  }\n\
-static const char* globVertexShaderFlat = "\
-struct d3d_vertex_t\n\
-  float3 Position   : POSITION;\n\
-  float2 uv         : TEXCOORD;\n\
-struct PS_INPUT\n\
-  float4 Position   : SV_POSITION;\n\
-  float3 Texture    : TEXCOORD;\n\
-PS_INPUT main( d3d_vertex_t In )\n\
-  PS_INPUT Output;\n\
-  Output.Position = float4(In.Position, 1);\n\
-  Output.Texture  = float3(In.uv, 0);\n\
-  return Output;\n\
-static const char* globVertexShaderProjection = "\n\
-cbuffer VS_PROJECTION_CONST : register(b0)\n\
-   float4x4 View;\n\
-   float4x4 Zoom;\n\
-   float4x4 Projection;\n\
-struct d3d_vertex_t\n\
-  float3 Position   : POSITION;\n\
-  float2 uv         : TEXCOORD;\n\
-struct PS_INPUT\n\
-  float4 Position   : SV_POSITION;\n\
-  float3 Texture    : TEXCOORD;\n\
-PS_INPUT main( d3d_vertex_t In )\n\
-  PS_INPUT Output;\n\
-  float4 pos = float4(In.Position, 1);\n\
-  pos = mul(View, pos);\n\
-  pos = mul(Zoom, pos);\n\
-  pos = mul(Projection, pos);\n\
-  Output.Position = pos;\n\
-  Output.Texture = float3(In.uv, 0);\n\
-  return Output;\n\
-static HINSTANCE Direct3DLoadShaderLibrary(void)
-    HINSTANCE instance = NULL;
-    /* d3dcompiler_47 is the latest on windows 8.1 */
-    for (int i = 47; i > 41; --i) {
-        WCHAR filename[19];
-        _snwprintf(filename, 19, TEXT("D3DCOMPILER_%d.dll"), i);
-        instance = LoadLibrary(filename);
-        if (instance) break;
-    }
-    return instance;
-#endif // !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
-int (D3D_InitShaders)(vlc_object_t *obj, d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler)
-    compiler->compiler_dll = Direct3DLoadShaderLibrary();
-    if (!compiler->compiler_dll) {
-        msg_Err(obj, "cannot load d3dcompiler.dll, aborting");
-        return VLC_EGENERIC;
-    }
-    compiler->OurD3DCompile = (void *)GetProcAddress(compiler->compiler_dll, "D3DCompile");
-    if (!compiler->OurD3DCompile) {
-        msg_Err(obj, "Cannot locate reference to D3DCompile in d3dcompiler DLL");
-        FreeLibrary(compiler->compiler_dll);
-        return VLC_EGENERIC;
-    }
-#endif // !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
-    return VLC_SUCCESS;
-void D3D_ReleaseShaders(d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler)
-    if (compiler->compiler_dll)
-    {
-        FreeLibrary(compiler->compiler_dll);
-        compiler->compiler_dll = NULL;
-    }
-    compiler->OurD3DCompile = NULL;
-#endif // !VLC_WINSTORE_APP
-static ID3DBlob* CompileShader(vlc_object_t *obj, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
-                               D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level,
-                               const char *psz_shader, bool pixel)
-    ID3DBlob* pShaderBlob = NULL, *pErrBlob;
-    const char *target;
-    if (pixel)
-    {
-        if (likely(feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0))
-            target = "ps_4_0";
-        else if (feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3)
-            target = "ps_4_0_level_9_3";
-        else
-            target = "ps_4_0_level_9_1";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (likely(feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0))
-            target = "vs_4_0";
-        else if (feature_level >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3)
-            target = "vs_4_0_level_9_3";
-        else
-            target = "vs_4_0_level_9_1";
-    }
-    UINT compileFlags = 0;
-    VLC_UNUSED(compiler);
-# define D3DCompile(args...)    compiler->OurD3DCompile(args)
-# if !defined(NDEBUG)
-    if (IsDebuggerPresent())
-        compileFlags += D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG;
-# endif
-    HRESULT hr = D3DCompile(psz_shader, strlen(psz_shader),
-                            NULL, NULL, NULL, "main", target,
-                            compileFlags, 0, &pShaderBlob, &pErrBlob);
-    if (FAILED(hr)) {
-        char *err = pErrBlob ? ID3D10Blob_GetBufferPointer(pErrBlob) : NULL;
-        msg_Err(obj, "invalid %s Shader (hr=0x%lX): %s", pixel?"Pixel":"Vertex", hr, err );
-        if (pErrBlob)
-            ID3D10Blob_Release(pErrBlob);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return pShaderBlob;
-static HRESULT CompilePixelShaderBlob(vlc_object_t *o, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
-                                   D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level,
-                                   bool texture_array,
-                                   const char *psz_sampler,
-                                   const char *psz_src_to_linear,
-                                   const char *psz_primaries_transform,
-                                   const char *psz_linear_to_display,
-                                   const char *psz_tone_mapping,
-                                   const char *psz_adjust_range, const char *psz_move_planes,
-                                   ID3DBlob **pPSBlob)
-    char *shader;
-    int allocated = asprintf(&shader, globPixelShaderDefault, texture_array ? "Array" : "",
-                             psz_src_to_linear, psz_linear_to_display,
-                             psz_primaries_transform, psz_tone_mapping,
-                             psz_adjust_range, psz_move_planes, psz_sampler);
-    if (allocated <= 0)
-    {
-        msg_Err(o, "no room for the Pixel Shader");
-        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-    }
-    if (var_InheritInteger(o, "verbose") >= 4)
-        msg_Dbg(o, "shader %s", shader);
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    else {
-    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_src_to_linear %s", psz_src_to_linear);
-    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_primaries_transform %s", psz_primaries_transform);
-    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_tone_mapping %s", psz_tone_mapping);
-    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_linear_to_display %s", psz_linear_to_display);
-    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_adjust_range %s", psz_adjust_range);
-    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_sampler %s", psz_sampler);
-    msg_Dbg(o,"psz_move_planes %s", psz_move_planes);
-    }
-    *pPSBlob = CompileShader(o, compiler, feature_level, shader, true);
-    free(shader);
-    if (!*pPSBlob)
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
-    return S_OK;
-HRESULT (D3D_CompilePixelShader)(vlc_object_t *o, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
-                                 D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level,
-                                 bool texture_array,
-                                 const display_info_t *display,
-                                 video_transfer_func_t transfer,
-                                 video_color_primaries_t primaries, bool src_full_range,
-                                 const d3d_format_t *dxgi_fmt,
-                                 ID3DBlob *pPSBlob[DXGI_MAX_RENDER_TARGET])
-    static const char *DEFAULT_NOOP = "return rgb";
-    const char *psz_sampler[DXGI_MAX_RENDER_TARGET] = {NULL, NULL};
-    const char *psz_src_to_linear     = DEFAULT_NOOP;
-    const char *psz_linear_to_display = DEFAULT_NOOP;
-    const char *psz_primaries_transform = DEFAULT_NOOP;
-    const char *psz_tone_mapping      = "return rgb * LuminanceScale";
-    const char *psz_adjust_range      = DEFAULT_NOOP;
-    const char *psz_move_planes[2]    = {DEFAULT_NOOP, DEFAULT_NOOP};
-    char *psz_range = NULL;
-    if ( display->pixelFormat->formatTexture == DXGI_FORMAT_NV12 ||
-         display->pixelFormat->formatTexture == DXGI_FORMAT_P010 )
-    {
-        /* we need 2 shaders, one for the Y target, one for the UV target */
-        switch (dxgi_fmt->formatTexture)
-        {
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_NV12:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_P010:
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                    "sample.y = 0.0;\n"
-                    "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
-                    "sample.a = 1;";
-            psz_sampler[1] =
-                    // TODO should be shaderTexture[0] ?
-                    "sample.xy  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).xy;\n"
-                    "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
-                    "sample.a = 1;";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM:
-            /* Y */
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords);\n";
-            psz_move_planes[0] = "return rgb";
-            /* UV */
-            psz_sampler[1] =
-                    "sample = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords);\n";
-            psz_move_planes[1] =
-                    "rgb.x = rgb.y;\n"
-                    "rgb.y = rgb.z;\n"
-                    "rgb.z = 0;\n"
-                    "return rgb";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN:
-            switch (dxgi_fmt->fourcc)
-            {
-            case VLC_CODEC_YUVA:
-                /* Y */
-                psz_sampler[0] =
-                        "sample.x = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                        "sample.y = 0.0;\n"
-                        "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
-                        "sample.a = shaderTexture[3].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;";
-                /* UV */
-                psz_sampler[1] =
-                        "sample.x = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                        "sample.y = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                        "sample.z = 0.0;\n"
-                        "sample.a = shaderTexture[3].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;";
-                break;
-            default:
-                vlc_assert_unreachable();
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            vlc_assert_unreachable();
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        switch (dxgi_fmt->formatTexture)
-        {
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_NV12:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_P010:
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                    "sample.yz = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).xy;\n"
-                    "sample.a  = 1;";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_YUY2:
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).y;\n"
-                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).a;\n"
-                    "sample.a  = 1;";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_Y210:
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).r;\n"
-                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).g;\n"
-                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).a;\n"
-                    "sample.a  = 1;";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_Y410:
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).g;\n"
-                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).r;\n"
-                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).b;\n"
-                    "sample.a  = 1;";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_AYUV:
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).z;\n"
-                    "sample.y  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).y;\n"
-                    "sample.z  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                    "sample.a  = 1;";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM:
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM:
-            psz_sampler[0] =
-                    "sample = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords);";
-            break;
-        case DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN:
-            switch (dxgi_fmt->fourcc)
-            {
-            case VLC_CODEC_I420_10L:
-                psz_sampler[0] =
-                       "float3 coords_2 = float3(coords.x/2, coords.y, coords.z);\n"
-                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x * 64;\n"
-                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x * 64;\n"
-                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x * 64;\n"
-                       "sample.a  = 1;";
-                break;
-            case VLC_CODEC_I444_16L:
-                psz_sampler[0] =
-                       "float3 coords_2 = float3(coords.x/2, coords.y, coords.z);\n"
-                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x;\n"
-                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x;\n"
-                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords_2).x;\n"
-                       "sample.a  = 1;";
-                break;
-            case VLC_CODEC_I420:
-                psz_sampler[0] =
-                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                       "sample.a  = 1;";
-                break;
-            case VLC_CODEC_YUVA:
-                psz_sampler[0] =
-                       "sample.x  = shaderTexture[0].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                       "sample.y  = shaderTexture[1].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                       "sample.z  = shaderTexture[2].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;\n"
-                       "sample.a  = shaderTexture[3].Sample(samplerState, coords).x;";
-                break;
-            default:
-                vlc_assert_unreachable();
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            vlc_assert_unreachable();
-        }
-    }
-    video_transfer_func_t src_transfer;
-    if (transfer != display->transfer)
-    {
-        /* we need to go in linear mode */
-        switch (transfer)
-        {
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_ST2084:
-                /* ST2084 to Linear */
-                psz_src_to_linear =
-                       ST2084_PQ_CONSTANTS
-                       "rgb = pow(max(rgb, 0), 1.0/ST2084_m2);\n"
-                       "rgb = max(rgb - ST2084_c1, 0.0) / (ST2084_c2 - ST2084_c3 * rgb);\n"
-                       "rgb = pow(rgb, 1.0/ST2084_m1);\n"
-                       "return rgb * 10000";
-                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
-                break;
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_HLG:
-                psz_src_to_linear = "const float alpha_gain = 2000; /* depends on the display output */\n"
-                                    "/* TODO: in one call */\n"
-                                    "rgb.r = inverse_HLG(rgb.r);\n"
-                                    "rgb.g = inverse_HLG(rgb.g);\n"
-                                    "rgb.b = inverse_HLG(rgb.b);\n"
-                                    "float3 ootf_2020 = float3(0.2627, 0.6780, 0.0593);\n"
-                                    "float ootf_ys = alpha_gain * dot(ootf_2020, rgb);\n"
-                                    "return rgb * pow(ootf_ys, 0.200)";
-                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
-                break;
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_BT709:
-                psz_src_to_linear = "return pow(rgb, 1.0 / 0.45)";
-                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
-                break;
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_BT470_M:
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SRGB:
-                psz_src_to_linear = "return pow(rgb, 2.2)";
-                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
-                break;
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_BT470_BG:
-                psz_src_to_linear = "return pow(rgb, 2.8)";
-                src_transfer = TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR;
-                break;
-            default:
-                msg_Dbg(o, "unhandled source transfer %d", transfer);
-                src_transfer = transfer;
-                break;
-        }
-        switch (display->transfer)
-        {
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SRGB:
-                if (src_transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR)
-                {
-                    /* Linear to sRGB */
-                    psz_linear_to_display = "return pow(rgb, 1.0 / 2.2)";
-                    if (transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_ST2084 || transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_HLG)
-                    {
-                        /* HDR tone mapping */
-                        psz_tone_mapping =
-                            "static const float4 HABLE_DIV = hable(11.2);\n"
-                            "rgb = hable(rgb * LuminanceScale) / HABLE_DIV;\n"
-                            "return rgb";
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                    msg_Warn(o, "don't know how to transfer from %d to sRGB", src_transfer);
-                break;
-            case TRANSFER_FUNC_SMPTE_ST2084:
-                if (src_transfer == TRANSFER_FUNC_LINEAR)
-                {
-                    /* Linear to ST2084 */
-                    psz_linear_to_display =
-                           ST2084_PQ_CONSTANTS
-                           "rgb = pow(rgb / 10000, ST2084_m1);\n"
-                           "rgb = (ST2084_c1 + ST2084_c2 * rgb) / (1 + ST2084_c3 * rgb);\n"
-                           "rgb = pow(rgb, ST2084_m2);\n"
-                           "return rgb";
-                }
-                else
-                    msg_Warn(o, "don't know how to transfer from %d to SMPTE ST 2084", src_transfer);
-                break;
-            default:
-                msg_Warn(o, "don't know how to transfer from %d to %d", src_transfer, display->transfer);
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (display->primaries != primaries)
-    {
-        switch (primaries)
-        {
-        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT601_525:
-        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT601_625:
-        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT709:
-        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT2020:
-        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_DCI_P3:
-        case COLOR_PRIMARIES_FCC1953:
-            psz_primaries_transform = "return max(mul(rgb, Primaries), 0)";
-            break;
-        default:
-            /* see STANDARD_PRIMARIES */
-            msg_Warn(o, "unhandled color primaries %d", primaries);
-        }
-    }
-    int range_adjust = 0;
-    if (display->b_full_range) {
-        if (!src_full_range)
-            range_adjust = 1; /* raise the source to full range */
-    } else {
-        if (src_full_range)
-            range_adjust = -1; /* lower the source to studio range */
-    }
-    if (!DxgiIsRGBFormat(dxgi_fmt) && !src_full_range && DxgiIsRGBFormat(display->pixelFormat))
-        range_adjust--; /* the YUV->RGB conversion already output full range */
-    if (range_adjust != 0)
-    {
-        psz_range = malloc(256);
-        if (likely(psz_range))
-        {
-            FLOAT itu_black_level;
-            FLOAT itu_range_factor;
-            FLOAT itu_white_level;
-            switch (dxgi_fmt->bitsPerChannel)
-            {
-            case 8:
-                /* Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6 ?4.6 */
-                itu_black_level  =              16.f / 255.f;
-                itu_white_level  =             235.f / 255.f;
-                itu_range_factor = (float)(235 - 16) / 255.f;
-                break;
-            case 10:
-                /* Rec. ITU-R BT.709-6 ?4.6 */
-                itu_black_level  =              64.f / 1023.f;
-                itu_white_level  =             940.f / 1023.f;
-                itu_range_factor = (float)(940 - 64) / 1023.f;
-                break;
-            case 12:
-                /* Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-2 Table 5 */
-                itu_black_level  =               256.f / 4095.f;
-                itu_white_level  =              3760.f / 4095.f;
-                itu_range_factor = (float)(3760 - 256) / 4095.f;
-                break;
-            default:
-                /* unknown bitdepth, use approximation for infinite bit depth */
-                itu_black_level  =              16.f / 256.f;
-                itu_white_level  =             235.f / 256.f;
-                itu_range_factor = (float)(235 - 16) / 256.f;
-                break;
-            }
-            FLOAT black_level = 0;
-            FLOAT range_factor = 1.0f;
-            if (range_adjust > 0)
-            {
-                /* expand the range from studio to full range */
-                while (range_adjust--)
-                {
-                    black_level -= itu_black_level;
-                    range_factor /= itu_range_factor;
-                }
-                sprintf(psz_range, "return clamp((rgb + %f) * %f, 0, 1)",
-                        black_level, range_factor);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* shrink the range to studio range */
-                while (range_adjust++)
-                {
-                    black_level += itu_black_level;
-                    range_factor *= itu_range_factor;
-                }
-                sprintf(psz_range, "return clamp(rgb + %f * %f,%f,%f)",
-                        black_level, range_factor, itu_black_level, itu_white_level);
-            }
-            psz_adjust_range = psz_range;
-        }
-    }
-    HRESULT hr;
-    hr = CompilePixelShaderBlob(o, compiler, feature_level, texture_array,
-                                psz_sampler[0],
-                                   psz_src_to_linear,
-                                   psz_primaries_transform,
-                                   psz_linear_to_display,
-                                   psz_tone_mapping,
-                                   psz_adjust_range, psz_move_planes[0], &pPSBlob[0]);
-    if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && psz_sampler[1])
-    {
-        hr = CompilePixelShaderBlob(o, compiler, feature_level, texture_array,
-                                    psz_sampler[1],
-                                    psz_src_to_linear,
-                                    psz_primaries_transform,
-                                    psz_linear_to_display,
-                                    psz_tone_mapping,
-                                    psz_adjust_range, psz_move_planes[1], &pPSBlob[1]);
-        if (FAILED(hr))
-        {
-            ID3D10Blob_Release(pPSBlob[0]);
-            pPSBlob[0] = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-        pPSBlob[1] = NULL;
-    free(psz_range);
-    return hr;
-HRESULT D3D_CompileVertexShader(vlc_object_t *obj, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *compiler,
-                                D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feature_level, bool flat,
-                                ID3DBlob **pVSBlob)
-   *pVSBlob = CompileShader(obj, compiler, feature_level,
-                            flat ? globVertexShaderFlat : globVertexShaderProjection, false);
-    if (!*pVSBlob)
-        return E_FAIL;
-    return S_OK;
 float (D3D_GetFormatLuminance)(vlc_object_t *o, const video_format_t *fmt)
     switch (fmt->transfer)
@@ -745,7 +60,6 @@ float (D3D_GetFormatLuminance)(vlc_object_t *o, const video_format_t *fmt)
 struct xy_primary {
     double x, y;
diff --git a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.h b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.h
index c660476346..b164fc63e5 100644
--- a/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.h
+++ b/modules/video_output/win32/d3d_shaders.h
@@ -73,15 +73,6 @@ typedef struct {
     } texture;
 } d3d_vertex_t;
-typedef struct
-    HINSTANCE                 compiler_dll; /* handle of the opened d3dcompiler dll */
-    pD3DCompile               OurD3DCompile;
-} d3d_shader_compiler_t;
-int D3D_InitShaders(vlc_object_t *, d3d_shader_compiler_t *);
-void D3D_ReleaseShaders(d3d_shader_compiler_t *);
 /* A Quad is texture that can be displayed in a rectangle */
 typedef struct
@@ -100,18 +91,19 @@ typedef struct
 } d3d_quad_t;
-HRESULT D3D_CompilePixelShader(vlc_object_t *, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *,
-                               D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
-                               bool texture_array,
-                               const display_info_t *,
-                               video_transfer_func_t,
-                               video_color_primaries_t, bool src_full_range,
-                               const d3d_format_t *dxgi_fmt,
-                               ID3DBlob *pPSBlob[DXGI_MAX_RENDER_TARGET]);
-HRESULT D3D_CompileVertexShader(vlc_object_t *, const d3d_shader_compiler_t *,
-                                D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL, bool flat,
-                                ID3DBlob **);
+typedef struct d3d_shader_blob
+    void *opaque;
+    void (*pf_release)(struct d3d_shader_blob *);
+    SIZE_T buf_size;
+    void *buffer;
+} d3d_shader_blob;
+static inline void D3D_ShaderBlobRelease(d3d_shader_blob *blob)
+    blob->pf_release(blob);
+    *blob = (d3d_shader_blob) { 0 };
 float D3D_GetFormatLuminance(vlc_object_t *, const video_format_t *);
 #define D3D_GetFormatLuminance(a,b)  D3D_GetFormatLuminance(VLC_OBJECT(a),b)
diff --git a/modules/video_output/win32/direct3d11.c b/modules/video_output/win32/direct3d11.c
index 8b2bb849f4..2da3146735 100644
--- a/modules/video_output/win32/direct3d11.c
+++ b/modules/video_output/win32/direct3d11.c
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ static int Open(vout_display_t *vd, const vout_display_cfg_t *cfg,
     if (!sys)
         return VLC_ENOMEM;
-    int ret = D3D_InitShaders(VLC_OBJECT(vd), &sys->shaders);
+    int ret = D3D_InitShaderCompiler(VLC_OBJECT(vd), &sys->shaders);
     if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
         goto error;
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ error:
 static void Close(vout_display_t *vd)
-    D3D_ReleaseShaders(&vd->sys->shaders);
+    D3D_ReleaseShaderCompiler(&vd->sys->shaders);

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