[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] 4 commits: contrib: qt: use system png

Rémi Denis-Courmont (@Courmisch) gitlab at videolan.org
Mon Oct 17 18:28:36 UTC 2022

Rémi Denis-Courmont pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC

d071738e by Johannes Kauffmann at 2022-10-17T17:50:23+00:00
contrib: qt: use system png

In practice, Qt was already using the system png by accident, because
the png is almost always built and installed before Qt is configured.

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e83ab9be by Johannes Kauffmann at 2022-10-17T17:50:23+00:00
contrib: qt: use system jpeg

Recently, the contrib libjpeg was changed to libjpeg-turbo with some
improvements over libjpeg [1]. While Qt also bundles libjpeg-turbo, it
is better to only build one copy.

[1]. vlc at 4a1bd36fa14a53c42c5f77471c313ec79600a522

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d6495036 by Johannes Kauffmann at 2022-10-17T17:50:23+00:00
contrib: qt: use system freetype

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6ecdd0ac by Johannes Kauffmann at 2022-10-17T17:50:23+00:00
contrib: qt: use system harfbuzz

This will prevent using the bundled "harfbuzz-ng" which is really
harfbuzz 1.7.4. The bundled "harfbuzz", which a very old version, is
still compiled and linked in however, and can't be disabled [1].

[1]. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-104647

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1 changed file:

- contrib/src/qt/rules.mak


@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ DEPS_qt += wine-headers
-DEPS_qt += zlib $(DEPS_zlib)
+DEPS_qt += freetype2 $(DEPS_freetype2) harfbuzz $(DEPS_harfbuzz) jpeg $(DEPS_jpeg) png $(DEPS_png) zlib $(DEPS_zlib)
 ifeq ($(call need_pkg,"Qt5Core >= 5.11 Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets"),)
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ QT_PLATFORM += -device-option VLC_EXTRA_CFLAGS="-isystem $(PREFIX)/include" \
 	-device-option VLC_EXTRA_LDFLAGS="-L$(PREFIX)/lib"
 QT_CONFIG := -static -no-shared -opensource -confirm-license -no-pkg-config \
-	-no-sql-sqlite -no-gif -qt-libjpeg -no-openssl $(QT_OPENGL) -no-dbus \
+	-no-sql-sqlite -no-gif -no-openssl $(QT_OPENGL) -no-dbus \
 	-no-vulkan -no-sql-odbc -no-pch -no-feature-testlib \
 	-no-compile-examples -nomake examples -nomake tests \
-	-system-zlib
+	-system-freetype -system-harfbuzz -system-libjpeg -system-libpng -system-zlib
 QT_CONFIG += -skip qtsql
 QT_CONFIG += -release

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/ebdf14dbd0aafe93d5e2184346f57456a76f9757...6ecdd0ac17cbf0546ddabc1b7fe97afd873fd595

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/ebdf14dbd0aafe93d5e2184346f57456a76f9757...6ecdd0ac17cbf0546ddabc1b7fe97afd873fd595
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