[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] modules: remove bandlimited "audio resampler"
Steve Lhomme (@robUx4)
gitlab at videolan.org
Mon Apr 8 14:52:22 UTC 2024
Steve Lhomme pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC
2e661498 by Thomas Guillem at 2024-04-08T13:32:19+00:00
modules: remove bandlimited "audio resampler"
cf. 9c74061333bd152a1467e49ed33b889c94410da9
Furthermore, it is probed as an "audio resampler" but won't load if
`fmt_in.audio.i_rate == fmt_out.audio.i_rate` causing this module to be
never loaded.
"audio resampler" change the rate live.
"audio converter" convert the fixed samplerate.
This module should have been an "audio converter".
- - - - -
5 changed files:
- modules/audio_filter/Makefile.am
- modules/audio_filter/meson.build
- − modules/audio_filter/resampler/bandlimited.c
- − modules/audio_filter/resampler/bandlimited.h
- po/POTFILES.in
@@ -114,9 +114,6 @@ audio_filter_LTLIBRARIES += \
# Resamplers
-libbandlimited_resampler_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
- audio_filter/resampler/bandlimited.c \
- audio_filter/resampler/bandlimited.h
libugly_resampler_plugin_la_SOURCES = audio_filter/resampler/ugly.c
libsamplerate_plugin_la_SOURCES = audio_filter/resampler/src.c
libsamplerate_plugin_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(SAMPLERATE_CFLAGS)
@@ -139,7 +136,6 @@ audio_filter_LTLIBRARIES += \
$(LTLIBebur128) \
- libbandlimited_resampler_plugin.la \
libsamplerate_plugin.la \
libsoxr_plugin.la \
@@ -185,12 +185,6 @@ vlc_modules += {
## Resampler
-# TODO: Band-limited resampler module
-#vlc_modules += {
-# 'name' : 'bandlimited_resampler',
-# 'sources' : files('resampler/bandlimited.c')
# Ugly resampler module
vlc_modules += {
'name' : 'ugly_resampler',
modules/audio_filter/resampler/bandlimited.c deleted
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
- * bandlimited.c : band-limited interpolation resampler
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2002, 2006 VLC authors and VideoLAN
- *
- * Authors: Gildas Bazin <gbazin at netcourrier.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
- * Preamble:
- *
- * This implementation of the band-limited interpolationis based on the
- * following paper:
- * http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/~jos/resample/resample.html
- *
- * It uses a Kaiser-windowed sinc-function low-pass filter and the width of the
- * filter is 13 samples.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-# include "config.h"
-#include <vlc_common.h>
-#include <vlc_plugin.h>
-#include <vlc_aout.h>
-#include <vlc_filter.h>
-#include <vlc_block.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "bandlimited.h"
- * Local prototypes
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* audio filter */
-static int OpenFilter ( vlc_object_t * );
-static void CloseFilter( filter_t * );
-static block_t *Resample( filter_t *, block_t * );
-static void ResampleFloat( filter_t *p_filter,
- block_t **pp_out_buf, size_t *pi_out,
- float **pp_in,
- int i_in, int i_in_end,
- double d_factor, bool b_factor_old,
- int i_nb_channels, int i_bytes_per_frame );
- * Local structures
- *****************************************************************************/
-typedef struct
- int32_t *p_buf; /* this filter introduces a delay */
- size_t i_buf_size;
- double d_old_factor;
- size_t i_old_wing;
- unsigned int i_remainder; /* remainder of previous sample */
- bool b_first;
- date_t end_date;
-} filter_sys_t;
- * Module descriptor
- *****************************************************************************/
-vlc_module_begin ()
- set_subcategory( SUBCAT_AUDIO_RESAMPLER )
- set_description( N_("Audio filter for band-limited interpolation resampling") )
- set_capability( "audio converter", 20 )
- set_callback( OpenFilter )
- add_submodule()
- set_capability( "audio resampler", 20 )
- set_callback( OpenFilter )
-vlc_module_end ()
- * Resample: convert a buffer
- *****************************************************************************/
-static block_t *Resample( filter_t * p_filter, block_t * p_in_buf )
- if( !p_in_buf || !p_in_buf->i_nb_samples )
- {
- if( p_in_buf )
- block_Release( p_in_buf );
- return NULL;
- }
- filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
- unsigned int i_out_rate = p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate;
- int i_nb_channels = p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_channels;
- /* Check if we really need to run the resampler */
- if( i_out_rate == p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate )
- {
- if( !(p_in_buf->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY) &&
- p_sys->i_old_wing )
- {
- /* output the whole thing with the samples from last time */
- p_in_buf = block_Realloc( p_in_buf,
- p_sys->i_old_wing * p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_bytes_per_frame,
- p_in_buf->i_buffer );
- if( !p_in_buf )
- return NULL;
- memcpy( p_in_buf->p_buffer, p_sys->p_buf +
- i_nb_channels * p_sys->i_old_wing,
- p_sys->i_old_wing *
- p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_bytes_per_frame );
- p_in_buf->i_nb_samples += p_sys->i_old_wing;
- p_in_buf->i_pts = date_Get( &p_sys->end_date );
- p_in_buf->i_length =
- date_Increment( &p_sys->end_date,
- p_in_buf->i_nb_samples ) - p_in_buf->i_pts;
- }
- p_sys->i_old_wing = 0;
- p_sys->b_first = true;
- return p_in_buf;
- }
- unsigned i_bytes_per_frame = p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_channels *
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_bitspersample / 8;
- size_t i_out_size = i_bytes_per_frame * ( 1 + ( p_in_buf->i_nb_samples *
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate / p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate) )
- + p_sys->i_buf_size;
- block_t *p_out_buf = block_Alloc( i_out_size );
- if( !p_out_buf )
- {
- block_Release( p_in_buf );
- return NULL;
- }
- if( (p_in_buf->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY) || p_sys->b_first )
- {
- /* Continuity in sound samples has been broken, we'd better reset
- * everything. */
- p_out_buf->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY;
- p_sys->i_remainder = 0;
- date_Init( &p_sys->end_date, i_out_rate, 1 );
- date_Set( &p_sys->end_date, p_in_buf->i_pts );
- p_sys->d_old_factor = 1;
- p_sys->i_old_wing = 0;
- p_sys->b_first = false;
- }
- size_t i_in_nb = p_in_buf->i_nb_samples;
- size_t i_in, i_out = 0;
- double d_factor, d_scale_factor, d_old_scale_factor;
- size_t i_filter_wing;
-#if 0
- msg_Err( p_filter, "old rate: %i, old factor: %f, old wing: %i, i_in: %i",
- p_sys->i_old_rate, p_sys->d_old_factor,
- p_sys->i_old_wing, i_in_nb );
- /* Same format in and out... */
- assert( p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_bytes_per_frame == i_bytes_per_frame );
- /* Prepare the source buffer */
- if( p_sys->i_old_wing )
- { /* Copy all our samples in p_in_buf */
- /* Normally, there should be enough room for the old wing in the
- * buffer head room. Otherwise, we need to copy memory anyway. */
- p_in_buf = block_Realloc( p_in_buf,
- p_sys->i_old_wing * 2 * i_bytes_per_frame,
- p_in_buf->i_buffer );
- if( unlikely(p_in_buf == NULL) )
- return NULL;
- memcpy( p_in_buf->p_buffer, p_sys->p_buf,
- p_sys->i_old_wing * 2 * i_bytes_per_frame );
- }
- i_in_nb += (p_sys->i_old_wing * 2);
- float *p_in = (float *)p_in_buf->p_buffer;
- const float *p_in_orig = p_in;
- /* Make sure the output buffer is reset */
- memset( p_out_buf->p_buffer, 0, p_out_buf->i_buffer );
- /* Calculate the new length of the filter wing */
- d_factor = (double)i_out_rate / p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate;
- i_filter_wing = ((SMALL_FILTER_NMULT+1)/2.0) * __MAX(1.0,1.0/d_factor) + 1;
- /* Account for increased filter gain when using factors less than 1 */
- d_old_scale_factor = SMALL_FILTER_SCALE *
- p_sys->d_old_factor + 0.5;
- d_scale_factor = SMALL_FILTER_SCALE * d_factor + 0.5;
- /* Apply the old rate until we have enough samples for the new one */
- i_in = p_sys->i_old_wing;
- p_in += p_sys->i_old_wing * i_nb_channels;
- size_t i_old_in_end = 0;
- if( p_sys->i_old_wing <= i_in_nb )
- i_old_in_end = __MIN( i_filter_wing, i_in_nb - p_sys->i_old_wing );
- ResampleFloat( p_filter,
- &p_out_buf, &i_out, &p_in,
- i_in, i_old_in_end,
- p_sys->d_old_factor, true,
- i_nb_channels, i_bytes_per_frame );
- i_in = __MAX( i_in, i_old_in_end );
- /* Apply the new rate for the rest of the samples */
- if( i_in < i_in_nb - i_filter_wing )
- {
- p_sys->d_old_factor = d_factor;
- p_sys->i_old_wing = i_filter_wing;
- }
- if( p_out_buf )
- {
- ResampleFloat( p_filter,
- &p_out_buf, &i_out, &p_in,
- i_in, i_in_nb - i_filter_wing,
- d_factor, false,
- i_nb_channels, i_bytes_per_frame );
- /* Finalize aout buffer */
- p_out_buf->i_nb_samples = i_out;
- p_out_buf->i_dts =
- p_out_buf->i_pts = date_Get( &p_sys->end_date );
- p_out_buf->i_length = date_Increment( &p_sys->end_date,
- p_out_buf->i_nb_samples ) - p_out_buf->i_pts;
- p_out_buf->i_buffer = p_out_buf->i_nb_samples *
- i_nb_channels * sizeof(int32_t);
- }
- /* Buffer i_filter_wing * 2 samples for next time */
- if( p_sys->i_old_wing )
- {
- size_t newsize = p_sys->i_old_wing * 2 * i_bytes_per_frame;
- if( newsize > p_sys->i_buf_size )
- {
- free( p_sys->p_buf );
- p_sys->p_buf = malloc( newsize );
- if( p_sys->p_buf != NULL )
- p_sys->i_buf_size = newsize;
- else
- {
- p_sys->i_buf_size = p_sys->i_old_wing = 0; /* oops! */
- block_Release( p_in_buf );
- return p_out_buf;
- }
- }
- memcpy( p_sys->p_buf,
- p_in_orig + (i_in_nb - 2 * p_sys->i_old_wing) *
- i_nb_channels, (2 * p_sys->i_old_wing) *
- p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_bytes_per_frame );
- }
-#if 0
- msg_Err( p_filter, "p_out size: %i, nb bytes out: %i", p_out_buf->i_buffer,
- i_out * p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_bytes_per_frame );
- block_Release( p_in_buf );
- return p_out_buf;
-static const struct vlc_filter_operations filter_ops = {
- .filter_audio = Resample, .close = CloseFilter,
- * OpenFilter:
- *****************************************************************************/
-static int OpenFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this )
- filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this;
- filter_sys_t *p_sys;
- unsigned int i_out_rate = p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate;
- if ( p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate == p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate
- || p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_format != p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_format
- || p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_channels != p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_channels
- || p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_format != VLC_CODEC_FL32 )
- {
- return VLC_EGENERIC;
- }
- /* Allocate the memory needed to store the module's structure */
- p_filter->p_sys = p_sys = malloc( sizeof(*p_sys) );
- if( p_sys == NULL )
- return VLC_ENOMEM;
- p_sys->p_buf = NULL;
- p_sys->i_buf_size = 0;
- p_sys->i_old_wing = 0;
- p_sys->b_first = true;
- p_filter->ops = &filter_ops;
- msg_Dbg( p_this, "%4.4s/%iKHz/%i->%4.4s/%iKHz/%i",
- (char *)&p_filter->fmt_in.i_codec,
- p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate,
- p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_channels,
- (char *)&p_filter->fmt_out.i_codec,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_channels);
- p_filter->fmt_out = p_filter->fmt_in;
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate = i_out_rate;
- return 0;
- * CloseFilter : deallocate data structures
- *****************************************************************************/
-static void CloseFilter( filter_t *p_filter )
- filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
- free( p_sys->p_buf );
- free( p_sys );
-static void FilterFloatUP( const float Imp[], const float ImpD[], uint16_t Nwing, float *p_in,
- float *p_out, uint32_t ui_remainder,
- uint32_t ui_output_rate, int16_t Inc, int i_nb_channels )
- const float *Hp, *Hdp, *End;
- float t, temp;
- uint32_t ui_linear_remainder;
- int i;
- Hp = &Imp[(ui_remainder<<Nhc)/ui_output_rate];
- Hdp = &ImpD[(ui_remainder<<Nhc)/ui_output_rate];
- End = &Imp[Nwing];
- ui_linear_remainder = (ui_remainder<<Nhc) -
- (ui_remainder<<Nhc)/ui_output_rate*ui_output_rate;
- if (Inc == 1) /* If doing right wing... */
- { /* ...drop extra coeff, so when Ph is */
- End--; /* 0.5, we don't do too many mult's */
- if (ui_remainder == 0) /* If the phase is zero... */
- { /* ...then we've already skipped the */
- Hp += Npc; /* first sample, so we must also */
- Hdp += Npc; /* skip ahead in Imp[] and ImpD[] */
- }
- }
- while (Hp < End) {
- t = *Hp; /* Get filter coeff */
- /* t is now interp'd filter coeff */
- t += *Hdp * ui_linear_remainder / ui_output_rate / Npc;
- for( i = 0; i < i_nb_channels; i++ )
- {
- temp = t;
- temp *= *(p_in+i); /* Mult coeff by input sample */
- *(p_out+i) += temp; /* The filter output */
- }
- Hdp += Npc; /* Filter coeff differences step */
- Hp += Npc; /* Filter coeff step */
- p_in += (Inc * i_nb_channels); /* Input signal step */
- }
-static void FilterFloatUD( const float Imp[], const float ImpD[], uint16_t Nwing, float *p_in,
- float *p_out, uint32_t ui_remainder,
- uint32_t ui_output_rate, uint32_t ui_input_rate,
- int16_t Inc, int i_nb_channels )
- const float *Hp, *Hdp, *End;
- float t, temp;
- uint32_t ui_linear_remainder;
- int i, ui_counter = 0;
- Hp = Imp + (ui_remainder<<Nhc) / ui_input_rate;
- Hdp = ImpD + (ui_remainder<<Nhc) / ui_input_rate;
- End = &Imp[Nwing];
- if (Inc == 1) /* If doing right wing... */
- { /* ...drop extra coeff, so when Ph is */
- End--; /* 0.5, we don't do too many mult's */
- if (ui_remainder == 0) /* If the phase is zero... */
- { /* ...then we've already skipped the */
- Hp = Imp + /* first sample, so we must also */
- (ui_output_rate << Nhc) / ui_input_rate;
- Hdp = ImpD + /* skip ahead in Imp[] and ImpD[] */
- (ui_output_rate << Nhc) / ui_input_rate;
- ui_counter++;
- }
- }
- while (Hp < End) {
- t = *Hp; /* Get filter coeff */
- /* t is now interp'd filter coeff */
- ui_linear_remainder =
- ((ui_output_rate * ui_counter + ui_remainder)<< Nhc) -
- ((ui_output_rate * ui_counter + ui_remainder)<< Nhc) /
- ui_input_rate * ui_input_rate;
- t += *Hdp * ui_linear_remainder / ui_input_rate / Npc;
- for( i = 0; i < i_nb_channels; i++ )
- {
- temp = t;
- temp *= *(p_in+i); /* Mult coeff by input sample */
- *(p_out+i) += temp; /* The filter output */
- }
- ui_counter++;
- /* Filter coeff step */
- Hp = Imp + ((ui_output_rate * ui_counter + ui_remainder)<< Nhc)
- / ui_input_rate;
- /* Filter coeff differences step */
- Hdp = ImpD + ((ui_output_rate * ui_counter + ui_remainder)<< Nhc)
- / ui_input_rate;
- p_in += (Inc * i_nb_channels); /* Input signal step */
- }
-static int ReallocBuffer( block_t **pp_out_buf,
- float **pp_out, size_t i_out,
- int i_nb_channels, int i_bytes_per_frame )
- if( i_out < (*pp_out_buf)->i_buffer/i_bytes_per_frame )
- return VLC_SUCCESS;
- /* It may happen when the wing size changes */
- const unsigned i_extra_frame = 256;
- *pp_out_buf = block_Realloc( *pp_out_buf, 0,
- (*pp_out_buf)->i_buffer +
- i_extra_frame * i_bytes_per_frame );
- if( !*pp_out_buf )
- return VLC_EGENERIC;
- *pp_out = (float*)(*pp_out_buf)->p_buffer + i_out * i_nb_channels;
- memset( *pp_out, 0, i_extra_frame * i_bytes_per_frame );
- return VLC_SUCCESS;
-static void ResampleFloat( filter_t *p_filter,
- block_t **pp_out_buf, size_t *pi_out,
- float **pp_in,
- int i_in, int i_in_end,
- double d_factor, bool b_factor_old,
- int i_nb_channels, int i_bytes_per_frame )
- filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
- float *p_in = *pp_in;
- size_t i_out = *pi_out;
- float *p_out = (float*)(*pp_out_buf)->p_buffer + i_out * i_nb_channels;
- for( ; i_in < i_in_end; i_in++ )
- {
- if( b_factor_old && d_factor == 1 )
- {
- if( ReallocBuffer( pp_out_buf, &p_out,
- i_out, i_nb_channels, i_bytes_per_frame ) )
- return;
- /* Just copy the samples */
- memcpy( p_out, p_in, i_bytes_per_frame );
- p_in += i_nb_channels;
- p_out += i_nb_channels;
- i_out++;
- continue;
- }
- while( p_sys->i_remainder < p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate )
- {
- if( ReallocBuffer( pp_out_buf, &p_out,
- i_out, i_nb_channels, i_bytes_per_frame ) )
- return;
- if( d_factor >= 1 )
- {
- /* FilterFloatUP() is faster if we can use it */
- /* Perform left-wing inner product */
- SMALL_FILTER_NWING, p_in, p_out,
- p_sys->i_remainder,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate,
- -1, i_nb_channels );
- /* Perform right-wing inner product */
- SMALL_FILTER_NWING, p_in + i_nb_channels, p_out,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate -
- p_sys->i_remainder,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate,
- 1, i_nb_channels );
-#if 0
- /* Normalize for unity filter gain */
- for( i = 0; i < i_nb_channels; i++ )
- {
- *(p_out+i) *= d_old_scale_factor;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Perform left-wing inner product */
- SMALL_FILTER_NWING, p_in, p_out,
- p_sys->i_remainder,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate, p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate,
- -1, i_nb_channels );
- /* Perform right-wing inner product */
- SMALL_FILTER_NWING, p_in + i_nb_channels, p_out,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate -
- p_sys->i_remainder,
- p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate, p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate,
- 1, i_nb_channels );
- }
- p_out += i_nb_channels;
- i_out++;
- p_sys->i_remainder += p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_rate;
- }
- p_in += i_nb_channels;
- p_sys->i_remainder -= p_filter->fmt_out.audio.i_rate;
- }
- *pp_in = p_in;
- *pi_out = i_out;
modules/audio_filter/resampler/bandlimited.h deleted
@@ -1,3124 +0,0 @@
- * bandlimited.h : bandlimited interpolation resampler
- *****************************************************************************
- * Copyright (C) 2002 VLC authors and VideoLAN
- *
- * Authors: Gildas Bazin <gbazin at netcourrier.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* Conversion constants */
-#define Nhc 8
-#define Npc (1<<Nhc)
-/* Description of constants:
- *
- * Npc - is the number of look-up values available for the lowpass filter
- * between the beginning of its impulse response and the "cutoff time"
- * of the filter. The cutoff time is defined as the reciprocal of the
- * lowpass-filter cut off frequence in Hz. For example, if the
- * lowpass filter were a sinc function, Npc would be the index of the
- * impulse-response lookup-table corresponding to the first zero-
- * crossing of the sinc function. (The inverse first zero-crossing
- * time of a sinc function equals its nominal cutoff frequency in Hz.)
- * Npc must be a power of 2 due to the details of the current
- * implementation. The default value of 512 is sufficiently high that
- * using linear interpolation to fill in between the table entries
- * gives approximately 16-bit accuracy in filter coefficients.
- *
- * Nhc - is log base 2 of Npc.
- */
-#define SMALL_FILTER_NMULT ((int16_t)13)
-#define SMALL_FILTER_SCALE 13128 /* Unity-gain scale factor */
-#define SMALL_FILTER_NWING 1536 /* Filter table length */
-static const float SMALL_FILTER_FLOAT_IMP[] /* Impulse response */ = {
-static const float SMALL_FILTER_FLOAT_IMPD[] /* Impulse response */ = {
@@ -235,7 +235,6 @@ modules/audio_filter/gain.c
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