[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] macosx: Clean up and simplify VLCLibraryAudioDataSource

Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen (@chouquette) gitlab at videolan.org
Mon Aug 8 06:20:40 UTC 2022

Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC

b3cb356b by Claudio Cambra at 2022-08-08T06:01:38+00:00
macosx: Clean up and simplify VLCLibraryAudioDataSource

Signed-off-by: Claudio Cambra <claudio.cambra at gmail.com>

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- modules/gui/macosx/library/VLCLibraryAudioDataSource.m


@@ -264,36 +264,14 @@
 - (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
-    switch (_currentParentType) {
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_ARTIST:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryArtist *artist = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
-            NSArray *albumsForArtist = [_libraryModel listAlbumsOfParentType:VLC_ML_PARENT_ARTIST forID:artist.libraryID];
-            _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums = albumsForArtist;
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_ALBUM:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryAlbum *album = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
-            _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums = @[album];
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_UNKNOWN:
-        {
-            // FIXME: we have nothing to show here
-            _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums = nil;
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_GENRE:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryGenre *genre = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
-            NSArray *albumsForGenre = [_libraryModel listAlbumsOfParentType:VLC_ML_PARENT_GENRE forID:genre.libraryID];
-            _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums = albumsForGenre;
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            NSAssert(1, @"reached the unreachable");
-            break;
+    id<VLCMediaLibraryItemProtocol> libraryItem = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
+    if (_currentParentType == VLC_ML_PARENT_ALBUM) {
+        _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums = @[(VLCMediaLibraryAlbum *)libraryItem];
+    } else if(_currentParentType != VLC_ML_PARENT_UNKNOWN) {
+        _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums = [_libraryModel listAlbumsOfParentType:_currentParentType forID:libraryItem.libraryID];
+    } else { // FIXME: we have nothing to show here
+        _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums = nil;
     [self.groupSelectionTableView reloadData];
@@ -305,64 +283,23 @@
     NSArray *listOfAlbums = _groupDataSource.representedListOfAlbums;
     NSUInteger albumCount = listOfAlbums.count;
-    if (!listOfAlbums || albumCount == 0) {
-        return;
-    }
     NSInteger clickedRow = _groupSelectionTableView.clickedRow;
-    if (clickedRow > albumCount) {
+    if (!listOfAlbums || albumCount == 0 || clickedRow > albumCount) {
-    VLCLibraryController *libraryController = [[VLCMain sharedInstance] libraryController];
     NSArray *tracks = [listOfAlbums[clickedRow] tracksAsMediaItems];
-    [libraryController appendItemsToPlaylist:tracks playFirstItemImmediately:YES];
+    [[[VLCMain sharedInstance] libraryController] appendItemsToPlaylist:tracks playFirstItemImmediately:YES];
 - (void)collectionSelectionDoubleClickAction:(id)sender
-    NSArray <VLCMediaLibraryAlbum *> *listOfAlbums = nil;
-    switch (_currentParentType) {
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_ARTIST:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryArtist *artist = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
-            listOfAlbums = [_libraryModel listAlbumsOfParentType:VLC_ML_PARENT_ARTIST forID:artist.libraryID];
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_ALBUM:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryAlbum *album = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
-            listOfAlbums = @[album];
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_UNKNOWN:
-        {
-            // FIXME: we have nothing to show here
-            listOfAlbums = nil;
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_GENRE:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryGenre *genre = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
-            listOfAlbums = [_libraryModel listAlbumsOfParentType:VLC_ML_PARENT_GENRE forID:genre.libraryID];
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            NSAssert(1, @"reached the unreachable");
-            break;
-    }
-    if (listOfAlbums.count == 0) {
-        return;
-    }
-    VLCLibraryController *libraryController = [[VLCMain sharedInstance] libraryController];
-    for (VLCMediaLibraryAlbum *album in listOfAlbums) {
-        NSArray *tracks = [album tracksAsMediaItems];
-        [libraryController appendItemsToPlaylist:tracks playFirstItemImmediately:YES];
-    }
+    id<VLCMediaLibraryItemProtocol> libraryItem = _displayedCollection[self.collectionSelectionTableView.selectedRow];
+    [libraryItem iterateMediaItemsWithBlock:^(VLCMediaLibraryMediaItem* mediaItem) {
+        [[[VLCMain sharedInstance] libraryController] appendItemToPlaylist:mediaItem playImmediately:YES];
+    }];
 #pragma mark - collection view data source and delegation
@@ -382,36 +319,7 @@
      itemForRepresentedObjectAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
     VLCLibraryCollectionViewItem *viewItem = [collectionView makeItemWithIdentifier:VLCLibraryCellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath];
-    switch (_currentParentType) {
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_ARTIST:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryArtist *artist = _displayedCollection[indexPath.item];
-            viewItem.representedItem = artist;
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_ALBUM:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryAlbum *album = _displayedCollection[indexPath.item];
-            viewItem.representedItem = album;
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_UNKNOWN:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryMediaItem *mediaItem = _displayedCollection[indexPath.item];
-            viewItem.representedItem = mediaItem;
-            break;
-        }
-        case VLC_ML_PARENT_GENRE:
-        {
-            VLCMediaLibraryGenre *genre = _displayedCollection[indexPath.item];
-            viewItem.representedItem = genre;
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
+    viewItem.representedItem = _displayedCollection[indexPath.item];
     return viewItem;

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/commit/b3cb356b3673bc19413088921db5dc2f68d05c4f

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/commit/b3cb356b3673bc19413088921db5dc2f68d05c4f
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