[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] 4 commits: test: lua: add extension.lua sample to DIST

Steve Lhomme (@robUx4) gitlab at videolan.org
Wed Aug 9 10:27:58 UTC 2023

Steve Lhomme pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC

6231c25d by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-09T09:18:28+00:00
test: lua: add extension.lua sample to DIST

The file was added in c80ca84a14370e3cc38c9bc7ebdd05c94b28e21f but it
wasn't added to EXTRA_DIST. It didn't create an error because `make
distcheck` is disabling the lua support.

- - - - -
7f78e49d by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-09T09:18:28+00:00
share: Makefile.am: fix distcheck for lua

Distcheck was never tested with lua enabled, and it doesn't clean the
compiled lua files correctly in distcleancheck. There was also some
redundancy in how the scripts were defined.

This commit refactor the declaration in three separate variables:
 - LUA_EXTENSIONS, which is where new lua scripts should probably go.
 - LUA_EXTENSIONS_DOC, which include files that are shipped into the doc
   folder but not compiled.
 - LUA_EXTENSIONS_PKGDATA, which include files that are shipped into the
   pkgdata folder, and mostly consists of http/custom.lua now for some

The .luac files are not included in the dist archive, and thus
can be automatically clean them.

- - - - -
7bd0ba67 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-09T09:18:28+00:00
extra: ci: move VLC_TEST_TIMEOUT to test env

The line is getting long and there is nothing special with this variable
that would prevent it from being in the environment of every jobs.

- - - - -
9459286c by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-09T09:18:28+00:00
extras: ci: remove --disable from distcheck

Taking the same ideas as b46611fee3c8a0f18b12120dee3886ceaddae7b6, we
can ensure the distcheck builds everything when run in the CI, so that
the currently disabled modules are built for real and tests can use
them. They should stay disabled since they would break distcheck when
the mandatory plugins cannot be built, but we can ensure that in the CI
in a reliable way.

We use it as an argument to make so that make actually erase the value
in the makefile.

Refs #27761 but medialibrary still needs to be installed on the platform
since contribs are not enabled with the current distcheck configuration.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- extras/ci/gitlab-ci.yml
- share/Makefile.am
- test/Makefile.am


@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ default:
         - amd64
     VLC_WIN32_IMAGE: registry.videolan.org/vlc-debian-win32:20221214121630
     VLC_WIN64_IMAGE: registry.videolan.org/vlc-debian-win64:20221214115142
     VLC_WIN_LLVM_MSVCRT_IMAGE: registry.videolan.org/vlc-debian-llvm-msvcrt:20221214101739
@@ -294,7 +295,7 @@ debian:
         # Build, check and distcheck VLC
         export XZ_OPT="-T 0"
-        VLC_TEST_TIMEOUT=60 DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="CFLAGS='$LIBVLC_EXTRA_CFLAGS'" make -j$NCPU distcheck || ./test/dump_stacktraces.sh
+        DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="CFLAGS='$LIBVLC_EXTRA_CFLAGS'" make -j$NCPU distcheck AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--enable-fast-install" || ./test/dump_stacktraces.sh
         <<: *variables-debian
         LIBVLC_EXTRA_CFLAGS: -Werror=restrict -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types

@@ -2,6 +2,63 @@ CLEANFILES = skins2/default.vlt
+	lua/extensions/VLSub.lua \
+	lua/intf/cli.lua \
+	lua/intf/dummy.lua \
+	lua/intf/dumpmeta.lua \
+	lua/intf/http.lua \
+	lua/intf/luac.lua \
+	lua/intf/modules/host.lua \
+	lua/intf/modules/httprequests.lua \
+	lua/intf/telnet.lua \
+	lua/meta/art/02_frenchtv.lua \
+	lua/meta/art/03_lastfm.lua \
+	lua/meta/art/01_googleimage.lua \
+	lua/meta/art/00_musicbrainz.lua \
+	lua/meta/reader/filename.lua \
+	lua/modules/common.lua \
+	lua/modules/dkjson.lua \
+	lua/modules/sandbox.lua \
+	lua/modules/simplexml.lua \
+	lua/playlist/anevia_streams.lua \
+	lua/playlist/anevia_xml.lua \
+	lua/playlist/appletrailers.lua \
+	lua/playlist/bbc_co_uk.lua \
+	lua/playlist/break.lua \
+	lua/playlist/cue.lua \
+	lua/playlist/dailymotion.lua \
+	lua/playlist/extreme.lua \
+	lua/playlist/france2.lua \
+	lua/playlist/jamendo.lua \
+	lua/playlist/katsomo.lua \
+	lua/playlist/koreus.lua \
+	lua/playlist/lelombrik.lua \
+	lua/playlist/liveleak.lua \
+	lua/playlist/metacafe.lua \
+	lua/playlist/mpora.lua \
+	lua/playlist/newgrounds.lua \
+	lua/playlist/pinkbike.lua \
+	lua/playlist/rockbox_fm_presets.lua \
+	lua/playlist/soundcloud.lua \
+	lua/playlist/vimeo.lua \
+	lua/playlist/vocaroo.lua \
+	lua/playlist/youtube.lua \
+	lua/playlist/twitch.lua \
+	lua/playlist/zapiks.lua \
+	lua/sd/fmc.lua \
+	lua/sd/jamendo.lua \
+	$(NULL)
+	lua/sd/icecast.lua \
+	lua/sd/icast.lua \
+	$(NULL)
+	lua/http/custom.lua \
+	$(NULL)
 desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
 if !HAVE_WIN32
@@ -123,45 +180,8 @@ luac_verbose_0 = @echo "  LUAC   $@";
 	$(luac_verbose)$(LUAC) -o $@ $<
-nobase_pkglibexec_SCRIPTS += \
-	lua/extensions/VLSub.luac \
-	lua/intf/cli.luac \
-	lua/intf/dummy.luac \
-	lua/intf/dumpmeta.luac \
-	lua/intf/luac.luac \
-	lua/intf/http.luac \
-	lua/intf/modules/host.luac \
-	lua/intf/modules/httprequests.luac \
-	lua/intf/telnet.luac \
-	lua/meta/art/02_frenchtv.luac \
-	lua/meta/art/03_lastfm.luac \
-	lua/meta/art/01_googleimage.luac \
-	lua/meta/art/00_musicbrainz.luac \
-	lua/meta/reader/filename.luac \
-	lua/modules/common.luac \
-	lua/modules/dkjson.luac \
-	lua/modules/sandbox.luac \
-	lua/modules/simplexml.luac \
-	lua/playlist/anevia_streams.luac \
-	lua/playlist/anevia_xml.luac \
-	lua/playlist/appletrailers.luac \
-	lua/playlist/bbc_co_uk.luac \
-	lua/playlist/cue.luac \
-	lua/playlist/dailymotion.luac \
-	lua/playlist/jamendo.luac \
-	lua/playlist/koreus.luac \
-	lua/playlist/liveleak.luac \
-	lua/playlist/newgrounds.luac \
-	lua/playlist/rockbox_fm_presets.luac \
-	lua/playlist/soundcloud.luac \
-	lua/playlist/vimeo.luac \
-	lua/playlist/vocaroo.luac \
-	lua/playlist/youtube.luac \
-	lua/playlist/twitch.luac \
-	lua/sd/icecast.luac \
-	lua/sd/jamendo.luac \
-	$(NULL)
+nobase_pkglibexec_SCRIPTS += $(LUA_MODULES:%.lua=%.luac)
 nobase_doc_DATA = \
 	lua/README.txt \
 	lua/extensions/README.txt \
@@ -178,8 +198,7 @@ nobase_doc_DATA = \
 	lua/playlist/liveleak.lua \
 	lua/playlist/youtube.lua \
 	lua/sd/README.txt \
-	lua/sd/icecast.lua \
-	lua/sd/icast.lua \
 nobase_dist_pkgdata_DATA += \
@@ -194,7 +213,6 @@ nobase_dist_pkgdata_DATA += \
 	lua/http/dialogs/stream_window.html \
 	lua/http/dialogs/offset_window.html \
 	lua/http/dialogs/stream_config_window.html \
-	lua/http/custom.lua \
 	lua/http/vlm.html \
 	lua/http/images/buttons.png \
 	lua/http/images/speaker-32.png \
@@ -243,67 +261,28 @@ nobase_dist_pkgdata_DATA += \
 	lua/http/js/ui.js \
 	lua/http/js/common.js \
 	lua/http/js/jquery.jstree.js \
-	lua/http/js/controllers.js
+	lua/http/js/controllers.js \
+	$(NULL)
 MOSTLYCLEANFILES += $(nobase_pkgdata_DATA)
 	lua/README.txt \
 	lua/extensions/README.txt \
-	lua/extensions/VLSub.lua \
 	lua/intf/README.txt \
-	lua/intf/cli.lua \
-	lua/intf/dummy.lua \
-	lua/intf/dumpmeta.lua \
-	lua/intf/http.lua \
-	lua/intf/luac.lua \
-	lua/intf/modules/host.lua \
-	lua/intf/modules/httprequests.lua \
-	lua/intf/telnet.lua \
 	lua/meta/README.txt \
 	lua/meta/art/README.txt \
-	lua/meta/art/02_frenchtv.lua \
-	lua/meta/art/03_lastfm.lua \
-	lua/meta/art/01_googleimage.lua \
-	lua/meta/art/00_musicbrainz.lua \
 	lua/meta/fetcher/README.txt \
 	lua/meta/reader/README.txt \
-	lua/meta/reader/filename.lua \
-	lua/modules/common.lua \
-	lua/modules/dkjson.lua \
-	lua/modules/sandbox.lua \
-	lua/modules/simplexml.lua \
 	lua/playlist/README.txt \
-	lua/playlist/anevia_streams.lua \
-	lua/playlist/anevia_xml.lua \
-	lua/playlist/appletrailers.lua \
-	lua/playlist/bbc_co_uk.lua \
-	lua/playlist/break.lua \
-	lua/playlist/cue.lua \
-	lua/playlist/dailymotion.lua \
-	lua/playlist/extreme.lua \
-	lua/playlist/france2.lua \
-	lua/playlist/jamendo.lua \
-	lua/playlist/katsomo.lua \
-	lua/playlist/koreus.lua \
-	lua/playlist/lelombrik.lua \
-	lua/playlist/liveleak.lua \
-	lua/playlist/metacafe.lua \
-	lua/playlist/mpora.lua \
-	lua/playlist/newgrounds.lua \
-	lua/playlist/pinkbike.lua \
-	lua/playlist/rockbox_fm_presets.lua \
-	lua/playlist/soundcloud.lua \
-	lua/playlist/vimeo.lua \
-	lua/playlist/vocaroo.lua \
-	lua/playlist/youtube.lua \
-	lua/playlist/twitch.lua \
-	lua/playlist/zapiks.lua \
 	lua/sd/README.txt \
-	lua/sd/fmc.lua \
-	lua/sd/icecast.lua \
-	lua/sd/icast.lua \
-	lua/sd/jamendo.lua
+	$(NULL)
 DIST_solid = \
 	solid/vlc-openbd.desktop \
 	solid/vlc-opencda.desktop \

@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ EXTRA_PROGRAMS = \
+	modules/lua/extensions/extensions.lua \
 	samples/certs/certkey.pem \
 	samples/empty.voc \
 	samples/image.jpg \

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/1046bc8d0eddac621ab94fffd40e1fc4ccd2f032...9459286c77dbd84ea8159983d249941cad38fc40

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/1046bc8d0eddac621ab94fffd40e1fc4ccd2f032...9459286c77dbd84ea8159983d249941cad38fc40
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